Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2311: Era Overlord reduced to background board?

Chapter 2308 Era Overlord reduced to background board? (One more)

"Not too much, not too much, as long as the son exchanges this real blood, it is not too much!"

Chen Zheng didn't respond, and the chairman of the Red Alliance Fairy City on the stage suddenly came!


Zhong Xiu stared at the past!

" Daoists are really sorry, the real blood brought out by this son is a much-needed thing on our blood lord, so please forgive me!"

The chairman quickly explained one sentence, saying that he collected the real blood of several origins floating in front of him, and at the same time summoned several pieces of lot, all sent to Chen Zheng!

"Master Blood Alliance?"

"Eternal Blood Palace?"

"This... since that is the case, then we have nothing to say!"

Zhong Xiu pondered for a moment, frowned and whispered, involving the Eternal Blood Palace, even if he could not even forgive him. Although the Eternal Blood Palace is not a Taoist system in the Aurora, it is actually more powerful than any Taoism in the Aurora.

"Is there anything else dug out of the ultimate domain?"

At this time, Chen Zheng collected the lot and asked with a slight smile.

"This... there is actually one more thing that is the highlight of this auction tonight, it can be said to be the top priority! The old one did not take out the thing for a while, on the one hand because it is the top priority The most important thing is that the thing almost fled away just now, so the old one takes it out!"

The president explained slightly, and said with a snap of his fingers, he saw a flash of fairy light, and a transparent seal appeared. It was not easy to see the transparent seal, but there was only one egg in the seal!


Everyone stared at the past!

"This egg was also dug by the monk from the ultimate domain. After being appraised by the first appraiser of our blood alliance, this egg may be the egg of the legendary unborn **** beast! Unborn **** beast is extremely divine in legend. Some people say it can Eternal life does not die, some people say that they can cross the sea of ​​suffering to reach the other side, which is detachment! You should all know that the sea of ​​suffering does exist, and the sea of ​​suffering is at least one level with the most mysterious broken place of our Taixu! So this unborn **** egg, at least It also needs a magic weapon at the semi-ultimate creation level or a holy relic to change!"

The chairman looked down, and lowered his voice!


Before the words fell, a scroll was thrown in front of the president! Everyone's eyes moved, and they stared at the person who threw the scroll. Chen Zheng and Yan Nu also looked at it. When they saw the middle-aged man who had met outside the venue before, Chen Zheng smiled, and Yan Nu's brow slightly fainted!

The middle-aged male master said that it was a certain day, that is, Yu Waisheng. At this moment, he just pulled out an ancient scroll, as if it had been determined that the blood alliance would choose his ancient scroll. This guy is indeed not ordinary self-confidence!

"This scroll..."

The chairman on the stage glanced at the scroll, frowning. Under his perception, the material of this scroll is indeed very special, but it seems that other than that, it is not too strange.

"Is this a semi-ultimate creation?"

"This material may be considered a material, but this object is probably just an abandoned magic weapon!"

"It's interesting tonight. First, an indestructible Daoist in the ninth realm said that the lot dug out in the ultimate domain should be wrapped up. Now another indestructible Daoist in the seventh realm is going to take the highlight of the night. Egg! I would like to ask, is our Taixu era entering the false supremacy era, has the era overlord all fallen and degenerated to the age of the Taoist ancestors, so that all the ancestors feel good about themselves? Huh! The kid over there You don’t want everything you dug out of the Ultimate Realm. The strange real blood you brought out before, if you are just one or two, I am afraid that you can’t afford this unborn god’s egg, come and let this seat open your eyes, let See if you can get half the ultimate creation!"

Sounds sounded one after another!

A Huangpao Taoist stared at the middle-aged man first, and then stared at Chen Zheng with great dissatisfaction. It seemed that he was disturbed by two Taoist ancestors, so he was so unhappy!

"This ancient scroll is a map of the ruins of the Taixu. Although it is only a rough map, it can be drawn to the deepest part of the broken land. I think it should be able to withstand a semi-final creation."

The middle-aged man smiled faintly and said that he was facing the scroll, which opened at once, but only opened the corner.


Broken land map!



The face is changing!

If the ultimate domain is a wild place in Taixu!

That broken place is the unknown place!

It is said that Taixu entered the supreme age, and it was related to the broken land. It was Taihuang, Taixuan, the Lord of Taiyin, the Supreme True Demon, the Eternal Dragon, etc. The most famous creatures in Taixu went to the place of breaking the Su. , Stepped into the supreme realm in the broken land, and opened the supreme era of Taixu!


so far!

It seems that Tai Huang, Tai Xuan, Lord of Yin, Supreme True Demon, etc. have only explored areas where the broken land is not reached by one tenth!

Then the question is coming!

How can this middle-aged man in the immortal seventh realm have a map of the broken land!

Or is it that this middle-aged man is doing something mysterious!

For a while!

The chairman is unsure!

With a thought in his heart, he quickly spread a divine thought and thought about it: "Old decay can't identify this scroll, but you don't have to worry about it. There is a big man in the Seven Fantasy Kingdoms in the eternal blood palace behind our blood alliance , Will soon be coming from the Seven Fantasy Kingdom Royal City! The big man entered the broken land and should be able to distinguish the authenticity of this scroll!"

"Big man?"

"Is the Master of the Eternal Blood Palace?"

"It shouldn't be... Although the Seven Magical God Emperor has also entered the supreme realm, it is still not a level compared to the Palace Master of the Eternal Blood Palace..."

Suddenly surprised, the chairman said that he could only wait.


Less than ten breaths!

A blood awn is like tearing space and time!

Blood Mansions turned into a figure!

This is a 14-year-old girl!

"Meet the little master!"

The chairman saw the girl and prayed quickly!


little Master?

This girl is the daughter of the eternal blood palace and the eternal master!

"Well." The girl nodded her head slightly, her eyes fixed on the scroll, she looked at her face and changed her face. Then she nodded and said: "This scroll is no problem, it can be worth half the ultimate creation. If you are present, Unable to come up with the magic weapon of the ultimate level of creation, the unspoiled **** beast egg will be returned to the person who took out the scroll."


Is this scroll really a map of the broken place?

Everyone was shocked!

Can not help staring at the middle-aged man!

Is it!

Does this immortal animal beast really want this ancestral middle-aged man to take away?

Tonight this blood alliance auction!

Is the era tyrant mainly reduced to the background board!

"You guys over there, don't you all need it? Why are you backing off at this moment, or you can't take it out!"

The Taoist of Huangpao was unhappy, and the more unhappy he was, the more he stared at Chen Zheng with a low voice!

"The ultimate creation... little girl, can this thing be worth the ultimate creation?"

Chen Zheng thought about it for a moment, then showed a smile, and hit a star burst, which flew to the **** the stage.

"Huh? A starlight? Huh! Ridiculous! It seems that your kid really can't get it!"

Huangpao Taoist sneered!



A small number of people, such as the silent old lady, such as a middle-aged man who took out the scroll, glanced at the star-struck, and the surprise in his eyes flashed away!


The **** the stage heard someone calling her to be a little She looked cold once, but after staring at Chen Zheng, and then staring at that star's eye, she changed her face again. A look of surprise!

"You...really want to use this starburst for an unborn egg?"

After counting the interest, the girl looked sad and stared at Chen Zheng, listening to the tone as if it had changed, so don't think about getting the star back again!


Is this star-stripe more precious than the scroll?

The Huangpao Taoist in the meeting room heard this sentence!

One by one!

This Nima!

A star cast out by a Daozu kid!

Isn't it more precious than the scroll that depicts the map of the Broken Land!

(End of this chapter)

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