Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2396: Tear your face! 0 cases of surrounding mountains!

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The leader of the Fuyue demon clan is gone!

Did not see clearly and fell!

Heaven and Fire Road only felt terrified!


This is also the time!

The remaining Fuyue demon, who were also terrified, were all extinguished without warning. At this moment, Tianhuo Road only felt a blank in my mind!


All killed?

This one winks!

The Fuyue demon clan and several era overlords have fallen!

Although the Fuyue demon clan is strong!

But this time I am afraid that the top-level powerhouse has lost at least half of it!

"My tortoise...Is my predecessors killed these Fuyue demon..."

A young man raised his head and stared at Chen Zheng on the stage to ask!


The middle-aged man and other disciples immediately raised their heads, looking at Chen Zheng at the moment, surprised, happy, and afraid. The surprise was because Tianhuo Tao was saved, and the fear was because this one was too mysterious and terrible! He and others can't perceive it completely. What means did this person use to instantly wipe out the powerful commanders and other powerful men of the Fuyue demon clan!

"Longevity Tianhuo Dao Mi Mi Xue visits Grandpa!"

The Goddess of Heavenly Fire Dao, who had come back to God, respected Chen Zhenggong on the upper platform!



This is not another primordial **** in the saint's body, the grandfather who claimed to be the enchanted spirit of the Third Age. Is the grandpa shouting because the saint didn't know what this name is?


It should not be the grandfather of Changsheng Tianhuo Road!

Tianhuo Dao monk flashed his thoughts!

"Miyuki... the name... it's not too strange." Chen Zheng glanced at the Saint Girl, smiled faintly, then closed the Taoist, casually wiped it, everyone in Houshan didn't react. , This moment all appeared in Qianshan.

"This... Lord Changge!"

"There are also a few elders, save the patriarch and elders!"

"I thought the lord master and the elders were gone..."

When the middle-aged man and others froze, they suddenly saw the Heavenly Fire Dao Sovereign and the elders lying on the ground. Although they were all destroyed, they still had a breath, and they quickly rushed over to save them. Upon seeing this, Chen Zheng struck out several bluish divine lights. The divine light swept across the Tianhuo Dao Sect Master and others, and the Tianhuo Dao Sect Master and others recovered instantly.

"Escape...Quick escape...We can't hold it anymore...Flee with Miyuki..."

Sect Master Tianhuodao opened his eyes slowly, saw a middle-aged man, froze for a moment, and then hurriedly shouted.

"This... Lord Sect Master, we were saved by the grandfather, and our longevity Tianhuo Road is all right now!"

The middle-aged man said in a hurry.

"What? Patriarch? Where is our paternal grandfather?"

Sect Master Tianhuo Dao was ashamed, and several other elders who opened their eyes also looked confused.


The middle-aged man just wanted to explain that a fairy boat crossed the gate of Tianhuo Road, Changsheng!


The middle-aged man waited to stare out, and his face looked dimmed, because besides this fairy ship, he saw a fairy ship flying magic weapon across it in an instant, and surrounded the gate of Tianhuo Road at once!


Tianhuo Dao disciple shivered!

This Nima!

It seems that the highest-ranking human races in the Tianhuo domain are here!

This is Baizong Waishan!

Before, it was only a family of Fuyue demon!

Now hundreds of human races gather outside the gate of Tianhuo Road!

This is what to do!

Is this to put pressure on Tianhuo Road!

at the moment!

There is indeed an invisible pressure!

"You... are you here to help us?"

As soon as the elder woke up, he was unsure and asked!


Responding to him was a ruthless cold hum!

The elder's face sank in an instant, and the Sect Master Tianhuo Dao's face also sank. Even if he didn't hear the truth told by the era overlord of the Fuyue Demon clan in Houshan, he could understand it now! Today, Tianhuo Dao destroys the sect, I am afraid that Fuyue Demon is just a knife, a knife borrowed by the people behind the scenes!

It is not that the Fuyue demon clan wants to extinguish the sky fire!

Rather, the Terran Doctrine in the domain of Tianhuo Dao will destroy Tianhuo Dao!

It was the Shengyang Taoist who wanted to extinguish the sky fire!

It's just because of some rules!

The Shengyang Taoist and the human race did not personally shoot before!

right now!

Now it's tears!


Just why!

Changsheng Tianhuo Road is a three-way system!

Even if it is passed on for a long time!

Can't turn over at all!

No other threats can be threatened!

Sect Master sighed!

"Wait for self-discipline!"

"Don't force us to do it!"

"This is your life, monk Tianhuo Dao, you should understand this sentence!"

Outside the mountain gate!

A relentless voice sounded!

Sect Master Tianhuo Dao and middle-aged men swept through that figure, and their faces became darker and darker. They recognized those who were top tyrannical characters in the domain of Tianhuo, and they were all famous people in the domain of Tianhuo!

"How could it be like this... who did we provoke... Our Skyfire Road is so low-key, we haven't done anything bad, why should we punish ourselves... For the human race ethics...shouldn’t we be allies...In the domain of Skyfire, the human race is not the absolute master...Why should the human race deal with the human race..."

A young disciple, gritted his teeth!


"Ally? You Skyfire Road also deserves!"

"What do these nonsense say, do it yourself! Do you really want Master Sheng Yang to come in person and say that sentence in person, will you listen!"


All he got was a ruthless and indifferent response!

The young disciple was stunned!

Sect Master Tianhuo Dao, middle-aged man, and a group of elder disciples now looked completely down!

Shengyang Taoist!

The only supreme in the domain of Skyfire!

Originally a supreme!

It stands to reason that human race Taoism will be the absolute ruler in the domain of Tianhuo!


This is not an absolute favoritism!

Seems to pursue a balance!

"Don't write us!"

"Quick self-discipline Sacrificing your Taoism of Tianhuo Dao, can save other Daoism of Tianhuo Dao, you should understand it in this way!"

"Although the people of your Tianhuo Dao are also human races, our Taoist domains in your Tianhuo Dao are essentially different from each other. Why are they different? You should all have numbers in your heart!"

"Someone helped you to kill the commander of the Fuyue demon clan in Tianhuo Dao, do you think you can rely on that man to fight against other Daoists in the Tianhuo realm? Huh! In front of Lord Shengyang, all of them are ants!"

"You Tianhuo Dao are going to die, this seat will rush back to enjoy the flowers!

Outside the mountain gate!

Another cold and heartless voice sounded!

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