The 2318th chapter ghost all living beings (one more)

"Luo Ying takes her sister Fairy Princess back to the Eternal Blood Palace. When will Chen Zu be free? Also invite him to visit the Eternal Blood Palace. Maybe the Eternal Blood Palace has what Chen Zu needs."

Luo Ying gave a little salute, pulled with a small hand, and pulled some ignorant fairy concubine away into a **** man.


This is the moment!

Heart Lake Sword World is completely destroyed!

It turned out that at the moment of the fall of Emperor Ziming, there was a crack in the Heart Lake Sword Realm, and it is no wonder that Luo Ying, a little girl, could take Fairy Princess out of the Sword Realm!


That Emperor Town Emperor's God Divine Sword turned into a sword mang and escaped!


Just a blink of an eye!

A ghost sword shadow in Chen Zheng's body suddenly shot out, catching up with that Zhentian Shenjian instantly, Zhentian Shenjian made a whimper, and wanted to bow down to be a champion, but the ghost sword shadow directly crushed that emperor without any mercy. Zhentian Excalibur!

"The world is the first..." Yan Nu looked at the ghost sword and returned to Chen Zheng, whispered four words, originally wanted to look at Chen Zheng, her brow suddenly wrinkled, and looked suddenly into the sky !



not human!


Endless ghosts!


"Ghostly land opens, all beings come!"

"come on!"

Endless ghosts!

Demon words confuse everyone!

When Yan Yan was stunned, Shen Nian sensed it, and found that ghosts appeared in almost the entire area of ​​the rainbow. The ghosts passed by, and those creatures seemed to be confused by their minds. At this moment, under the link of ghosts and charms, they all swept in one direction. go with!

That direction!

It should be the heaven and the earth!


Yan Nu whispered.

"Ghosts and enchanted beings, this is the ultimate kind of ghost Dao."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Yan Nu spoke, only when she spoke a word, and the ghost suddenly fell down. She lifted her right hand, the stone knife emerged, and the stone knife was chopped out at once. The ghost that fell down was cut into nothingness!



The nihility burst out suddenly!

That piece of space and time is distorted!

"There is also a supernatural power of time and space... this Madam Xi..."

Yan Nu was shocked, and thought that the ghost would be wiped out with a knife, but she didn't expect that the ghost would pull the surrounding time and space to explode after being cut. If the master is not beside him, she might be dragged!

and many more!

If this endless ghost is full!

Isn't that the territory of the rainbow light to be blown out of countless time and space holes!

"Hezi... this name is actually pretty good, except that the Orthodox name is Aso Guimen, which sounds a bit weird."

Chen Zheng smiled again.

"Little brother, come and play!"

At this time!

Another ghost voice sounded!

More than one!

But hundreds of ways!

In an instant, Chen Zheng and Yan Nu were surrounded!


Yan Nu hummed, slashing with the stone knife, but she hadn't really slashed these ghosts. These ghosts suddenly changed. Hundreds of completely different faces turned into the same face at the moment!

Hundreds of identical faces smiled strangely at Chen Zheng!



All burst!

Time warped!

Time and space burst!

Around the Heart Lake!

Hundreds of holes in time and space were exploded!

"love you!"


A sweet laugh sounded!


Yan girl frowned, and heard that this was Mrs. Xi's voice. She thought about it and swept around, and found that the hundreds of holes in time and space that had burst out had drawn a love, and she and the master In the middle of love!

For a while!

Yan Nu didn't know what to say!

Does Mrs. Xi want to use this method to invite Master to go to Fengtian Ghost Land!

"Ghostly wide open!"

"Ghostly wide open!"

"All living beings come!"

"The sentient beings are here!"

At this time!

The sound of ghosts sounded again!

Resound throughout the rainbow!

Originally, many Taoisms were resisting, but as soon as this ghostly sound sounded, those Taoist monks, even the era overlords, also gave up resistance and flew to the direction of Fengtian Guidi with the ghosts!

Less than ten breaths!

There is only one Taoism left in Hongguang Domain!



Fairy light!

Brilliant burst!

Dispel ghosts!

"That was the Mountain of All Souls... Before the Fengtian Ghost Land opened, there were three supremes in the Aurora, the God of Fury, the Seven Magical Gods, and the Ancient Soul of All Souls. It should be able to sustain this ghostly and enchanted being. I don’t know if Zhu Taoren and his master can’t support it. His master has stepped into the supreme realm in a short time, and should be able to hold it."

Yan Nu stared at the place where the Lingguang Xianguang erupted and whispered. She secretly said at the moment that she thought that the longer she stayed with the Master, the more indifferent she would be to the world, but it seemed that this was not the case. Instead, she seemed to become more and more compassionate to the world.


The ghostly and enchanted beings displayed by this supreme being!

I can't crack it myself!



The aura of fairy light shrouded in the mountains of all spirits is broken!

The last Taoist Wanlingxian Mountain in the Rainbow Region also fell behind!

"Everything is magical, fight to move!"

this moment!

Just listen to a deep and powerful voice resounding through the domain!

"Fight to star shift? Or please invite the ancient immortals to move to the ghost land, and let the little girl see what the ancient immortals look like. I heard that the ancient immortals look old, and the little women want to see the true appearance of the ancient immortals!

Almost at the same time!

The laughter sounded!

Above the Spiritual Mountain!

A huge ghost ghost appears!

next moment!

You Mang Qingmang flash!

All Spirit Mountain disappeared!

"Ghost land wide open, all living beings come! Ghost land wide open, all living beings roar!

At this time!

The sound of ghosts and ghosts resounded through the domain again!

There is an extremely terrifying bewitching power!


And in the afterglow, the endless ghosts of the Aurora domain are suddenly dispersed, and the Aurora domain is dead! In the northwestern part of the Rainbow Region, there is a magnificent black air, emitting a breath of evil spirits, and it has not spread towards other regions, but vaguely poured toward the heart lake, as if deliberately provoking Chen Zheng!

"This Mrs. Xi....It should be easy to break her ghostly beings by means of Master. Why is Master..."

Yan Nian's face was slightly cold.

"I want to see what level she has reached."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Then what level is she?"

Yan Nu asked with a deep thought.

"Not very good."

Chen Zheng three words evaluation.

"Hum!" The three-character evaluation just fell, and a cold hum sounded without warning, and then saw a twist in time and space above the heart lake, and a big man in animal skin came out. Without looking at the girl Yan, this animal hider stared directly at Chen Zheng: "This seat is the second largest domain of the hegemony, the **** god, this seat is the righteous brother of the emperor Demon Dragon, your Daozu told this seat, Do you know a guy named Chen Zheng! This brother Yi said That fellow is in Hongguang Domain. This time I came to Hongguang Domain to find my righteous brother!"


Yan Nu blinked, looking at the big man with animal skin in front of her, and suddenly thought of three words, which are called Tiehan Han!

"Huh? What's wrong with this large area of ​​rainbow light? Why is there a silence...wait? Isn't this place the heart lake of large area of ​​rainbow light? Isn't this place the sword realm left by the emperor? Huh? Feng Tiangui The ground is open? Haha! Well, Fengtian is open ghostly, isn't it? This seat finally waits until today, Xizi Xizi, your **** uncle is here!"

Chen Zheng didn't respond. The animal skin big man's brow suddenly raised, then noticed that Feng Tian ghost was blasting into the sky, and suddenly showed the color of the raid, the whole person turned into a torrent, and flew away Feng Tian ghost. Ground!


Yan Nu blinked again and secretly said in her heart, didn't this guy come to find his own master? Why didn't he find his master suddenly when he saw Feng Tian ghostly wide open, this guy didn't give his righteous brother the eternal dragon Find your face!

(End of this chapter)

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