Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2463: 1 other 0

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"What's the matter, Master!"

Macross Roulette exclaimed!


This day Tao Yuanjie!

It's really going to collapse!


in a moment!

Numerous cracks have appeared in the Heaven Dao Yuan Realm!

Like a broken cobweb!




More than Tiandao Yuanjie!

All heavens!

The sky is instantly cracked like a spider web!

"Come! Come again!"

"There was such a scene not too long ago, it's going to break apart!"

"The Taixu Sky is cracked!"

"Is this the era of looting!"

"This shocking change is more terrifying than the previous one!"

In the heavens and the world, countless creatures stared at the sky, thinking that it was the era of calamity!


On the same day, the hand of white jade held by Chen Zheng in front of the giant mountain in the Dao Yuan Realm suddenly released the golden charm. After suddenly disappearing, the terrifying shock of the heavens and the world stopped instantly!


I saw Zi Mang!

The cracks in the heavens and the world are instantly repaired!


"What the **** is this? It doesn't seem to be an era of calamity, it seems that we don't know that the horrible creatures are fighting! But what kind of creatures can be so terrifying, and the heavens and the world are cracking!"

"I don't know, I really don't know. I can't detect any clues. The terror force suddenly disappeared from the world!"


All beings are still in shock!

Tiandao Yuanjie!

Everything is back to beginnings!

Before the giant mountain!

Only Chen Zheng is left!

Jin Fu suspended in front of him!

He watched Jin Fu reveal a pensive look!


The Macro Roulette Spirit dare not speak out!

At that moment, the incarnations of Thunder and Sky Shadows in the sky did not dare to make any changes, but they knew the first time, what caused the shocking change just now!

It was the former former master of the Taoist palace on the lower side, only then reached out and held the hand of the white jade, which caused a shocking change!


That was the result of the exclusion of two terrifying forces!


Beside Chen Zheng, time and space are distorted, and a white figure emerges!


Macross Roulette Spirit saw this figure and instantly showed surprise. This was just a will incarnation. This is a woman’s will incarnation. As soon as she appeared, all the thunder phantoms above the Taoist Yuan Realm lowered their heads. !

Not overlooking!

But salute!

"Your father guessing her identity?"

White figure asked softly.


This is the righteous daughter of the owner!

That is, Hongmeng Taishang is now the master of the Heavenly Palace!

In addition, there is a heavy identity!

She is also the daughter of Hongmeng!

Macross instantly knew the identity of the white figure. Of course, these two identities would not surprise it. The reason why it is surprised is that it perceives the breath of the first major reincarnation beyond the Hongmeng universe!

This breath!

Very unusual!

It's really extraordinary!

Not the breath of ordinary detachment!


Really strange!

Can Hongmeng's daughter be stronger than Hongmeng's master!

It shouldn't be!

and many more!

Not right!

She is not as strong as she thought!

It's just that the extraordinary breath gave me the illusion!

She hadn't thought of killing the detached who fell in the realm!

The thought flashed quickly, Macross Roulette Spirit determined something, and continued to secretly look at it, and at the same time communicated with the other spirits of Chen Zhengyuan's other transcendental objects!

"She should be another zero."

The color of contemplation on Chen Zheng's face disappeared, and he nodded lightly and received the Lu character gold sign.

"Two zeros... that's really difficult." Bai Yi figure heard it and sighed. After sighing, Bai Yi figure smiled and asked: "That righteous father just touched her hand just now. At that time, besides the repulsion of power, are there any other special feelings?"


Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"Is should be hard to find her trail..."

The figure in white whispered, also in the whisper, her figure disappeared.

"the host......"

Macross Roulette hurriedly said what he had just felt.

Chen Zheng just smiled at this, got up and collected the Taishi chair tea set, glanced at the Tiandao Yuanjie and stepped out of the Tiandao Yuanjie in one step.

Almost at the moment when Chen Zheng left Tiandao Yuanjie, the thunder phantom above the giant mountain whispered.

"Finally gone..."

"Although the mana is only at the level of the three-ring overlord, it is more terrifying than when he was at his peak more than two thousand years ago..."

"The former palace lord... has been in control of the heavenly palace for 100 years, and the only thing that has been done is to raise the lord of the confusing palace... so that the lord of the confusing palace is closer to him than to... ."



Emperor Emperor Zong of the Heavenly Domain.

Inside the patriarch's hall.

Chu Hongyi's face was full of discomfort.

"This... I really didn't expect the ancestors to send an invitation at this time."

Elder Xuan frowned slightly.

They were sent out by Panhuang from Tiandao Yuanjie and returned to Taixu not long ago. An invitation was sent to the Emperor Emperor Zong, and this invitation came from the ancestor of the ancestor. There was an ancient **** emperor who woke up from a deep sleep and wanted to pass on the supreme mystery. As long as the descendants of the ancestors of the imperial ancestors of this world are qualified to listen to the preaching of the emperor.


The tone of the invitation is like that, anyway, the notice is coming, you Chuhongyi love to go or not! Just read the content on the invitation, you can feel the relentlessness and indifference!

"The ancestor **** traveled to the heavenly emperor, and he stepped into the supreme state when he woke up. Now he is ranked 16th in the list. In terms of ranking, it is not the top supreme soul of Taixu, but the ancestor god. The power of the dynasty's bloodline is extremely against the sky, and the true strength of this line of God Emperor should be close to the top ten in the list. Maybe Chu girl can go to the ancestor Shen Chao to listen to this God Emperor preaching, and it should be rewarding."

Taixiao thought of something.

He was hit by the spell of Taiyou at that time. Although he almost never came out of Xiaoshenghuangshan, he still knew very much about the major roads of the 13 major territories of Taixu. After all, he lived from the first era to the gods of this era. The reincarnated kind is a real living fossil.

"I just want to find my mother-in-law and have no sense of belonging to the ancestor of the first ancestor! Those guys don’t care about me, I don’t want to see those guys! When I step into the supremacy, I will pick up my mother come out!"

Chu Hongyi shook his head directly.

"If you want to take your mother out, where do you need to wait until you step into the supremacy? Would you like to ask your uncle for help! When you step into the supremacy, you have to wait until the monkey year!"

Lan Ling stared at the mark at the heart of Chu Hongyi's eyebrow and said Hey? Yup! "Chu Hongyi's eyes lighted up instantly, and then swooped to Chen Zheng's body, grabbed Chen Zheng's arm and began to coquettishly: "Uncle..."



Just coquettish!

North of the palm domain!

Suddenly there was a shrill roar!

Everyone in the patriarch's hall stared at the north!


"This shattered vision of the broken land in the north of the sky!"

"This is... this is the shadow of a magic dragon. Is this a vanguard dragon? Hmm? Really a vanguard dragon. Vanguard's ranking on the top of the list has even reached the seventh place!"

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