Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2247: I'm writing now

"Wu Cang Sheng Men Rape? I haven't been to any Wu Cang Sheng Men, how could it be a Rape."

Yan girl took a glance at the precious **** of the precious child, a little uncomfortable.

"Since it is not a spy, then please sign up for your name!"

Elder Ziyi spoke coldly.


"The people from Wu Cang Sheng Men are calling!"

"Wu Cang Sheng Men Tai Cang Shen Ship is coming!"


Outside the hall!

A burst of exclamation sounded!


The look of the monks of the Saint Sorceress in the temple has changed!


Elder Ziyi looked at the Sovereign of the Witch Sect!

"Sovereign Sect Sovereign Wu Kuquan, Ben Shao God came, will you come out to greet Ben Shao God!"

at the same time!

An arrogant voice from heaven sounded!



Just listen to a loud noise!

Holy Witch Mountain concussion!

The holy sect's patronage is broken!

The monk of the Holy Sorceress trembled!

Everyone knows that this is the great formation of the Huzong being bombarded by the Tai Cangshen ship!

The Tai Cang Shen ship is comparable to the Fifth Ring Overlord!

Lord Sovereign is only at the level of the Three Rings Overlord!

Lord Sect Master, even offering the Holy Gu to block Tai Cang Shen Ship at most!

This time!

The holy witch is afraid that it will be over!

"Taicang Godship...this...Master, let's escape! There is a saying called Qingshan staying, I'm not afraid that there is no firewood! If the Wucang Shengmen is really for that thing Come, let's just take a countermeasure and let Wu Cang Sheng Men put that thing out! We escaped, unfortunately Wu Cang Sheng Men! Wu Cang Sheng Men are not self-proclaimed as God's righteousness or God's orthodox, we see their performance is Now!"

At this time Baoyu Shengzi Yuanshen shouted violently!


"How could the Holy Sect of Sect suppress that thing from generation to generation, how could it be possible to escape, even if it was to die, to the end!"

"Don't talk about Baoyu Shengzi, we can't let people let that thing out!"


The suzerain has not responded!

A few elders looked cold!

"This... you... don't you all support me?"

Baoyu Shengzi stayed for a while and blurted out!


stand by?

What support?

The rest of the disciples of the Holy Witch Sect changed slightly when they heard it!

"Holy Sect Sect Master, don't you know who Ben Shao Shang Cang is? Ben Shao Shang Cang is the youngest **** among the five gods, the five great young gods, and now Ben Shao Shang Cang will give you ten breaths. If you don’t show up to greet you, don’t blame the mercy of the **** Cangshen Guns!”

Outside the hall!


The sound of arrogance sounded again!


Sovereign of the Sorcerer Sorcerer emerged from the light!


The monks of the Holy Sorceress shouted subconsciously!


Just shouted!

There was a loud noise outside the hall!


The holy witch priest shuddered!

One by one!

When I saw the Sovereign of the Sorcerer Witch who fell down from the sky!

One by one!


What happened?

Lord Sect Master seems to have been shot by the Tai Cang Shen Ship!


The Sovereign of the Sorcerer Witch fell to the ground and could barely stand. At the moment, his face sputtered with white blood!


Several elders quickly rushed over and helped the Sovereign Sovereign!

"You... you deliberately led our suzerain to show up, secretly reckoning with our suzerain, you younger and younger are also one of the five gods and five young gods, how to do this way!"

Elder Ziyi raised his head and glared at the man on the sky God's ship!

"Huh! What's wrong with dealing with evil demons like you? How can I blame you, the sect of the Sorcerer Witch, for being stupid, and really ran out of myself! I could only urge it twice with my mana Tai Cang Shen artillery, the first artillery bombarded your holy voodoo guardian mountain formation, the second artillery was a little difficult to blast your holy voodoo sanctuary, so Xiao Shi one plan, did not expect it really became! Abandoned, you Saint Sorrow Sect don’t support it, just drop it! Otherwise, when my master comes, you will have no chance of surrender!"

On the ship of Tai Cang Shen, the young man who claimed to be Shao Tai Cang laughed proudly!



"Which holy door of Wu Cang, one of the five great young gods, is really disgusting!"

Upon hearing this, the disciples of the Holy Witch Sect shouted one after another!

"Become a king and defeat a conqueror, you can only be incapable of anger. Besides, incapable of anger, you can't change the result. Anyway, today your Holy Witch Sect is destroyed, I have too little and too many battles, and I have a little operation, and Can be a little more famous. You should all understand this."

The young man was not angry, only a faint smile, as if everything was under control between words.


Holy Witch Sect listens!

The face is even heavier!

"Not ashamed, but proud, this kind of thing can also claim to be Shaotai Cang, Master, Master, this Wu Cang Holy Door is a bit off-grade."

At this time Chen Zheng and Yan Nu walked out of the temple, Yan Nu gently shook her head.


Holy Sorcerer!

The youth on the ship of Tai Cang Shen and the monks of Wu Cang Sheng Men glanced over!

The holy witch monk did not expect that this little girl would actually help the holy witch, but unfortunately it is not wise, this situation will only hurt yourself at the moment, this little girl and his master should be hiding in the temple, should not appear !

"The little girl looks good, but it's too rude. Can I comment?"

The youth on the ship is too cold!

"It's really downgraded."

At this time Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


Everyone's eyes moved!

This time it all looked towards Chen Zheng!

"You... you're afraid that you should cooperate with this young man, so don't pretend to be a good person!"

Baoyu Shengzi sneered!

"Inside and outside together? Oh! Baoyu Shengzi, a Taoist ancestor who is indestructible in the sixth realm, is also worthy of my younger brother. Liying outside together? You are too worthy of this child! Baoyu Shengzi, no need to disguise, this kid has nothing Threatening, you can explode your identity. Forget it, let me explode. The Baoyu Shengzi is the descendant of the blood of an elder in our Wu Cang Sheng Men. The undead Gu in his body is the elder who planted it with the ancient secret method. It is a dark chess buried in the Holy Sorcerer Sect. Originally, if it was before, it is difficult to deal with your Holy Sorcerer Sect, but now the strength of all major roads in Taixu is soaring. , So the dark chess of Master Baoyu is useless and no longer hidden."

The youth on the Tai Cangshen ship chuckled!


Baoyu Shengzi is a dark chess!

The Holy Sorcerer was up and down!

"You!" Baoyu Shengzi stared fiercely at the young man on the ship of Tai Cang Shen, and Yuan Shen turned into a ghost, flew to the ship of Tai Cang Shen, and then hummed: "Shao Tai Cang, I respect you five One of the few gods, but you have uncovered my identity for the sake of I hope you can urge Tai Cang God to destroy the Taoist ancestor of the sixth realm! That kid is a little weird, just broken My body is almost broken by the immortal gu in my body!"

"This is a bit weird? Oh Baoyu Shengzi, don't worry, my master will come right away. This son can't turn over any storms. You just have to wait to return to Wu Cang Sheng Men with me."

The youth smiled faintly.

The Holy Witch Sect is even darker!

Who can think of it!

Baoyu Shengzi turned out to be a dark chess inserted into the Wu Cang Sheng Men!


There are undead Gu people!

It turned out to be a dark chess!

It’s afraid that Saint Wuzong is about to die!


Sigh again!

In the end all silence!

A few elders looked blue!

Staring at the top!

"Shao Tai Cang... is a bit obtrusive."

At this time, Chen Zheng shook his head gently, and everyone looked at him again. The young man was so disdainful, but also in his disdainful eyes, Chen Zheng raised his right hand and snapped a snap!



Tai Cang Shen Ship!

Turned to ashes!

A monk on the **** of God!

The flesh is all turned to ashes!


In an extreme horror!

In addition to that Shao Taicang and Baoyu Shengzi Yuanshen!

The rest of the monks and spirits were all wiped out!

"Don't be surprised, you two are the gods and I stayed on purpose."

That Shao Cang Yuan God was inexplicable, and wanted to say something, Chen Zheng smiled slightly, Shao Tai Cang Yuan God shivered, and his face was ashes!

"My Master really helps you to solve the holy witch sect, do you believe it now?"

Yan Nu sweeps the monks of the Holy Sorcerer Sect and hums at the moment.

"Uh huh!"

The noble monk nodded in awe!

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