Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2420: Autumn color long sky 1 color

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The second largest domain.

Ancestral land of the Tian hook family.

Dark and deep.

Deep in the ancestral land.

A whisper was ringing.

"Since the Yinxu Queen appeared above the Yinxian Xianmen, the one that should be robbed this time is definitely the Yinxian Xianmen. The Skyhook Beast was killed, but this is not a problem. It was originally used to test the Yinxian Xian. Everyone knows that only Yinhuangxianmen is the supreme state after the turbid Yinxian, and this woman is not as ranked on the top of the list as my ancestor without a shortage, and she can't mobilize the power of Yanghuangxue several times.

What's more, Emperor Gao Tianshen has said that there are at least three gods in the Tianshen Mound that can step into the supreme realm at any time, and they can all squeeze into the top 20. The reason for not stepping into the supremacy is nothing more than low-key. Tenjinzu is one of the five ancient evil Daoist ancestors. Like our goal, it is all about the Tiangan Taiji Temple inside the Immortal Gate.

This time our two forces joined forces to absolutely wipe out the Immortal Gate. As for the woman named Zhuoyin, the unrequited ancestors were calculated three thousand years ago, and the loss of the unrequited ancestors was so great that it even hurt the origin. This hatred must be reported. "

This is the elder of the tenth ring era tyrant of the Tian hook family. Although the voice is extremely polar, there is an absolute confidence between words, as if the dead fairy gate has been pinned!

"I just felt the breath of Heavenly Tribulation. Although our minds cannot penetrate into Yinxian Xianmen, it was still a little strange that the disaster suddenly disappeared that day. Will Yinxian Xianmen hire any powerful helpers?"

The elder of Jiuhuanhuan majored in frowned slightly.

"It's nothing more than the use of the power of Yang Huangxian or the Tiangan Taiji Temple to resolve the Heavenly Tribulation. You should all know which one is left in the Tiangan Taiji Temple. Maybe the general gods are not as good as the robber, but Tai Chi God is one of the five congenital heavens, that is, the five congenital supremacy that our universe was originally born in. The temples and magical tools it left behind forced the heavenly path created by the Hongmeng Lord. Isn’t this normal?"

Shihuanba majored in lightly for the elders.

"This... is indeed the truth. The Hongmeng Tribulator is not invincible. The most mysterious God in the congenital five gods is too easy to be the first person of Hongmeng Haoyu."

Elder Jiuhuan nodded thoughtfully.

"In this case, then I and our other two gods directly stepped into the supreme realm, and there is no need to hide anything. Today, we will show directly and only wait for the ancestors of the Tianku family to go out of the gate and kill the immortal gate! "

Emperor God God's indifferent voice sounded at this moment!

"Okay!" Elder Shihuan focused on: "Before the sunset of the Taixu tomorrow, the ancestors without a defect will break through, and the Immortal Immortal Gate will be destroyed before the sunset of the Taixu tomorrow!"

"Emperor chase emperor deer, unlock the shackles with this seat!"

Emperor Goddess swept the other two gods!


The other two gods responded instantly!


next moment!

The transparent shackles appeared on the three gods. Only three tears were heard, and the transparent shackles shattered!




Emperor chase!

Emperor Deer!

The breath of the three gods skyrocketed!

It was originally the level of era dominance!

At this moment, he stepped directly into the supremacy!

"it is good!"

"It is worthy of being one of the five ancient evils!"

"It turns out that the era of shackles is a fixation for the settlement, and once the shackles are unlocked, it is to step into the sky and step into the supreme realm!"

"The names of the three gods are already on the top list!"

"Thirteen and forty-five, are all in the top fifteen of the list. Tenjinzuzu is indeed extraordinary! According to the old ruins, in addition to the three goddesses, there are at least seven sleeping goddesses, those sleeping goddesses. Once the gods wake up, they can easily step into the supreme realm! The strongest sleeping **** in the **** god mound, if they step into the supreme realm, they will never be better than the emperor, the master of the shadow, the supreme true demon, and the Taixuan. How weak is it!"

The Tian hook family marvels!

"Now I only need to wait for the vacant ancestors to go out of the customs. Before the vacant ancestors closed, they were ranked out of the top 20. I look forward to the position of the ancestors after this time!

The ten-hoof tyrants of the Tian hook clan revealed sharp evil fangs to the elders at this moment and laughed in a strange way!


The Immortal Gate.

Qiushui Fengdian.

"Elder Qiushui woke up, woo woo elder Qiushui!"

The youngest female disciple watched Elder Qiushui wake up and flew to the bamboo couch. Their disciples can be said to be elders of Qiushui. In their eyes, the elders of Qiushui are not just elders, but like birth mothers.

"It's a pity that Elder Qiushui turned his life ten times, and it has been completely vanished......"

At this time, a sigh came from outside the palace. It was Long Chu Sect Master, Empress Dowager, Bai Ji Niangniang, etc. Long Chu Sect Master sighed.

"This...I...are still alive?"

The Suya woman on the bamboo couch was a little puzzled. She had been asleep before and woke up until the advent of Heavenly Tribulation. She was already holding a mortal heart. She thought she was already flying, but she woke up and found that she was still alive.

Who is this terror that has fought back ten times?

"Wan Ji... this is?"

She glanced across the crowd with doubts. When she saw a young man she had never seen before, she couldn't help asking.

"This is a saint and the top of the list."

Wan Ji replied softly.


Elder Qiushui stunned, and then looked confused!


No top on the list?

Is this young man the top of the list?

and so!

Was he saved by this young man?


The Empress Dowager, the Lady Baiji, and the Sect Master Long Chu heard the title again, and the thought flashed through her heart, but she quickly shook her head secretly.

In the Taixu, there was no powerful saint. There was only one master priest who passed away. That is a very powerful figure. According to legend, it is related to the temple of unifying the heaven and earth.

For a while, I really can't guess what the holy teacher is.

"Destroy your life ten times, completely transform everything, but it's not a bad thing."

At this time Chen Zheng smiled.


There is no qualification to practice anymore!

Completely transformed into mortal!

Even the lowest level of Aura can't be absorbed!

This is not a bad thing, can it be a good thing!

Hearing this sentence, all the people in the palace showed doubts, looking at Chen Zheng one by one, waiting for the following!

"There is a sword called Changtian in the Tiangan Taiji Temple of your shady Xianmen, right?"

Chen Zheng's eyes moved and looked at the Tiangan Taiji Temple. Sect Master Long Chu and Baiji Niang nodded subconsciously, but still puzzled. I saw Chen Zheng grabbing the Tiangan Taiji Temple, and a white light flew out of the temple instantly. , Flew into Qiushui Peak at once!


A few people were surprised by the Dragon Chu Sect Master in the hall!

The elder disciples who were staring at Qiushui Peak were also surprised!

What is this for?

and also!

How does Supreme Master Chen know that there is a sword in the Tiangan Taiji Temple called Changtian!

Long Chu Sect Master, Bai Ji Niangniang, even the Empress Dowager, can't guess at this moment, can only look at Chen Zheng!

"Autumn waters will last forever."

Chen Zheng chuckled, read a sentence casually, and hit the long **** sword he caught on the bamboo couch. At this moment, it can be said that it is an elder Qiushui who is not as good as mortals!


Qiushuifeng female disciples were scared!


The elder **** sword turned into white light and flew into the elder Qiushui!


Elder Qiushui is like turning into white light!



Flying out of Qiushui Peak at once!


The people in the All the disciples outside the hall, the eyes of the immortal and desolate immortal gate, all moved, tracking the white light. I saw that the white light flew to the top of the enchantment of the immortal gate, and suddenly became the elder of Qiushui!


Suddenly a sword rang!

Elder Qiushui has changed!

The breath of mortal body skyrocketed!

A blink!

It is supreme!


The elder disciple of the desolate fairy gate was dumbfounded!

"This and this, can Supreme Supreme Chen create the supernatural beings at will!"

In the Qiushuifeng Hall, Lord Long Chu felt the supreme breath, others were stupid, slowly turned his head, looked at Chen Zheng dumbfounded!

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