Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2416: Take a look at the Yang Axe!

The Immortal Gate.

In the depths of Taoist Xianshan.

It's like being alone.

There was already a guardian enchantment outside the fairy mountain.

There is a realm of enchantment guarding the real desolate fairy gate that appears in the depths.

Although called Xianmen.

But in fact it is more like a netherland.

"came back!"

"People in the Autumn!"

"Is the crack of the Xianmen just now related to the outsider brought back by Deacon Wan Ji!"

As soon as the Scarlet Fairy Ship came in, thousands of eyes stared at it. They just saw the scene where the lintel of the Xianmen Gate cracked just now, but what happened outside the mountain was not very clear! So at the moment, they are a little uncertain, and their eyes are almost focused on Chen Zheng!

"Let's go back to Qiushuifeng first..."

The older female disciple lowered his voice.

"Go to Sect Master Peak first."

Wan Ji just started to speak, Chen Zheng said with a smile.


Go to Sect Master Peak first?


A few female disciples on the Scarlet Fairy Ship were shocked, and Wan Ji was a little stunned, but did not ask much. He bowed his head slightly and took the Fairy Ship, and led the way to the Sect Master's Peak, which was like a dark giant sword!

"This is going to Sect Master Peak?"

"I just...not mistaken just now...This guy said that Deacon Wanji Deacon really took him to Sect Master Feng, what does this guy want to do?"

"Huh? God Gunji is back, and Deacon Luo, who is still in the wind, and several other deacons are back! It's just why... why there seems to be something wrong!"

A group of monks from the Immortal Immortal Gate froze the stunned god. Seeing the goddess Ji Gun and others in a blue shirt also turned into light, they looked a bit unsightly, showing a look of doubt!

"Sister Ji Gun, are you deflated?"

At this time!

You mang flash!

A man with a ring of bright full moon appeared on top of his head, staring at the **** Ziji, opening his mouth with a chuckle!

"I... don't deserve it, and you, Brother Moon, are not."

Ji Gun looked at the direction of the Sect Master Peak, and he was full of emotion at this moment!


What is Ji Gun God Son talking about?

What is not worthy?

The monk inside Xianmen didn't understand what happened just outside Xianshan, and he was even more puzzled at the moment. Just now, the **** Zizi sent out the mountain with wind, how did this come back as if it had been subjected to some terrible blow, this is all nonsense!

"I don't deserve it? Ha! Brother Ji Gun, did you express your love to Deacon Wan Ji and you were rejected, so that the Yuanshen was in a trance? Ha! If you knew that the master of tomorrow's patriarch would distribute Wan Ji Xu to Master Xuanhe , Will your Dao Xin be shattered!"

The God Son with a ring of full moon above his head laughed again!

"Master Sect Master is afraid that he can't be the master."

Ji Gun shook his head gently!

"Huh? The Sect Master can't be the Sovereign? Huh! Now the whole Sinister Gate knows what will happen after today. You actually say that Sovereign Master can't be the Sovereign, are you questioning the Sect Master?"

The full moon **** son is joking at the moment!

"What! You have to take a look at the Yang Axe!"

This is the moment!

Sect Master Peak direction!

Suddenly a shock came to the extreme!


Yanghuang axe?

Who wants to take a look at Yangxian?


Just now, Wan Ji took the foreign young man to Zongzhufeng!

Could it be that the foreign young man made such a request to the suzerain!


Does he not want to live anymore!

The monk Xianmen also showed surprise!


The middle-aged Deacon Luo of Fufeng sneered!

"Looking at the view of the Yanghuangxie, he can't figure out that he really doesn't take our Yinhuangxianmen in his eyes!"

The deacon gritted his teeth!

"In our Yinhuang Immortal Gate, only the Sect Master and the Emperor Yinzhuo can see Yang Huangxie. He is an outsider, and he makes such a request as soon as he comes, he is too arrogant!"

Deacon hums again!

However, in fact, these deacons were already laughing and laughing, and secretly said that the boy went to the Zongzhu Peak to borrow the sun and axe as soon as he entered the mountain. Even if he knew the ancient will of the Xianmen, even if the Xianmen lintel was cracked by his strange means, But the Yangxian Axe will never borrow!

Yanghuang Axe is unable to leave any traces on Xianmen, but it is not that Yanghuang Axe is not strong, not that Yinyinxian is not strong, but that Xianmen just restrained Yanghuang Axe. Yanghuang Axe was originally flying from the Xianmen. The treasure that came out!

So maybe the overlord can't suppress the kid, but if the turbid Yinxian is disturbed, the kid must be suppressed, and the kid can never be the opponent of the fairy!


Suppressed this kid!

Wan Ji, who is in the same vein of Qiu Shui, will also be given to Xuan He's son as a fellow mate!

Qiushui will be completely divided by the remaining veins!

"What! What's your name!"

at this time!

There was another startling sound in the main hall of the Sect Master Peak!

Before was the voice of an elder!

At this moment, Xianmen heard from above and below!

This time it was the voice of the suzerain himself!

Lord Sect Master seems shocked at this moment!

"What's the situation inside... Has the kid reported his own history, but the kid's name can't make the sect master give such a shock!"

Some disciples said in a deep voice!

"Who is that guy?"

The full moon **** son raised his eyebrows slightly, staring towards Ji Gun and asked coldly!

"Don’t ask me, I don’t know. I only know a little. I don’t deserve to make friends with him."

Ji Gun Divine Son shook his head gently!

"You! Huh! That kid's main circle is the upper limit of the major, and it can threaten the supremacy. The lord master is not a supremacy, but the turbid Yin Immortal is the supremacy, and the kid can threaten us. The Immortal Gate will not work!"

The full moon **** son is very unhappy!

"Don't don't! Believe me, I believe it! Borrow! Borrow now! I'll go take the Yanghuang Axe! Wait a moment! I'll go back quickly!"


Inside the patriarch hall!

Sovereign voice came again!


The rest of the disciples didn't react, and they saw a figure flying out of the Sect Master's Peak and flying towards the Tiangan Taiji Temple at the deepest part of the Yinhuang Xianmen!

Tiangan Taiji Temple!

That is the temple that continues from the first era to the present!

Yanghuang Axe is in the Tiangan Taiji Temple!


Less than three interest time!

Come back together!




A surging power surged!

The cultivators only felt the heat wave coming!

Yanghuang axe!

The figure just now is Lord Sovereign!

Lord Sect Master really took the Yanghuang Axe!


What happened?

Why should the lord overlord be afraid of that kid!

Although Sect Master is not supreme, how can it be a ten-ring overlord? How could a ten-ring overlord be frightened by a young man whose master is a master of the ring?


Disciple of each peak in the depths of Xianshan Mountain!

The face is full of coercion!


Several deacons were also dumbfounded, and there was some panic between dumbfounders. It seemed that things hadn't moved in the direction they wanted, but now they're moving in an unknown direction!

"Sovereign Lord... Actually, I really took the Yanghuang Axe...Sovereign Lord.........this...why!"

After a while of silence, the full moon **** son gritted his teeth and asked!


At this time!

A figure flew out of Sect Master Peak!


All the Xianmen disciples stared!

This look!

All shivered!

"Why... Elder Xingxu.... There is only Yuanshen... Why Yuanshen is so miserable... as if it will be destroyed at any time! "

Some disciples quivered and asked!

Elder Xingxu!

Aloof status!

Does not belong to any line!

It is one of the two ten ring overlords of the immortal gate!

It can be said to be the third person in the desolate fairy gate!

The status is only lower than that of Empress Dowager and Lord Sect Master!

Why is this so miserable at the moment!

Broken Yuanshen reveals the color of pondering Amidst the panic gaze of the disciples, he sighed:

"For a while, my hands are cheap, and I provoke people who should not!"

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