Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2532: Dragon of the universe


  People in the temple!

  The more you look, the more puzzled!

   "The Eight Waste Chakras have followed me for so many years. I really don't know that there is this thing in the Eight Waste Chakras. This thing is really a bit weird."

   Cover sky low voice.

   "What is the Golden Dragon inside?"

   Blue Spirit also showed curiosity.

   "This thing is linked to a foreign universe."

   Chen Zheng smiled.


   Connect with Yuyu?

   Everyone in the hall looked surprised at Chen Zheng!

   "This golden dragon is called the dragon of the universe. It can send souls from one universe to another universe, such as sending Hongmeng universe spirits to a universe at the same level as Hongmeng universe, such as the floating sand universe."

   Chen Zheng smiled again.

   "What's the point of sending it to other universes, isn't it detachment?"

   Everyone was surprised when they heard it. Lan Ling thought about it and frowned.

"If a creature can control the avenues of the two universes, if it can be cultivated to the extreme in both universes, detachment should be relatively easy. This thing should only send one person to other universes, who of you want to try ."

   Chen Zheng glanced at the blue girl and glanced at everyone in the hall.

   "It seems that the avenue of the two universes is not the way I want to go."

  White invincible thoughtful.

   "What if it fell in another universe?"

   Lan Ling couldn't help asking.

   "Leave a drop of real blood with me. It's not a problem if it falls. I can regenerate it and start practicing from the beginning."

   Chen Zheng said lightly.

"So this is an opportunity and a rare opportunity. Taking Uncle’s cultivation as a means of transporting himself to other universes, wouldn’t it take a long time for him to control the avenue of another universe. Go to other universes!"

   Lan Ling nodded while thinking, and suddenly his eyes lit up!

   "It's too late."

   Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

   "Since these eight wasteland chariots are uncle Gaitian's things, then this opportunity will be given to Uncle Gaitian?"

   Blue Ling's eyes moved.

   "That's fine."

   Lord Hong Zhao also nodded.

   "This thing is the thing of the Vice-President of Gai Tian, ​​this time it should be given to the Lord of Gai-tian."

   White invincible also nodded.


   Gaitian showed hesitation.

   "You leave a drop of real blood, and I will send you to other universes."

   At this time, Chen Zheng made a decision for Gai Tian.

"it is good!"

   Cover the sky and focus on the head.

  He has followed Chen Zheng since he was a child. He and his younger sister are both Chen Zheng brought up. Although they respect Chen Zheng as Chen Zu, in fact, deep in his heart, Chen Zheng is just like his father. So as long as Chen Zheng speaks, he will do everything.

   So he made a drop of real blood and offered it respectfully.

   "This is also a way of detachment, you don't need to worry about your sister's creation, she has already completed the awakening."

  Chen Zheng received the real blood, smiled slightly, and pinched the Eight Waste War Wheels together, then hit the Eight Waste War Wheels into Gai Tianmei's heart, and then faced the Golden Dragon in the Spirit Ball!


   Only listen to Dragon Roar!

   The golden dragon in the spirit ball suddenly came out!


   The instinct of the people in the hall was shocked!


   Golden dragon roar again!

   Swallow the sky!


  The face of Yan Nv, Lan Ling, Lord of the Red Zhao Palace, Bai Invinc, etc. changed greatly, thinking what happened, but the next moment there will be a great voice sounded at this point!

   "This seat is a pole, a special pole, a half-step transcendental creature, not yet qualified to be the food of this seat!"



   Special pole?

   What is the pole!

  Princess Hong Zhao, Bai Wudi and others!

It was also at this time that the Golden Dragon Eye moved and stared at Chen Zheng: "If you are interested in going to other universes, as long as you take something from your body to trade with this seat, this seat can listen to you at any time and send you to other universes at any time. !In the nine major reincarnations, only this seat can shuttle in any universe, although there are some other restrictions, there is no limit to the fact that it does not overload people and give them away!"


   This golden dragon wants to trade with Chen Zu!

   The look of everyone in the hall changes!

  "Was it a man-carrying fairy ship bus?

   Lan Ling subconsciously said.

"Huh? What is the bus fairy ship bus dragon, not everyone can summon this seat, if you want to summon this seat, the normal process is to get the Yujie Spirit Ball! It is not enough to get the Spirit Ball, you have to see whether this seat is smooth or not Pleasantly, your little girl will not send you to other universes!"

   Golden Dragon stared over and gave Lan Ling a glance!

   "Cut! Who is rare!"

   Lan Ling humming!

   "Who is rare? Hehe little girl, you don't understand at all, the spirits sent to other universes through this seat, more than 90% of them are successfully detached, this seat is equivalent to the detached destiny!"

   Golden Dragon proudly raised his head!

   Ultra offline connection!

  More than 90% are detached!

   This is really a chance!

   Master Red Zhao, White Invincible and so on!

   "What about then, I can't look down on it!"

   Lan Ling still hummed!

   "Fuck, this seat is too lazy to talk to you, a little girl who knows nothing!" Jin Long rolled his eyes and then stared at Chen Zheng: "There is a need to summon this seat, this seat is available on call!"


  The voice fell!

   The golden dragon retracted into the spirit ball at once!



   A wave of spirit balls!

   Then disappeared!

   "I don't know which universe Gaithian will be sent to"

  The Lord of Zhao Zhao groaned.

   "The other universes are only one of the many universes mentioned by Jin Long. How big is the nine major reincarnation?"

Bai Wudi also Universe Soul Sphere, Dragon of the Eternal Realm Detachment, then will the detached creature with this opportunity be stronger than the one who only controls the detachment of Hongmeng Avenue? "

  Yan Nu thought a little, looked at Chen Zheng and asked.


this problem!

   Lord Hongzhao, Bai Wudi, etc. glanced at Yan Nu, and then looked at Chen Zheng!

   "For you."

   Chen Zheng smiled casually.

"This question is really hard to say. I can only say that there is a win or lose. I suddenly remembered one thing. Before the battle of the great annihilation, it seems that there are very few transcendental creatures falling. The sentence I said and the previous sentence It doesn’t matter much. I actually said so much. I just wanted to express a meaning. I really don’t know the answer to this question."

   A metallic sound sounded.

this is?

  Princess Hong Zhao, Bai Wudi, etc. showed doubtful colors.

   "Fuck! Didn't you deliberately irrigate!"

   When Lan Ling heard it, he immediately broke his tongue!

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