Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2244: Almighty Almighty Great Reincarnation Monument

"Master, who is Li in the third place?"

Yan Nu asked curiously.

"It should be the master of Yuanxu."

Chen Zheng replied.

"Master of Yuanxu? Is the master of Yuanxu called Li?"

Yan Nu was surprised.

She comes from outside the domain, and of course she knows who is the master of Yuanxu.

It is no wonder that Yuanxu has existed outside the territory for so many years, and no one outside can find out the details of Yuanxu, because the top-level half-step overlord outside the territory is not at the same level as the master of Yuanxu!

Master of Yuanxu!

Taixu ranked third on the list!

Higher ranking than those famous creatures in Taixu!

What Taihuang, Taixuan, Lord of Taiyin, Supreme True Demon, Eternal Dragon, etc. were all left behind!

"What about the fifth red bean? It's called red bean, it should be a woman."

Yan Nu asked again.

"She should be a disciple of a certain status in my first life."

Chen Zheng replied.


Yan Nu was shocked again.


Disciple of a certain identity in the first life?

Is it so strong!

"If the Hongmeng Tribulation Lord enters the Taixu, then the Hongmeng Tribulation Lord is at least the first two. There are still some creatures in this world that are extremely tyrannical and are not in the Taixu, such as the reincarnation of the Lord, such as the one who came to the Taixu a few months ago. Mysterious woman. As far as I know, that woman should have something to do with you. If it is comprehensive strength, that woman can be ranked first."

Among the monuments, there were some wretched metal sounds.

"It should be the other one of the two zeros."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"The other one of the two zeros?" Yan Nu showed her doubts, but did not continue to ask, thinking for a while and looking at the **** stele: "The top list came out, and the overlord list also changed. Now the overlord list Who is the first person?"


The **** stele flashes!

Overlord list appeared directly in front of Yan Nu!

"Huh? The first place in the overlord list is... White Invincible, this White Invincible...Does Master know?"

Yan girl glanced at Chen Zheng again.

"This white invincible comes from the Xianwu Great World. It is currently in the second largest domain of the anode temple. There is the bloodline of the chaotic Bai family. When he entered the Taixu market, he was a half-step hegemon. Within a day, he became a ancestor. At the level of hegemony, he has become a hegemon in three months, and he is now an eighth ring hegemon. His sword is too strong, and the eighth ring hegemony can draw the tenth ring hegemony. No problem."

The sound of metal spirits in the stele responded.

"White invincible...should not stay long in the overlord list."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Why?" Yan girl asked subconsciously, but quickly responded: "The disciple understands that this invincible Bai should be able to be on the top list in a short time."

"It really won't be long. This guy has already gone to the broken land. Then there will be a robbery. After this robbery, he will be able to make a breakthrough and directly override the era overlord."

The sound of metal sounded again.

"You should know where is the epoch monument of the Cang Qing epoch?"

At this time, Chen Zheng's eyes were taken back from the list, and he looked at the Shenbei and asked.

"In the vein of Cang Qing, or being guarded by the vein of Cang Qing, it shouldn't be called or guarded. It's because the vein of Cang Qing can't get the epoch stele of Cang Qing epoch." Hesitantly replied: "The Cang Qing Era is also called the Era of Life. The destruction of this Era is said to be related to the Emperor Tai. It seems that the Emperor has cut the Cang Qing to rob the Lord. I don’t know the specific situation. Anyway, the Era Monument is in Cang Qing In the territory, it was just sealed up by someone. I don’t know who sealed it, and the seal location is deep in Qingshan. Qingshan sounds very ordinary, but that place, if it is overstepped in half a step, it must be forced."

"Qingshan...Half-step transcendental creatures will also be forced to the realm, is it so powerful?"

Yan Nu didn't believe it.

"Half the step is off, I have to press the realm, then I am not in a hurry to get the Epoch Monument, and let go of the extreme evil first. In this blue area, there is abandoned Taoism that seals the extreme evil, and there should also be the remnants of You'er. soul."

Chen Zheng nodded thoughtfully.

"Very devil reads... Is the evil left by the Hun Tian Da Mo Lord............ Forgot, you are the reincarnation of the Hun Tian Da Mo Lord, and you should have no problem releasing it. But at your present level, it is very difficult to help you to open the mana shackles of your body just because of a terrible evil. You are now indestructible with the shackles of the sixth realm, and at least ten monstrous shackles to open the shackles of the seventh realm The bombardment of the extreme level of power is enough. However, as far as I know, in the past hundreds of millions of years, you are at the peak and the Hongmeng robbery at the peak, and the gold sign that hit the Universiade to break the land before. The force of the heavenly master who forcibly merged the Lord of the Hidden Capital, can urge the pole of Hongmeng. By the way, that mysterious woman can also urge the pole of Hongmeng, but the woman gave me the feeling that it was obviously hiding from you. Or I don’t want to see you."

The sound of the **** stele sounded.

"Huh? Why do you seem to know everything?"

Yan Nu stared at the Shenbei Road.

"My complete body is called the Almighty Almighty Great Reincarnation Monument. Later, it was smashed because of the battle of the Great Destruction and fell into this vast universe. Although it is not as good as the original, I still basically know what happened in this vast universe. Yes. I know there are many transcendental objects in your Master Yuanshen, and even know that your Master is integrated with the cantilever of the universe. If this is not the case, I will not take the initiative to show your Master."

The metallic voice replied, and it sounded a little more timid.

"All-knowing Almighty Great Reincarnation Monument? The Great Destruction Battle?"

Yan girl blinked, her eyes full of curiosity~ Little girl, you have a special physique, but it is too far to repair, you still don't need to understand the battle of the great annihilation. Because even if your master's mana is restored to its peak or even detached, the battle of the Great Destroy is not much different from cannon fodder. The battle of the Great Extinction is too involved, and the nine major reincarnations are involved in it. This Hongmeng universe is only the first major reincarnation... Amount, it is a bit far away. "

The metallic sound suddenly became a little heavy. After a pause, Chen Zhengdao said: "There are three cosmic cantilevers that flow into the Hongmeng universe. The first two are related to zero. The third one runs into the Hongmeng universe by itself. The third Fuse by you. The first two cosmic cantilevers are broken, and half of the first two are broken. You can already get it. I can tell you that one of the remaining two pieces is in the Holy Mountain. The owner of the Holy Mountain is called the Saint Body Master, when you were in the Holy Spirit world, you also fought against the fellow in the air."

"Master of the corpse... No. 12 on the list!"

After hearing the name, Yan Nu only realized that she was familiar with it. She quickly looked towards the top list and found the name of the master of the corpse!

"St. Emperor Mountain is drifting in the Taixu, it is not easy to find St. Emperor Mountain, then if you put St. Emperor Mountain into a broken place, it is even more difficult to find that man. Before you are absolutely sure, I suggest you restore the mana first. The mana in your body is unlocked to the half-step dominance level, you don’t need to rely on the real blood and the main road platform or the cantilever of the universe, you should be able to pinch the dead parallel half-step. The flesh and spirit, I think that in addition to the creatures that control the extreme power of Hongmeng and the stronger power, others can be pinched to death. Your flesh and spirit, especially the spirit, are not far from the level of the creator."

The spirit of Shenbei thought for a moment and gave a suggestion.

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