Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2215: Do not let go!

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It's too exaggerated!

That sarcophagus is the suppressor of the Second Age!


The supreme being who created the era!

It can be said to be invincible in the era it created!

It is now the twelfth era!

It is also the era of Hongmeng!

Hongmeng Lord is recognized as invincible!

Is it!

The sarcophagus was given to the mysterious young man in front of him by Hongmeng Tribulation!

Thoughts flashed by, and Elder Gu Su waited blankly at Chen Zheng, and for a time he didn't know what to say!

"Jiutianji pepper, how much do you still have?"

At this time Chen Zheng asked.

"Old decay, all Jiutianji peppers were picked!"

The old man on the ground responded instantaneously, swooping out of his body, and within ten breaths, he returned to the ancient palace like a wind and a cloud, and then presented a storage bag.


Chen Zheng grabs it!

Open the storage bag at once!

Hundreds of strings of Jiutian Chili flew out instantly!

See this scene!

The appearance of the lord of the Epoch Demon House has changed slightly!

I just felt a sudden hotness somewhere on my body!

Not to mention that hundreds of strings of nine days are extremely hot!

They can't eat even a nine-day spicy!

"Not bad."

Chen Zheng nodded in satisfaction, opened his mouth, and he swallowed all the hundreds of string of nine days of extremely spicy food.


The lord of the era demon palace and other bodies could not help shaking!

This hundred strings of nine days of extreme spice can make the Epoch Overlord sleep for at least a million years!

Is this really okay!


Just when they were staring at Chen Zheng's interest time, Chen Zheng said three words with a smile. When they heard these three words, they were silent for a while. At the moment, they couldn't say a word except for the exclamation in their hearts. !

"It should give Na Qi Tian Gu demon a chance to return to his peak, maybe it can help me open another shackle."

Chen Zheng said softly.


Help the ancient demon restore its peak?

Undo the shackles?

The lord of the era demon palace waited for a moment to show his doubts!


This is the moment!

Epoch Demon Palace is another shock!


The master of the house and others looked at it!

All stared in one direction!


next moment!

Above the era demon palace!

The sky dome twisted for a while!

A huge phantom emerged!


Is the Emperor Dragon Emperor lowered incarnate again!

The master and others were shocked!

But when looking up at the sky!

It was instantly determined that it was not the incarnation of Emperor Demon Dragon Emperor!

Because that is a huge phantom is a wolf!


The master thought a little!

"The Wrath Snow Emperor, this time succeeded, he succeeded in getting connected with the Sky Wyvern Sirius, which attracted the Sky Wyrm Siren's will! It's not bad, we didn't waste our efforts in vain, and waited until the Blood Wraith's blood was completely awakened. , Also have the opportunity to compete for the Pride List!"

The old man smiled!

"But... how do you feel something is wrong?"

Elder Gu Su frowned slightly!

"It is indeed the blood line that this seat stays in between heaven and earth. It happens that this seat has lost its physical body. You are in this physical body!"

Almost at the same time!

The indifferent and indifferent voice of the huge phantom in the sky sounded!



That huge phantom turned into a ghost and shot down!

Capture the house!


There are souls going up and down the mountain!

Two words popped out of my mind!


The main body of the era of the Demon Mansion is sinking. I thought it was the Snow Wraith Emperor who successfully connected the Will of the Devouring Sirius. The Sky Sworn Sirius will help the Snow Emperor to awaken the power of the bloodline. Sirius will take away the angry Snow Demon Emperor!

Devouring Sirius lost its flesh!

Now it happens to be missing a flesh!

How to do!

How many people can't stop the will of Sirius!


Several people in the ancient hall looked at Chen Zheng!

"Seize... My disciple thinks that the angry snow demon emperor is cute, so I let this fellow treat my disciple as a spiritual pet. Do you seize the angry snow demon emperor, is he still him? So you are not allowed to take the house."

At this time, Chen Zheng smiled faintly, although the voice was very flat, but the whole creatures of Chaotian Mountain were heard!


The Niubi heard this voice and froze for a moment to recognize it, the voice of the young man in the fourth realm before! At this moment, my heart was shocked, and my own speculation should be correct. The person who wanted to kill in the roar of the Emperor Dragon Emperor was probably the young man who could not destroy the fourth realm!

That young man was the mysterious man who had not appeared in the **** shadow on the sky dome of Youdu before, the mysterious man who hanged the incarnation of the Emperor Demon Dragon!

"Huh? What are you, what is your disciple, this seat wants to take the blood descendants of this seat, and it is up to you to take care of it? Let this seat see what you are! Huh! Ridiculous! The Four Realms, it turned out to be just a small waste that does not destroy the fourth realm. You dare to take control of this small waste!"

Gone into the sky by Sirius's will, and looked toward the depths of the Era Demon Mansion. Lengheng shot again towards the retreat of the Angry Snow Demon Emperor in the Era Demon Mansion!

"I can't let go."

In the ancient palace deep in the era of the Yuan Dynasty, Chen Zheng smiled lightly, and at the same time, he raised his right hand, grabbed the empty will of Sirius, and heard a roar, and then you were caught in the ancient palace!


There are no creatures outside the ancient hall of the Demon Palace!

Startled at this moment!

Because whether it is from the voice or from Sirius will just said!

We already know that the person who blocks Sirius is Chen Zheng!



It seems really stopped!


It was the young man who stopped the incarnation of the Emperor Dragon Emperor Yang!

and many more!

It’s not that man who suppresses the ancient demon!

At this moment, not only the bull demon, almost all the creatures up and down the Chaotian Mountain thought of this, one by one, they could not help but looked into the depths of the era of the Demon Palace!

this moment!

I want to know what is inside!

In the unpretentious ancient palace!

"Do you know that this seat is a sky-eater Sirius, this seat can swallow even the era, this seat once stood..."

Devouring Sirius will now be crushed to the size of a slap. It looks like a phantom wolf dog of the size of a slap, glaring at Chen Zheng now! However, he roared twice, Chen Zheng squeezed at will, and the little wolf dog shattered!

"Being well-behaved in the wrath of the angry snow emperor Yuan Shen, you are worthless in my eyes."

Chen Zheng said casually, and shattered the will of the Sirius at will. When the glory flashed, the Will of the Broken Sirius flew out of the ancient palace, and flew to the demon palace where the angry snow demon retreat and practice!


After a moment!

In that demon palace!

Howling Sirius came!

Immediately afterwards, there was a huge release of demon power!


A silver giant wolf appeared above the era demon palace!

"Oh... um? Chen Zu! Lying! Is this Chen Zu saved Xiao Nu Rang me? Woo woo! Xiao Nu Rang is so Xiao NuRang misses Chen very much Ancestor, Xiao Nu Nu also misses his master!"


The silver giant wolf has raised his head!

Posing to Tian Changxiao!

But he shouted and felt a breath!



The silver giant wolf crawled to the depths of the era of the Demon Palace!


Inside and outside the ancient hall!

The creatures in Chaotian Mountain are a little ignorant!

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