Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2340: I don’t know what it’s like to be afraid




   North Youdao people also gritted their teeth and swept into the underground palace successively. Only after entering the underground palace, they glanced at the situation inside the underground palace and were stunned again!

   This palace!

  How do you feel!

  How does it feel like a mouth!

   is wrong!

   is not a mouth!

   It's like something in the belly!


  The question from the north quiet Taoist Shen Sheng asked!

"This is the realm of the great evil king, which is simply the belly of the great evil king. The great evil king is the creature of the third era! When I entered the Taixu this time, I got the order of the owner to destroy the great evil king. ! Obsidian dynasty is destroyed because of the great evil king, and all the evil things are the evolution of the great evil king! I just didn’t expect that this time I brought the Chaos sub-sword and failed to cut the great evil king!"

   Female sword repair also replied in a deep voice!

  The big evil king?

   Creatures of the Third Age?


in stomach?

   North Youdao people tremble!

   This entered the big evil king's belly!

   Can I still escape?

"Hum!" Above the underground palace, the dome was twisted. At this moment, a pair of black pupils appeared. Black pupil stared at the female sword repair and said in a very disdainful tone: "If the little girl of the chaotic Lu clan, if your clan is old, Lu Daxu comes Well, this seat may be afraid of him. You, a little girl who only stepped into the level of the era of supremacy, thought that with the Chaos Sword, you wanted to destroy this seat. How much do you look down upon this seat! I don’t know, has Taixu entered the supreme age!"


   Female sword repair is silent, only silently took out Chaos sub sword!

"As for you guys, dare to kill the descendants of the super pulse, dare to wipe out the future of the super figure selected by the pulse, but it is beyond the expectations of this seat! Otherwise, you join hands with this seat, This seat passes to you the supreme mystery that transcends the Hongmeng universe, and even this seat can be turned into a magic weapon for you to use at will! You and I will stir up this Hongmeng universe from the Taixu, and what will ruin the Lord, The Holy Emperor, God, God, Demon Lord, True Demon, Ancient Gods, Ancient Immortals, etc., and then spread through the heavens and all realms with magical mysteries, once to these in the face of all the creatures in this vast universe What the **** is going to be punished! What do you think! After listening to this plan, you should feel the blood boiling!"

   Black pupil moved, staring at Chen Zheng, and then the sound of Yinxie sounded!


   North Youdao people tremble!

   This great evil king!

   There will be such evil thoughts!

this is too scary!

   Catch up the supreme beings such as the robber, holy emperor, god, and **** among the heavens and the earth, and punish the lord, the emperor, the god, etc. in the face of all the creatures in this heaven and earth!


   Wait for yourself!

   I dare not think about it!

  Great evil king!

  Great evil king!

   This is indeed extremely strange!

   "Why should you join forces with you?"

  Chen Zheng smiled.

"Huh? What do you mean, look down on this seat, do you think this seat is not qualified to join you? Huh boy, you should be strong in physical primordial spirit, but you can’t destroy the ninth realm, this physical body is an era. The level of supremacy, the primordial spirit is the supreme level, even if your physical primordial spirit and this seat are at the same level, how can this seat's mana also be the nine-ring overlord level! In addition, the supreme mystery obtained by this seat overrides the Hongmeng universe This is why although the name of this seat does not appear on the top list, but this seat can make the emptiness of the Lord Lord Nianxiu soar and enter the supreme realm!"

Upon hearing this, the Great Evil King snorted arrogantly, "This seat of mystery can give you the greatest fear of the emptiness of the Lord Sovereign. Under the stimulus of fear, the emptiness of the Sovereign Lord Sovereign can step into the supremacy. In this situation, you kid can’t look at this seat, do you want to feel the taste of fear!"


   The supreme secret over the Hongmeng universe!

and so!

   That residual soul in this palace!

   Is that trembling remnant soul the evil thoughts of the Lord of Oblivion!

   North Youdao and other minds are shocked again!

  Great evil king!

   The name is not on the list!

   but is in control of the terrible secret!

   is in charge of creating the secret method of fear over Hongmeng Avenue of Universe!


   Beiyou Taoist waited for a moment, the black pupils suddenly stared down, they changed their colors suddenly, and then heard a big smile from the big evil king!

   "You guys, enjoy the next fear!"

Do not!

this moment!

   North Youdao shouted in my heart!

"Do not!"


"do not come!"

   Next second!

   One by one is extremely frightened!

   Holds his head and screams like he is out of control!

   at this moment!

   Inside the palace!

   Only Chen Zheng and Nv Jianxiu remained rational!

"Your little girl is also relying on this Chaos sub-sword. Without Chaos sub-sword, you will fall into fear the first time! But you little girl, having Chaos sub-sword is useless, and it can last up to twenty When the rest time, twenty rest time arrives, unless you escape as before, you must also fall into fear!" Black Hitomi sneered, staring at the female sword repair, and then fixed his eyes on Chen Zheng again: " You have a magic pen, this thing is a good thing, but unfortunately it takes a certain level of real blood to motivate Shenwei, but this thing can not erase this seat, nor can it help you completely resist the fear! Unfolding the mysterious law that has never been performed in this seat will allow you to feel what is fear above the Hongmeng universe, and let you know what is fear!"

   Yinxie smile!

   The black pupil is a flash!

   An eerie wave suddenly enveloped Chen Zheng!

"it has started!"


   "Since the history of Hongmeng universe, the most terrifying mystery of fear has begun. You cannot escape, you cannot resist, you can only fall into this greatest fear ever!"

   "Come on! Scream! Tremble! Yuanshen roar!"

   "Kneel down and call dad!"

this moment!

  The great evil king howled in a frenzy!



  Chen has no fluctuations!

   One word response at the moment!

   "..." The mad howling big evil king was stunned, and the black pupil was full of unbelief. It again urged the mystery of fear, and at once an eerie wave enveloped Chen Zheng!


  Chen Zheng still has no fluctuations!

   "I don't believe me!"


  The big evil king roared!

   urged the secret method again!



   This time it seems too hard!

   So that its black pupil suddenly burst into burst!



   Black pupils condensed instantly!

   may have lost his good looks!

   At this moment, Black Hitomi is extremely depressed!

"Why... why this seat has already exhibited the mystery of fear over the universe of You guys haven't reacted at all! Lao Tzu pushed himself up, you **** Can't you cooperate?"

   briefly silenced, the great evil king roared!

   "I don't know what it's like to be afraid, at least there are billions of years that I haven't experienced it. You can't pretend to pretend to be me."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


   The black pupils on the twisted dome!

   once fell to the ground!


   Howling of the great evil king sounded!

   "Damn it! From now on! I'll call your dad!"

  :. :

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