Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2383: Who is eligible to let an adult make a sword!

"Taihuangjian should be called the tenth sword of heaven and earth. Taihuang has once been to the fifth largest territory, and has been to it more than once, and even to Jiugejian Mountain."

  Jiuge Jianzun paused for a moment and said another sentence.


   Sect Master and Young Sect Master, and the rest of the disciples were shocked when they heard this sentence!


   once visited Jiuge Geshan!

"That was ten thousand years ago. The Emperor Tai came to the Ninth Sword of Heaven and Earth, only with the strength of the first person of his Taixu at that time. Although the Ninth Sword was unsealed, he failed to get the Ninth Sword's approval. ... At that time, Tai Huang came with the tenth sword. As for why Tai Huang did not take away the ninth sword, I think he was also waiting for the sword master to appear. The old deduced that Tai Huang really wanted to be The first sword in the world, the head of the ten swords, the ultimate supreme, detached sword."

  Jiuge Jianzun nodded, remembering some past, his expression was right again.

"Taihuang...can't get the approval of the ninth sword, so it shouldn't get the approval of the eighth sword, the seventh sword and other Excalibur. Then the old ancestor said... After our nine song sword mountain, and the son is the reincarnation of the sword master, will the emperor... come in person!"

   Sect Master thought a little, his face changed suddenly!


   was the first person in Taixu in the era of overlord!

   is now ranked sixth in the supreme era!

   Will he visit Jiu Ge Jian Shan today!

   "This... that was the Emperor Tai Wan 10,000 years ago. Now that Taixu has entered the supreme age, those arrogant creatures have gone to the broken place. The Tai Emperor should also change his plan."

  Jiuge Jianzun thought for a moment and came towards Chen Zhengwang.

   "Emperor...If he only has the sixth level on the list, there is no threat."

  Chen Zheng chuckled.


  No threats at all!

   lying trough!

   In the eyes of the reincarnation of the sword master!

  Taihuang can only get such a comment!

  Nine Song Sword Sovereign, Sect Master, Young Sect Master, etc. heard this sentence and were all stunned! Tai Huang Tai Huang, how many people will be shocked by this title alone, it seems that Tai Huang is nothing at all in front of the son!

This... The thought of Jiu Ge Jianzun flashed through, and he secretly knew the sword master. The rumors about the sword master were not strong enough to be invincible. Besides the reincarnation of the sword master, there are other things Other identities?


   is at this moment!

   There was a loud noise outside Jiujie Jianshan!


  Jiuge Jianzun waited and stared out quickly!

   Take a look!

   The face of the Sect Master changed dramatically!

   "The guy who killed the Golden Snake Sword Palace Emperor I, got out and died!"

   Outside Jianshan!

   A sound of Yinxie ruthless came!

   "Who is this..."

The young patriarch shuddered and asked, he saw a murderous creature with a human head. Although the murderous thing was only a hundred feet tall, it was not very large, but the murderous thing seemed to be the deadly snake that was on the top of the list. ! Even if it is the last few, there is also supreme power, above the ten-ring overlord!


   This murderous thing seems to be the mount of Lady Yu Snake!

   "This is Mrs. Snake's pet... No one on the list!"

   Sovereign trembles!


   The disciples of Jianshan took a breath!

   It seems!

   did not expect!

   Comes so fast!

   And here comes the supreme being!

   This seems to be unstoppable!

   Although the son is the reincarnation of the sword master, although he can take the death of the golden snake sword palace palace, the distance between the era lord and the supreme creature is too big!


   I am afraid that we will have a hard fight!

   "The son... is the reincarnation of the sword master, which can urge the ninth sword divine power of heaven and earth to kill this serpent!"

  The thought of Jiujiejian turned sharply, thinking of the method, and suddenly thought of a method!

   "That... Ancestor... The son crushed the ninth sword..."

   The Sect Master explained utterly.

   "Ah? Crushed?"

  Nine Song Sword Respected.


   Why did it break?

  This shouldn't be!

   I thought that the son was taking the ninth sword to cut off the overlord outside Jianshan!

   It seems!

it's not true!

   Self-proclaimed as a stone carving healing time!

what happened!

  Jiuge Jianzun was surprised and curious!

   "Mother didn't hear the words of Lao Tzu, killed the guy of King I of the Golden Snake Sword Palace Gongxu I, you get out and die!"

   This time!

   There was another roar outside Jianshan!


  Jianshan concussion!

  Jiuge Jianzun waited for a tremor!

   supreme being!

   Even if it just hangs down the top of the list!

   is so scary!

  Is not someone who can be the enemy!

   "Like flies."

   And Chen Zheng just shook his head lightly, and said that it was deep in this Jianshan, in the Jiuge Jianshan Yimai Tongyuan courtyard, his right hand was raised to face the serpent outside Jianshan a little!


   This is what to do!

   Is this the ultimate sword skill?

  Jiuge Jianzun waited to widen his eyes!


   Next moment!

   Outside Jianshan!

   The big shock!

   Baizhang You snake!

   exploded into nothingness!

"Oh my God!"

  In the Jianshan compound, a female disciple screamed and suddenly reacted, quickly covering her mouth!

Oh my God!

Nine Song Sword Sovereign, Sect Master, Young Sect Master, etc. all came back to this moment, many people rubbed their eyes fiercely, and confirmed that there was no ghost snake outside the Jianshan, only the ring fragments of the era that were falling from the sky, one A fierce staring towards Chen Zheng!



   useless sword!

   didn't use any sword skills!

   Just a little bit!

   You snake is gone!

  The serpent fell!

   lying trough!


   Is it!

  Is it possible to kill the supreme soul!

  This and this!

   "Is the overlord **** pattern at the heart of the young man really showing a mistake..."

   The female disciple who screamed just now suddenly murmured, froze for a moment, and suddenly covered her mouth again!

   "The fifth largest domain of the moon and the serpent falls, and hereby tells the world of Taixu!"

   at this moment!

   A deep and powerful voice resounded through the thirteen domains of Taixu!


   "The faint serpent falls!"

   "Mrs. You snake's pet was killed?"

   In the fifth largest domain, a domain is looking at the sky, not just leaving Xiujie Jianshan's Jianxiu, subconsciously staring towards Jiujie Jianshan, a figure pops out in front of him instantly!

   "Is he..."

  The Huangpao Taoist Ge Sanjian who just stepped into the Emperor's Dry froze for a moment, then felt the movement inside the Emperor's Dry Mountain, his complexion changed, and quickly rushed towards the depths of the Emperor's Dry Mountain!


   Above the nine song sword mountain!

   A virtual volley!

   "Well, kill Mrs. Ben's pet snake, don't you! You have a species to come to Yinyue Palace, Mrs. Ben let you see what is the real means!"

   Virtual Shadow scolded like a shrew!

   "Mrs. Serpent..."

   Nine Gejian Zun twisted his brow!

   This phantom is the will of Madam Serpent Lady!

   This time!

No matter how!

  Jiuge Jianshan is completely enemies with the Lady Snake!

   This time!

   There is no escape route!


   The young man wiped out the faint serpent with just one click!

  The young man just said that he would pinch Mrs. Youyu at will!

   Then don't worry about yourself!


A little!

  Can't help asking!

   took a few deep breaths, Jiu Gejian looked up to Chen Zheng, lowered his voice, and asked in awe: "The old deceased dare to ask, who in this Taixu is qualified to let the adults out of the sword!"

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