Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2423: The strongest robbery?

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"Huh? Shenzi knows this one-man overlord major?"

"The humanoid boy whose primary school is a master is considered to be a level of pride, but now Taixu is the supreme age, don't you have to be afraid of this guy?"

"The Son of God is not afraid. The Son of God has seen this kid before. Don't think about it! Right now we should stare at the Emperor Zhuoyin. This woman is supreme! We have an ancient guardian, don't be afraid for a while, But the ancestors of the incomplete ancestors haven't gone out after all. Several elders and the three gods went to the Immortal Gate. They originally just sent a war book. Tomorrow is the real war, but I did not expect all to fall!"

The rest of the Skyhook family stared at it, and it was the God of Heavenly Hook who made a consternation. He had been to the Undefeated God City in the Cangqing Region. The reason why he was shocked was that he recognized Chen Zheng on the huge fairy ship transformed by Yanghuang Axe!

"This guy... at most two months ago, or even less than two months ago, when the undefeated Shencheng in the Cang Qing domain, this guy was a mortal at that time!

Of course, these are not important, the important thing is that this guy is called Chen Zheng, with the same name as the top of the list! On that day, the elders and I were in the undefeated Shencheng, and many other people of the same tradition were also in the undefeated Shencheng. They basically thought it was a coincidence. This guy happened to have the same name as the one on the top of the list!

But now it seems that something is not right. The elders and the three supreme gods of Emperor Gao, Emperor Zhu, and Emperor Deer went to the Tianshen Mound. We thought that the Yinxian Xianmen would be scared to death. There are also three gods of supreme realm that have fallen!

And this guy named Chen Zheng appeared at the moment, and also came to our Tian hook tribe ancestors together with the people of the Yinxian Xianmen. Several people behind the cloudy Yinxian and the Yinxian Xianmen door were also vaguely headed by this guy ! I have to think about it. If this guy is really Chen Zheng, then the elders and the three heavenly gods can be explained! "

Sky Hook Divine Son's expression changed wildly, lowering his voice!


"His name is Chen Zheng!"

"There is such a thing!"

"Coincidence! This is just a coincidence! Don't scare yourself by the God of Heavenly Hook! It must be the loss of the source after the Cloudy Yin Immortal, urge the power of the Yanghuang Axe, and forcefully kill the Great Elder and the Three Supreme Gods! The Yinhuang Immortal Gate knows us The ancestors of the imperfect are retreating, and the immortal gate is already the end of the strong crossbow. Now we come to our ancestral land to try to fight hard!"

"Yes, yes, it must be like this, it must be like this, let's not be fooled!"

The rest of the Tian hook tribes were ignorant, and then almost all shook their heads crazy!

"Is this really just a coincidence..."

Tian Hou Shen Zi whispered, he was also very confused at this moment, although he did not want to admit it, but there was a voice deep in his heart already telling him that his guess was right!

That kid is Chen Zheng, the top of the list!

All the main roads in the undefeated temple laughed at this guy, and persuaded this guy to change his name. In fact, it was all wrong!




At this time!

The desolate immortal gate Xuan He and his master came, and the elder Qiushui arrived with the female disciples of the Qiushui line, and the full moon **** son of the Jiyu **** behind him came one after another!

This is the moment!

On the huge fairy ship transformed by Yanghuang Axe!

Chen Zheng raised his right hand!

Feel free to snap your fingers!


The ancient battlefield guarding the ancestral land of the Tian hook race!


Black Qiyou Mang also broke!

The Tiangu tribe's ancestral land was completely exposed at this moment!

Nothing to escape!

"Lying trough!"

"This guy broke our guardian team!"

"I'm Nima, isn't this guy an overlord? This guy has an overlord **** pattern, how could this guy... lie down? Is this guy really... God of Heavens As he's that terrible existence!"

In the ancestral land of the Tian hook clan, all levels of the clan of the Tian hook clan shook!

"It's over..."

Tian Hou Shen Zi is also shaking, and at this moment can only say two words!


Really finished!

That guy who met Undefeated God City that day!

That is the guy in front of you!

This guy is really the Chen Zheng at the top of the list!


Between the panic and panic, the dark stone hall in the deepest part of the ancestral land suddenly flashed black light, and then the bright divine light lit up, and saw a figure rushing out!


Stand in the air!

"No missing ancestors!"

"The ancestor came out!"

"Quickly check the ranks of the ancestors on the list!"

"Lying trough! The elder ancestors ranked eleventh, squeezed out the withered elders who were originally ranked eleventh, and surpassed the Emperor of the Elder Dragon, who has fallen to the thirteenth place. !Huh? Wait! One more place in the list of Unmissed Ancestors, and the No Undeserved Ancestor ranked tenth, squeezing out the original tenth-ranked God of Heaven!"

"Tenth! Tenth in the top list! The Undefeated Ancestor ranks among the top ten in the Topless List! The Undefeated First Ancestor has become! The Undefeated First Ancestor has become the body of the Supreme Robber!"

Tian Hou Shen Zi and others quickly looked at this figure and exclaimed after just glancing at it. After exclaiming, they immediately went to explore the **** list, and this investigation revealed a great joy!


Without the ancestors this breakthrough!

The ranking in the top list directly squeezed into the top ten!

And at this moment, the flesh of the unbroken ancestor has all been crystalized!

This is the legendary supremacy of the Sky hook family!

has hope!

There is hope!

Even the guy whose major is a major player is the top of the list!

But now the inexhaustible ancestor who has become the body of the supreme robber is not weak!

I can't beat this guy!

It's certainly not a problem to run away with the clan!

"We still have hope!"

"The ancestor without defect is our light!"

"I want to warm the bed for the unmissable ancestor!"

Excited, all kinds of words of the Tiangou family shouted!

"The incomplete ancestors have become the masters of robbery, and this battle should be fought!"

Tian Hou Shen Zi also saw hope, and now he whispered!

"The sky hook family is not missing, the ancestors are not missing, and they have not lived long, so they lived from the second era to the Hongmeng era. It is not very strong, and it just happens to be the strongest body that the second robbery has ever had. It just happened to be the tenth place on the list.

Yinhuangxianmenzhuoyinxianxian, Long Chu Sect Master, you come to my ancestral land of the Tiangou family, don't you regard me as a person? Or is it that in your eyes, our sky hook family has no details, do you want to destroy the shadowy immortal gate? "


A crystalline ancestor of the sky hook family standing in the air!

Lightly swept the crowd on the huge red fairy ship!

There was a hint of joking on his face!

Turbid Yin Immortal Queen, Long Chu Sect Master, etc. did not respond. At the moment, I was a little surprised, and I did not expect that the Tiangou family of undeficient ancestors broke into the top ten of the list!


It seems that the incomplete ancestor did not know the identity of Supreme Master Chen!

It seems that I feel a little better!

"That... the ancestors... the younger relatives on the monstrous ship of the monstrous Xianmen Xianmen, he was the last Chen Zheng that I and the elders told the ancestors. .... That day we all thought it was just a coincidence of names... but he just broke the guardian array of our ancestors just now... so he should be Chen Zheng, the top of the list... .... Grandpa Ancestor... Grandma Ancestor, please be alert!"

Within Zudi!

Skyhook Divine Son gritted his teeth!

"Huh? Chen Zheng?"

The ancestors of the Tian hook family stared at Chen Zheng, and after a few glances, they raised their brows!

This child!

Top of the list!

The top of the list is only such a cultivation point!


If you don’t make it to the top of the list, you can do something like that!

Why fear it!

"Chen is it right? No matter whether you are on the top of the list, I have become a supreme body of the lord of the sky, and my body has been flawless and perfect, and it is already the strongest body of the Hongmeng universe! The flesh is the strongest shield in the Hongmeng universe. What do you use to break my strongest flesh!"

The thought flashed, and the crystalline ancestors of the Tianku family stared at Chen Zheng Lengheng just to drink!


next moment!

Just listen to the crisp applause!

Everyone was shocked!


Next moment!

Listening to the sound of a very crisp crack!

The crystal body of the ancestor of the Tian hook family!

Broken a sparse rotten!


Countless crystal fragments scattered!

There is an inexplicably gorgeous!


The sky hook family is all silent!

The monk of the Immortal Immortal Gate is also silent!

Looking at the scattered crystalline fragments at the this scene is gorgeous, in addition to the gorgeousness, there is also an extremely terrifying!

a slap!

This Nima!

Break through the level and have squeezed into the top ten of the sky hook family ancestor!

Claimed to have the strongest body in the Hongmeng universe!

In the blink of an eye, his strongest body was hit by a slap!

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