Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2355: Die in shame

Chapter 2352 Shame to Death (3 more)

"Humph! It's not eyesight!"

A cold hum sounded, and Zhong Xiuquan stared at the past with a sound, and recognized the person who made the noise at once, that was the fiery son of the **** of fire!

"The Era Overlords from the three Aurora Shrines, the aurora supernatural powers just displayed, have the power of extreme cold, but they are only the overlords of the Era after all! Can suppress the fire, so the failure of the three Taoist friends from the Temple of the Eternal Extreme is also expected, so it has nothing to do with eyesight or eyesight!"

Under the focus of everyone's eyes, Chi Chong Shenzi snorted again! At this moment, he was focused by everyone's eyes, giving him a sense of the stars holding the moon, his head was too high invisible!


"It seems like this..."

"It is indeed the same reason. I actually thought this way just now, but I was amazed by the aurora supernatural powers displayed by the era kings from these three Aurora Shrines, so that they didn't react in the first time."

When everyone heard it, they nodded subconsciously, as if this is indeed the case!

in case!

Just a little sober!

You should also be able to see through the overwhelming fire of the era overlord!

Those three era lords of the Aurora Shrine are super awesome!

Could it be stronger than the supreme being!

Obviously impossible!

The young man just said it!

It should be that his mind is awake!

It is not that the eyesight is stronger than the era, the overlord is stronger than the supernatural beings!

"I can't think of this magic fire... so weird... the magical power of our Eternal Ji Temple... can't help it... it seems that the three old people still overestimated themselves ......." The old man in white who claimed to be from the Temple of Aurora Jiu flashed aurora at the moment, his injuries recovered a lot, his eyes moved towards Chen Zheng staring, looked at Chen Zheng, then smiled: "Young man, you said that the three of us are not good, would you like to show us something?"


Everyone's eyes moved!

Also staring towards Chen Zheng!

"This son is called Chen Zheng, but he is the master of Tianjiao's first Tianjiao girl! Of course, in the undefeated God City of Cangqing, there is no mana in this son. Now that half a month has passed, this son is already a half-step hegemon. Cultivation is also a genius! However, this child has the same name and surname as the first person on the list, presumably there must be a powerful means!"

At this time!

Yehuo Temple Bahuan Overlord Fiery Wing Sneered!


"Chen Zheng?"

"Fat trough! The top of the list! Is this child the top of the list? This is this... The half-step master is mainly... It seems impossible... so it should be Just the same name and surname!"


Countless exclamations sounded!

All eyes swept over Chen Zheng!

After exclaiming of course!

Nine percent of them are shaking their heads!

This child!

It is absolutely impossible to be the top of the list!

If you don't make it to the top of the list, if you only do this!

That won't convince you!

"Chen Bangbo, since everyone is here, why don't you let me wait for my juniors to open their eyes!"

Chichong Shenzi also sneered!

"Chen Zheng..."

The old man in white in the monastery of Zhouji whispered, a strange color flashed in his eyes, secretly Shennian communicated with the two people around him, and soon shook his head, secretly saying that Chen Zheng should be the one he had heard, not the top of the list. !


This time!

Can catch this child!

Bring back the Eternal Ji Temple!

"Chen Zheng..." Yehuo Temple's supreme Chi Dao Zong frowned slightly, and looked at Chen Zheng for a moment, then whispered: "Whether you are on the top of the list, as long as you can suppress the runaway Shenhuo, then the Tianhuo Dao Zhang, which we have inherited, belongs to your lord. Although the Tianhuo Dao Zhang is only ranked 11th in the Taixu Divine List, the Tianhuo Dao Zhang is not so simple, and it involves the third. The era, hiding the secrets that I haven’t solved yet."

"The third era?"

"This... the third epoch is the skyfire epoch... but it seems that otherwise, there are no more rumors... the third epoch seems to be completely destroyed, nothing Something left..."

"The third era... the lost era... the same as the second era..."

Upon hearing this, the public revealed the astonishment, and it was also the first time that I heard that the Temple of Fire and Inheritance inherited the relic of the Heavenly Fire Taoist Chapter and the Third Era! In fact, even the Taixu creatures know very little about the Second and Third Ages because there are too few things handed down from these two eras!

I did not expect it!

The Tianhuo Dao chapter involves the third era!

It is the seventh epoch that inherits the Temple of Karma!

It should have happened by chance to get the Heavenly Fire Dao Chapter!

and many more!

It seems that we should not delve into these at the moment!

Now it's up to see if the young people with the half-step master's major will respond!

"Third Era... Skyfire Era..."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Why do you really want to get the Heavenly Fire Doctrine from our Temple of Karma Fire? If you really have the skills, just show it, don't waste everyone's time, or waste our Karma Temple!"

The **** of fire temple shouts coldly!


The fiery wings of the temple elders also drank!


The old man in white in the Temple of the Aurora also speaks now!



Inside the Temple of Fire Temple!

That skyrocketing fire soared again!

This time it was like turning into a monstrous sea of ​​fire and flooding the Shenshan Mountain!



"It's out! It's out! It's out of the mountain!"

The Cultivators immediately panicked and screamed, retreating one by one, the eyebrows of the Supreme Fire Daoist Sect of the Temple of Fire were twisted, took a deep breath, and gritted their teeth to sacrifice the power of the original source.

"Young people withdraw."

He sacrificed the power of his source, gave Chen Zheng a glance, said a word softly, and waved his hand to send Chen Zheng!

"You are a good person, much better than the people under your door."

Chen Zheng smiled, and Chi Dao Zong was shocked. The Fiery Wings and Chi Chong, who had retreated, heard this sentence, and they were instantly angry, but at the next moment, the two were stupid! More than two people were stupid, Chi Dao Zong was stupid, and the rest of the Taoist people were stupid!



Chen Zheng only breathed at the spreading fire!


That horrible fire!

The fire that the supreme being can't suppress!

Just blow out like a candle!

this moment!

Within the realm of the Temple of Fire!


Almost all creatures have their eyes widened to the extreme!

There is a blank in my mind at the moment!


Until Zhi Dao Zong swallowed, all the talents suddenly recovered, first glanced at Yehuoshen Mountain, then many people gave their heads a slap, and then their eyes swept all towards Chen Zheng!

This Nima!

Not a dream!

This child just now!

Breathe out at will like that!

He blew out that strange and terrible fire!


This child...

and many more!

What is this child called!

Ye Chong Shrine Chi Chong Shen Zi said what is this son called!

Chen Zheng!



He wouldn’t really be the top of the list!


The blaze wings of the Temple of Yehuo opened their spoke three words intermittently, and the eyes of their pupils shattered, and their flesh fell from the air to the ground!


Zhongxiu stared over!

Suddenly shocked!

This is the elder who specializes in the Eight Rings Overlord!

It seems that the Tao heart is broken!

"Shame and death! Alas! This method of death! Alas!"

Everyone is stunned!

Chi Daozong gave a long sigh!

(End of this chapter)

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