Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2284: You are not worthy of being a tool person!

"Tool people... do you have this statement..."

  Cang Shang Xianzun blinked.

   He actually understood, and at this moment he also understood why Chen Zu's mana level was so low, but he was a little worried, that is, if the three elders of the Immortal Protoss were really copied, what would happen if the three elders turned against water!

"Are you... not afraid of their backwaters? As soon as the extreme evil appeared in the world, it could squeeze to the third place on the list, and the Taixu combat power list that suddenly appeared before was extremely evil! Your physical body and Yuanshen seem to be very strong, and not generally strong, and may even be the supreme pole, which is the level of Hongmeng pole mentioned by this girl, but your mana is still too weak after all, and the three elders really copied it Extreme powers, can you control them?"


  Tangfang immortal thought for a moment staring at Chen Zheng's back and asked!

   "I'm not afraid of their backwaters. I'm just afraid that they don't copy magical powers strong enough. The stronger they are, the better. It would be better if they copied extremely evil after exceeding extreme evil."

  Chen Zheng didn't turn around, and smiled back.


  What is this idea!

   The words came out!

   In addition to Yan Nu!

   All the rest showed a startled look!

  The people who branded the Protoss are even more ignorant!

  The three elder Yuanshen who had been fainted suddenly opened their eyes!

  The three elders are staring at Chen Zheng!

   "You can ask such a levelless question, you can only say that you are too far away from my Master."

  Yan female chuckled, glanced in all directions.

   "The state is too far apart? Why is my tenth party immortal? It is also the twentieth place on the list today, how many are your masters!"

   The ten parties kept hearing, and stared at them with a smirk!

"you guess!"

  Yan female blinked.

"..." Shi Fang Immortal slightly stunned, then hummed, secretly said that he was actually played by a little girl, this little girl is naughty, but unfortunately this little girl is too superstitious to the boy, otherwise he will This girl took home to take back the disciples!

and many more!

   Although the kid is strange!

   Perhaps the flesh and Yuanshen are terrible!

   But as long as you don’t shoot him!

   Then it won't be repulsed!

   So it's no problem taking this little girl yourself!

  Since this...

   "Little girl has a green vein, this seat takes you to a good place!"

   As soon as the thought came out, Shifang suddenly made a chuckle, raised his hand to the little girl and Cang Shang Xianzun, waiting to see the golden road emerged, and immediately surrounded Yan and Cang Qing everyone!

   "You are not in this seat, you guys take away your apprentice seat, please slowly tune your tool person! Hehe hehe, in fact, this seat also had an idea just now, that is for you to be a tool person!"

   The ten parties never see that Chen Zheng does not have any intention to stop, and secretly secretly bets on himself that this kid is really not strong, so he smiles and controls the Golden Road to take someone forcibly!

   "You don't deserve to be a tool person yet."

   This time Chen Zheng turned around, looking at Shifang immortal with a smile!



   Behind Chen Zheng!

  A muddy shadow appears!


   This roar of the shadow!

  Golden Avenue burst instantly!


Nothing happened in the ten directions. I only felt that I was invaded by a terrifying and fierce force. My mouth was spewed out of golden blood. At this moment, I came back to God and stared at the muddy shadow: "This shadow. ..... This shadow is... This shadow is the shadow of the celestial ghost, this is the legendary phantom of the lord of the celestial giant, how can your kid have the genius of the lord of the celestial giant? Ying, is your kid...!"


   Only half of what he said!

   The muddy shadow roared!

   An even more terrifying murderous thing hit him!



   Ten directions of immortal golden blood spurt!

   "Damn it!"

   He scolded, and he stepped back instantly, staring at Chen Zheng for hundreds of miles, trying to break away from this huge underground space!



  The magic shadow roared again!

  Tenfang immortal flesh burst out!


  The original spirit also cracked!

"Oh shit!"

   Only listened to a scream, and the unbroken primitive spirits of the ten directions turned into a strange mansions, breaking free of this underground space!


  The magic shadow roars again!

   echoed in this underground space!

   People who branded the Protoss are shaking!

   This magic shadow!

   Muddy Sky Shadow!

  Origin Demon Lord's Origin Shadow!

and so!

  This child!

   This son is the reincarnation of the devil of the sky!

   "Hun Tian Demon Lord...... How could Chen Zu be..."

Cang Shangxian Zun was stunned, and Cang Qing was also stunned, because in their cognition, the robber and the devil were originally opposed, and the robber could not recognize the lord as the master, but before the robber In Qingshan, Chen Zu was indeed called Master!


  Is this the time?

   "The ten parties are immortal and think that they can be upset when they are ranked in the top 20, but they do not know that in the eyes of the master, it is just a general thing."

  Yannu shook her head gently.

   "Zhengyue girl, swallow the second Taixuyu eye."

  Chen had no fluctuations, turned to look deep into the imprinted Shencheng, and said casually.


  Jingyue girl?

  Who is this?

   The veins of Cang Qing and the imprinted Protoss all showed doubtful colors. I saw a flash of fairy light, and a little girl appeared yawning as if she had not woken up. At the same time, a battle flag appeared.


   This little girl and the Battle Banner seem to have the breath of the Dragon Clan!

   "Sister Jeongyue!"

  Yan girl saw the little girl, and quickly shouted!

   "Hmm... sister Yan is good."

   Little girl replied, she looks like a girl of seven or eight years old, in fact, older than Yan girl, of course, for the true dragon family, she really is not an adult.

   "Chen Zu has become stronger again!" Zhanqi mouth spit out, pointing to Yan girl, and then said in a disappointed voice: "Princess Yan did not say hello to me, I'm so sad!"

   "You are so sad!"

  Zhengyue girl stared with cold eyes, and at this moment, the body turned into a dragon body directly, and in a blink of an eye a huge magic dragon appeared above the imprinted Shencheng!


   Cang Qing was shocked!

   Branded Protoss is also horrified!


   This dragon!

   looks a little bit like the Emperor Demon Dragon!

   lying trough!

  How can Chen Zu have such a magic dragon!


Above the imprinted **** city, the girl in the first month of this embodiment blew a breath. The imprinted family in the immortal city was blown away, and then a huge magic dragon was snatched down, just like that, forcibly seal the blue below the imprinted **** city Dayuyu eye caught it!


   In the eyes of everyone in shock!

   Swallow that pale color gaze!


And then!

   Everyone heard a hiccup!

   "Ah... I don't know what's going on After swallowing, it's a bit brave, and the taste is too light, and it's not as delicious as the five big eye-catchers outside the domain."

   The giant dragon thought for a moment, then casually said something, turned into a ghost and flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart!

   "Ah... The little master may have some indigestion recently, but it should not be a problem. Chen Zu and Princess Yan, I also went back to practice!"

  Zhanqi mouth uttered people's words, saying that turning into fairy light did not enter Chen Zhengmei's heart!

   "Master, when can Sister Zhengyue enter the hegemony?"

  Yan girl thought about it and asked.

   "Swallow another eye of the Taixu domain."

   Chen Zheng replied.

   "When will Sister Moon get into the supreme realm?"

  Yan Nu asked again.

   "It's almost like swallowing the real blood of the ancient dragon."

  Chen Zheng replied casually.


  Yan female nodded.


   The blue veins!

   Brand God Race!

   Hear an understatement dialogue between the two masters and apprentices!

   suddenly fainted to the ground! (To be continued)

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