Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2241: The easiest battle in history?

"This? Is he still drinking tea?"

"His tea seems to be a bit special, but this is not the point. The point is that he is the one who is in pressure, and the Tianjiao Tian hook clan gods in Youdu are staring at him, and he is about to encounter danger. He doesn’t care at all, does he? Was it really the number?"

"The first ring overlord is against the second ring overlord, let alone the Skyhook tribe, how can it not be beaten!"

Outside the space of war, that is, the huge temple of the undefeated temple, the monks of all avenues whispered!

"Hey! If the Lord of Red Dust is in battle in the space of war of war, my **** son will definitely not dare to do it, but the Lord of Dust of Red dust is not in the space of war of war!"

The old man of the Tian hook race smiled again!

"Sky Hook"

Red Dust Lord whispered. 【Home of Novels by Hand_New^Si^^^^^^^^_New website_Www.SLz]


Inside the war space!

"Lao Tzu is sitting on the God of War like your son today. I really feel ashamed!"

The old man in white on the constellation hundreds of meters away, seeing it already started, stared at Chen Zheng with a cry! Many other people on the throne couldn't help shaking their heads. It was unfortunate that the girl had such a pressure on the girl!

"Do you have any cards?"

Suddenly, the wonderful lady of Qingzong asked.

"The bottom card? This is all drunk when drinking tea, and there is no mana. What kind of bottom card can he have? Under the girl who has only the spirit body, the talent is extraordinary, and the spirit body is built into an era overlord. If you visit our glass palace, Our Liuli Palace named her as a saint! Unfortunately, there are rules, I can’t shoot, otherwise I will urge the **** of war to save the girl!"

The old man in white hummed again!

"Zhangtian Domain Liuli Palace"

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of the man in the gown, and it seemed that he did not expect that Liuli Palace would send someone this time.

Although this Liuli Palace cannot be compared with the most top-level Taoism such as the Great Chaos Sword Palace and the Everlasting Taoist Sect in the domain of Zhangtian, the status of the first ancestor of the Liuli Palace is very special, and it is closely related to the Holy Emperor Zhangtian.

"You can rest assured that no one dared to touch the girl, at least nobody in the space of war."

At this time Chen Zheng put down the tea cup and smiled slightly.


No one dares to move that girl?

Hasn't the Tian hook tribe already started?

Is this child really drunk with tea?

The brows of the people around the God of War are slightly raised!


It is at this moment!

Suddenly came a cry!


Just listen to a loud noise!

Skyhook God Son was blasted!

Although intact!

Quickly stabilized his body!

But God Hook God didn't dare to move!

A face sank at the moment!

Yan Yi is staring!

"Lying trough!"

"That magic pupil is the true pupil!"

"Wait! I know that one day in Yudu Dayu proudly possesses the pupil of the real demon, but isn't that the person who pity the world demon palace, how could this girl be! Did someone deprive the pupil of the real demon and let this girl merge! "


The huge temple outside!

The unanimous spirits of all avenues are horrified!


See it all!

The eye of the real demon emerging from Yan Yi's eyebrows!

"The Eye of the True Devil"

Laiyin laughed at the Tiangou tribe's elders, and now a face also became very gloomy. Although the Tiangou tribe was fierce, they did not dare to provoke the supreme true demon. Shun the real demon!

"I see! He has long known that this girl has the pupil of the real demon, so he is so calm, with the pupil of the real demon, no one dares to do anything to this girl!"


Someone shouted!


The rest of the Taoist people instantly showed their enlightenment!

"No wonder!"

"No wonder the Lord of Red Dust is not going to fight, but this one is going to fight, because no matter who is fighting, this girl will be fine!"

"The pupil of the true demon is really enviable, although I don’t know why the pupil of the true demon is on her, but she now has the pupil of the true demon! Alas! If I could have the pupil of the true demon too!"

With a sigh of emotion!

The Red Dust Master, Queen Bee, Elder Elder, Step Elder, Dark Immortal Sect Master, and Su Changqing also have some emotions, but they are different from other Taoist people, because only they know how the pupil of the true demon came. of!

"Wait not for this girl, but for Princess Qiyu and the other Taoist prince!"

After a while, someone shouted again!


"It seems so!"

"Princess Qiyu and the girl who is not the Taoist ancestor can't have a real demon pupil!"

The rest of the Taoist people also reacted instantly!


When the eyes move!

Looked at the light curtain on the transparent ball!

When I found the figure of Princess Qiyu!

One by one is silent!

Princess Qiyu in the light curtain at this moment!

The light around the body is surging!

That day the God of Hook changed his target before that moment!

Appeared in front of Princess Qiyu!

But just before he threw it, he was blown away by the Divine Light!

He, the second ring overlord, can't get close!

"There is also a girl who is not a Taoist ancestor!"


Someone shout again!


Everyone's eyes moved again!

Sweep the transparent light ball on the light curtain!

Want to find the figure of Yan Nu!

But all the light curtains have been searched, but no female figure has been found!

"Is it gone?"

"Has it fallen?"

"It should have fallen. That girl is not even Dao Zu. The weakest person who entered the space of ten thousand wars is also the fifth indestructible. Dao Zu is not worse than the cannon fodder. The girl seems to have fallen."

There was a brief silence, and the people of all avenues whispered.

"This won't be true"

Elder Elder frowned!

"Huh? Strange." Also at this moment, the undefeated shrine Master Lu also showed the color of doubt. He lifted his right hand, facing the transparent light ball a little, and the light curtain on the transparent light ball was transformed into a whole, light curtain The scene inside Zhongwan Battle Space flashed by quickly.





this moment!

Even the undefeated shrine lord was shocked!


At this moment in the light curtain!

A girl appeared!

And that girl is the Yan woman who is not as good as the cannons in the eyes of the monks of the various roads!

Yan Nu has already reached the core area of ​​Wanzhan Space!

At this moment a person stepped into that robbery!




A strange scene appeared!

The robbery retreated!

The robbery gave way!

Yan Nu is equivalent to walking in front of the stone hall in the center of Wanzhan Space without any obstruction!

"I'm here, why aren't Sister Yan Yi and Sister Qiyu yet?"

At this time!

Everyone heard a doubt!




Inside the war space!

On the sky of the **** of war!

The old man in white in the Liuli Palace Elder Fiery Wings of the Temple of Fire, or the rest of the Taoist forces, their eyes are also on the most central area of ​​the next 10,000 war space, and they are still silent at this moment. language!

This Nima!

Did not notice at all!

This girl who was not a Taoist ancestor was the first to the central stone hall!

"This assessment is not difficult for them, why should I worry about it."

At this time Chen Zheng smiled.


An old man in white is instantly blue!

"This brother's battle should be considered the most relaxed battle in history."

Qingzong of Qingzong said with emotion.

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