Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2498: I would consider accepting him as a disciple

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All the figures in the light curtain just now appear!


this moment!

All ignorant!

It never seemed to happen that there would be such a scene!

Zhouji Temple!

The most perfect form!

The strongest form of defense between heaven and earth!

One face was broken!

"Go away!"


The six elders of the Aurora Shrine roared!


Several other elders reacted, but although they returned to God, none of them escaped. After a sudden change of expression, the old man standing in the middle of the light curtain took a deep breath and stared at Chen Zhengdao: "Chen Zu Na The magic weapon that comes out is like the Great Temple of the Aurora Ji, and it is impossible to have nothing to do with the Great Temple of the Aurora. Then Chen Zu, like us, should also receive the gift of the super-dead spirits from Yuwai. .In essence, we are all the disciples of the transcendental creatures of the universe. Since they are also disciples, there should be no need to kill."

"Disciple? Cut!"

Lan Ling hummed, although she was far less elder than the elders of the Aurora Shrine, but at the moment they despised these guys! These guys brag about how powerful they are before, and blow the Aurora Shrine into the strongest defense magic weapon between heaven and earth!

The Temple of Eternal Power was shattered by the magic weapon sacrificed by the uncle. These guys immediately changed their faces, and now they are beginning to climb the relationship!


This girl despise you!

You elders are not as good as those disciples who self-destruct Yuan Yuan in the desert!

"Zhouji Temple is just an imitation of this magic weapon. The person who created the Zhouji Temple is not yet qualified to accept me as a disciple. However, he has a good talent. When I meet him after detachment, I might consider accepting him as a disciple."

Chen Zheng's eyes moved away from the cantilever of the universe, swept across the temple of the Cultivation Master, and said something softly.



Zhouji Temple is just an imitation!

How can this be!

"you are lying!"

Six elders growl!

"The person who built the Temple of the Eternal Polarity was nicknamed Shenguangtian. It created the Temple of Eternal Extreme 300 million years ago, and sent the Temple of Eternal Extreme into the Hongmeng 300 million years ago. The secret technique of your cultivation is very special in your veins. The Aurora Aura is only more powerful than Kong Xuan’s five-color Aura, but unfortunately you have wasted too much time outside the domain.

If you are brave enough, if you enter the Taixu 100,000 years in advance or even thousands of years in advance, you should be the most outstanding Taoism in the Taixu, overlord of the Taihuang, Taixuan, Taiyin, Supreme True Demon, The Vanguard Dragon is easily relaxed.

It's a pity that it's too late. It's too late for you to enter Taixu. After all, it's because you didn't have enough courage before. After entering Taixu, the courage was big enough, but the woman in the broken happened to wake up again, and you dare not enter the broken land again. You can't say that this is bad luck, but you didn't take the opportunity. "

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


The faces of the elders changed dramatically!


All was said!

The secrets of the Temple of the Eternal Ji were all told by Chen Zheng!

Can enter the broken land!

The Aurora Temple has long gone to the broken land!

They have not tried it!

It was only after entering the first outer circle of the broken land that it was bombarded by a force of terror!

Also warned by a woman's voice!

" know everything. Since you know that our veins are related to the gods of the universe, do you dare to take a hard hand!"

The six elders gritted their teeth again!

"Did I not say that, after I detached, I met him in the future, and if he is more sincere, I will consider accepting him as a disciple."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.



"You, you, you are not detached, you just want to take the detached souls outside Yuyu as disciples. Do you really think that you, the top prince of the Taixu list, can surpass everything!"

Six elders!

Several other elders!

At the same time roar!

"I have this flesh, I don't want to be above everything."

Chen Zheng said with emotion.

What do you mean?

The people in the Temple of the Eternal Sigh were startled!

Shengtian Dao Ren stunned!

Even Lan Ling is stunned!

This sentence!

Will it!

Too confident!

"Uncle...Is this sentence too pretending..."

Lan Ling blinked and blurted out a word, but after speaking, she was stunned again! It's really weird. After being knocked twice by an unknown creature in the desert, how do I feel that weird words come out from time to time!

Could it be!

What special secret has the unknown creature planted in his mind!

"I am only telling the truth."

Chen Zheng smiled, and wiped it out, all the monks in the Temple of the Aurora, no matter what state they were in, instantly disappeared!


Shengtian Taoist kneeled!

Souls are flying out like scared!

Admiration is looking up to Chen Zheng!


Lan Ling opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while. He secretly asked her sister Sister Yan about something, such as how strong the uncle is, such as how much identity the uncle has, the uncle's strongest secret, etc.!


Without Chen Zheng's hands, Taisu Stone Egg flew out, devouring all the ring fragments of the era, and then instantly turned into a ghost and flew back to Chen Zhengyuan God!


Seeing this scene, Shengtian Taoist was shocked again, and inside the stone and egg-like thing of the dark road, there must be a terrifying creature!

He sensed that there are spirits in the stone egg, and the spirits in the stone egg feed on the ring fragments of the era after the fall of the supreme being!


The bred creatures are terrifying again!

It's just the owner's thing!

So the main talent is the most terrifying existence!

It is a blessing in my life to be accepted as a slave by the master!

"The Eternal Sky Tribulation of the Eternal Ji Temple fell, and it is hereby announced to the Taixu Kingdom!"

"The two emperors of the Eternal Pagoda, the Eternal Jade, have fallen, and hereby tell the Taixu Kingdom!"

"Zhouji Temple..."

This is the moment!

The sound of the undefeated stele is heard throughout Taixu!

The world is stunned!

Subconsciously look up!

When I noticed that the falling supernatural beings were basically 20 people away!

Shake your head soon!


No more than twenty creatures on the list fell!

The world is already numb!

"Maybe one day, I will hear the announcement of the fall of famous creatures from the overlord era, such as Taihuang, Taixuan, and Eternal Dragon. At that time, they will definitely shake all the creatures in Taixu! After all, these famous creatures from the overlord era represent The Taixu native is the facade of the Taixu native and the symbol of the endless years of the Taixu in the past!"

Someone whispered!

"Small dedicates the stealth of the sky to the owner!"

In the desert oasis world ~ ~ Shengtiandao people's thoughts, presented his unique secret stealing technique!

"Huh? This secret technique..."

Lan Ling's eyes light up instantly!

"I can practice this mystery, but I won't go this way, you keep it yourself."

Chen Zheng glanced, gently shook his head and smiled, and directly grasped Oasis Heaven and Earth, and Oasis Heaven and Earth was caught in his palm.


Lan Ling's eyes were bright again when he saw this scene!

This supernatural power is superb!

Learn by yourself!

And be sure to learn!

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