Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2328: This seat is willing to return to the original!

Chapter 2325 this seat is willing to return to the original! (Three more)

" much Jing!"

A few locusts shuddered, lowered their voices and asked again!


What is the weight?

Is this weighing?

Mrs. Xi didn't respond in a while!

"Jiujing...less than Shijing..."

The girl Yan subconsciously replied, she was still a little ignorant, what exactly was the metal magic weapon she had fused, just saw the words that appeared on the master at that moment... it was not that it came from the master. The words, but the words that have integrated the metal magic weapon and only you can see, is it really that the combat power is displayed in the form of words!

If this is the case!

Wouldn't it be possible to see through the combat power of any creature in the future!

"Less than ten pounds...No, how could an adult be less than ten pounds..."

The extinct clan and elder subconsciously said.



Thousands of eyes stared!

The elder suddenly woke up and lowered his head!


Mrs. Xi waited to look at the locusts again. At this moment, Mrs. Xi also wanted to know what they said, what was just talking about, if the little girl really saw the power manifest, then this mysterious young man Too scary!

"Trillions are trillions... Ten trillions are Beijing... Wanjings are Ga..." After a few moments of silence, the robber locust opened his mouth, and he looked at Chen Zheng with emotion at the moment. : "No wonder you are so confident, saying that you are suppressing Huang Tian at will. It turns out that your body contains a terrifying power of terror, although under normal circumstances it is only the level of the ninth state ancestor, but once it is attacked, it will provoke a terrible force in the body to fight back! Nine days Huang Tian in the world can reach the top five in less than half a column of incense after being born in the world. Such a powerful Huang Tian can’t bear the terrible counterattack against you three times! No wonder! No wonder! This seat is willing to return to its original state. As for all the tribes of Xizi and others in Fengtian Guidi, I hope you can keep a way of life, even if it is sealed, I hope you can keep a soul!"


Is the combat power manifested?

When Mrs. Xi, Cang Gui Yuanshen and Feng Tian Guidi heard this, all the people were terrified at this moment. Mrs. Xi subconsciously wanted to speak, and saw that the right hand of the locust was raised, ruthlessly touched, Mrs. Xi, Cang Gui Yuanshen, Feng Tian Gui Cultivation of all ethnic groups in the land was instantly deprived, and they were all shrunk and sealed up!

"This seat is back to its original place now!"

After doing this, the flesh of the locust is destroyed, and it instantly returns to its original state!


Fragments of the Epoch Ring are scattered!


There were also fragments of the ring of the era before!

The moment Mrs. Xi and the ghost spirit were deprived of their power!

The ring of the two's epochs turned into fragments!


Yan girl opened her mouth, and few people in the dark said that she would go like a few locusts, take the initiative to abandon everything and return to the original state.

"smart people."

Chen Zheng smiled, collected the locusts that had returned to their original state, and sent all the scattered pieces of the era ring into the Taisu stone egg, glanced at the sealed Fengxi ghosts and other tribes, all at hand Also received.


This heaven and earth.

There was silence.

Except for those monks who are bound to the main roads of the Rainbow Zone like silkworm cocoons.

Only Chen Zheng and his apprentice are left.

"The rainbow sky is rich in heaven and ghost land, and one of the nine days, Huang Tian, ​​falls, hereby telling the Taixu world!"



A thick and deep voice sounded!

The whole area resounds through the rainbow and resounds throughout the Taixu!


"Fengtian Ghost Land, Huang Tian fell, how could it be Fengtian Ghost Land!"

"Nine days of yellow sky!"

"This, this...the list has changed a lot in the last few days...only at least five Supreme Realms fell or fell within today, the ghost, Mrs. Xi, not long ago All the locusts that appeared in the top ten of the top list have now dropped out of the top list, and their names are not on the overlord! And the second-largest domain of the **** gods and Huang Tian has completely fallen, Huang Tian Huang Tian, In this world, it squeezed into the fifth place on the list. How long has it been since, and it has fallen! Is it that Mrs. Xi, the ghost, and the locusts battle Huang Tian, ​​killing Huang Tian, ​​and his realm is completely reincarnated. Is it reincarnation!"

Thousands of territories in Taixu, hundreds of millions of souls guess!

"Master Zun... was shot down by Huang Tian in two small realms, and now it is the seventh mana of the unbroken realm... Huang Tianyi is on the top of the list in less than ten breaths. Five, this must be the level of Hongmeng's pole. Previously in the sea, one pole of Hongmeng could bring down all the mana of the Master, is the Hongmeng pole so weak now... Only then can the Master’s mana of the two small realms be brought down...Is the extreme level of Hongmeng already unable to help the Master unlock the physical shackles..."

In Fengtian Ghost Land, a gust of wind blew past, Yan Yan thought about it.

"The last time I was in the same space and space of the same universe connected to the Emperor Sword Mountain, after being opened by the little girl who had not been detached but already had the title of detachment, I was much stronger between my invisible body Fortunately, I got the Canglong Bibi before, and the Canglongbi Bi is big enough, and the decay can still control my body. As for the extreme level of power of Hongmeng, it can knock down a few small levels of mana, which has little meaning for me to unlock the shackles. Yes. In my body, only the last mana yoke is holy, and the problem is not big."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Hongmeng's extreme level is not enough... Isn't it difficult for Master to unlock the last shackle..." Yan Nu whispered, and paused a little: "Master Master , The disciple merged the metal magic weapon and unlocked the second divine power of the magic weapon. In addition to scoring the appearance of the spirit, they can also see the combat power of the spirit. The master’s current combat power is now 70 billion. , It seems to correspond to the indestructible seventh mana. When Huang Tian last hit the master, the disciples saw the words Jiujing, which is 90 million trillion...Master... ...Master’s flesh contains 90,000 trillion levels of power... Huang Tiancai, who ranked fifth on the list just now, is more than 900 million trillion, no wonder Huang Tian exploded in one click... Respect, this is really invincible in the universe... There should be no souls that can hurt the Master in the Hongmeng universe."

"That magic weapon is a bit special. There is also a time hourglass here. You can try to integrate it."

Chen Zheng looked at the hourglass in the suspended years, said something casually, and then swept across the heavens and the earth, and gave a snap of his fingers. That was like a silkworm cocoon that enveloped the souls of all the people in the main roads of the rainbow.




The unifying souls of all avenues fell to the ground!



"I wait......"

There are very few creatures waking ancient immortals of the Immortal Mountains are one of them. The Mu Linfeng of the Sacred Heart Immortal Sect is also one of them. Perceived something, and stared towards Chen Zheng and Yan Nu!


Just stared!

I only saw a light shadow!

"Is this... a son!"

Mu Linfeng shouted quickly!


Did not get any response!

"On the top of the list... He saved me and so on... On the top of the list... It should be him... At that time, the Cangqing domain was undefeated. How many people from different regions of the city believed at that time."

There is only one sigh for a moment when the immortals are silent!

(End of this chapter)

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