Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2503: Smoke rotundra

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Xuanhuang Tianzun!

Yuanshen villain is broken!


His flesh fell backward!

I never got up again!


Many creatures shuddered, and at this moment there was an indescribable chill, because no one had any hands on Xuanhuang Tianzun, Xuanhuang Tianzun was scared to death!

A supreme being!

Even if it's just out of twenty!

But also supernatural beings!

However, he was scared to death!

This is too unreal!

And this method of death is too suffocating for a supreme being!


The supremacy!

The era overlord can already survive the era and die!

The supreme being is above the era overlord!

The supreme creature is half a step away!

"Please reincarnate the treasure ship to suppress this!"

Suddenly, there was a loud bang when many creatures were frightened!


Many creatures unconsciously looked up!

This look!

I only saw a huge shadow!

The huge shadow seems to be a treasure ship!

At this moment, it was pressed down to watch the **** city!


Not completely pressed down!

This huge ink-colored treasure ship suddenly stopped!

Then I saw a black light hit!


This black light appeared!

Many creatures are shaking again!

Hong Wangu and Yi Qianhan glanced at each other at the moment. Both of them knew what the other was thinking, and at the same time stared at Chen Zheng, watching the black light hit Chen Zheng!

This moment!

The two seem to have entered an absolute stop state!


When a terrible tear sounded!

The two bodies were shocked, and their faces were gloomy again for a moment, because the two men thought they could not stop the terrible black light. Although they hit Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng was unharmed. Instead, he watched the huge treasure ship appear above the city of Tenjin Countless cracks!



The huge treasure ship burst!

Countless fragments sputtered out in a while!


The creatures in the **** city looked at the top, they should have been panicked, but at this moment they looked at the countless pieces of treasure ships that burst and felt that this scene has a sad beauty!

"Is this the art of explosion?"

Lan Ling also looked up, blurting out a word.

"Mr. Gui!"

In the Hongxian Pavilion, the Hongxian Pavilion exclaimed!

This Nima!

This is different from what I said before!

Not everything is under control!

It’s not that the reincarnation treasure ship can suppress that guy!

Why is that guy unharmed!

The reincarnation treasure ship burst into countless pieces!

"I still underestimated this child, but fortunately, I was only a Taoist body, and the Taoist body was the most dead. The cultivation of the body was affected a little. Hongxian Pavilion Master is not old enough, nor is the reincarnation treasure ship not strong enough, but this The son is too tyrannical. Master Hongxian Pavilion, then everything is up to you. The old age can’t let him find the detachment through the old age..."

Mr. Gui was bloodless and took a deep breath and said that he was directly destroyed by ashes!


Dao body?

Mr. Gui is just a real person?

Then everything depends on yourself?

Isn't this playing with yourself?

"My Nima, apart from Xuanhuang Tianzun, the rest of the supreme beings are not bodies. It doesn't matter if they die. Laozi Laozi... Laozi is really angry!"

Master Hongxian Pavilion froze for a while, and then yelled, but suddenly covered his mouth, and covered his breath with mysterious methods!



A huge force instantly invaded this Hongxian Pavilion!

Drag him out of the Hongxian Pavilion at once!

Suddenly skyrocketed!

"Sovereign Hongwan saved me!"

The Master of Hongxian Pavilion screamed!


Hong Wangu was unmoved!

"Hong Wangu Sect Master...!"

The Master of Hongxian Pavilion suddenly thought of it, and then shouted again, only after screaming a few words, his flesh and soul were extinguished!

"Beyond the pulse, that's what it is."

Chen Zheng received the Fragment of the Epoch Ring and learned about the plot between Mr. Gui and the Lord of the Hongxian Pavilion. He smiled softly, and then made a move.


Fairy light flashes!

A figure emerged!

"is her!"

"This girl!"

"She she she!"

In the view of Tenjin City, a few exclamations sounded in an instant. That was the creature who had been to Tiandao Yuanjie on that day. At this moment, the person who appeared appeared!

"Sister Yanluo!"

Lan Ling also exclaimed. After exclaiming, she frowned slightly. She knew what Uncle was about to do next. Uncle was about to give Tianguan Dalong to Sister Yanluo!



Really eccentric!

"Sister Yanluo."

Yan Nu also shouted.

"Master and two younger sisters."

The person who appeared was Yan Luo, first saluted Chen Zheng slightly, then nodded to the two girls.

"Got swallow the dragon."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Swallow the dragon!

Let this little girl swallow the big dragon!

It seems that this little girl is only an era master

How could she swallow the sky dragon!

At this moment, the creatures in and out of the Tenjin City heard this sentence, and more than 90% of them showed a look of surprise. How can it be impossible to imagine that the girl who is an era master can devour the most powerful dragon between heaven and earth!


The few creatures who had been to the Heavenly Dao Yuan Realm on that day had no doubts!

Because they have seen an unimaginable scene in Tiandao Yuanjie that day!


Hong Wangu and Yi Qianhan looked at each other again at this moment, and then their gazes fell on Yanluo, but with their realm, they couldn't see how strange this girl was!

"Master Yan Luoxie gave the world dragon."

At this moment, Yanluo gave Chen Zheng a slight salute, and then flew out to watch the Tenjin City, and did not fly to the giant mountain in the distance.


Do you want to swallow the dragon?

is it possible!

More than ninety percent of the creatures startled!

Even Hong Wangu and Yi Qianhan were stunned for a moment, because if the two of them were in the same place, they would not be able to surrender to the dragon watching the sky!

Watch the dragon!

The strongest dragon between heaven and earth!

This represents the strongest era power!



The girl looks cool!

Sing to the dragon that wandered after the giant mountain in the distance!


Is this to call the world dragon?

Would this be too confident!

Countless surprises!


After the giant mountain in the distance, the dragon watching the sky stared!

Opening the mouth is a dragon roar!

It seems to be angry!


Seeing this scene, Hong Wangu and Yi Qianhan slightly raised their mouths at the same time!

"Huh? Are you still not convinced? Huh!"

And at the next moment, I only heard the girl sneer, and raised my hand to look at the big dragon, and the big dragon showed consternation. The huge dragon is not under ~ I was caught by the girl!


Run over the vast land!

The big dragon is extremely embarrassed!

Hong Wangu, Yi Qianhan and other complexes changed dramatically!


This girl!

How could this girl be so arrogant!

How much mana is this girl!

How could it be possible to capture the big dragon as soon as he caught it!

"It's a little ugly, but it's better to squeeze the rice balls."

At this time, the girl frowned slightly, and wiped her small hand, then the captured Guantian Dragon became a giant rice dumpling. When it flew to Guantian God City, it was compressed to the size of an ordinary rice dumpling. The girl swallowed her mouth and swallowed it. The rice **** condensed by the power of this era!

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