Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 807: Holy Spirit Green Snake


Xiaoqing visits his ancestor?

Pastor Holy Spirit!

I really came to see this kid!

The old man almost vomited blood!

"The ancestor of the Holy Spirit...know this son Chen?"

Mu Yun's eyes widened, and the moment on her delicate face was full of consternation. As for the head of the shepherd's house, her mouth stayed open! Since the pastor, the children of the pastor have respected the Holy Spirit as the green ancestor, but now the green ancestor even calls a young man in a fit period as the old ancestor! I didn't pay much attention to this young man just now, and thought this young man was a slave brought back by his daughter!

"Get up."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


The woman who claimed to be Xiaoqing got up from the ground, but her expression was still solemn. At this moment, she was respectfully waiting on Chen Zheng's side like a maidservant. This scene made Mu Yun and the head of the shepherd family safe, not knowing what to say.

Should I also salute Chen Gongzi and shout an ancestor?

"Huh! The head of the shepherd family! Farewell!"

The old man's eyes flashed, and he shouted to the head of the shepherd's house.

"Huh? Still want to go?"

Seeing the small bone, a fierce eyes stared over.

"Your little beast still wants to force the elder Ben to fail? This elder is the person in charge of the Holy Mound in Tianhai City. Have you never heard that in this Holy Spirit world, as long as it is within the influence of the human race, the Holy Mound disciples can Go sideways! Small things, don't cause trouble to the Tianhai herdsman!" The old man stared at the small bone, and then stared at Chen Zheng: "Young man, maybe you have a big head, maybe you used to be very high, but remember here It’s the Holy Spirit World, and the Law of the Holy Mound is the rules of the Holy Spirit World!"

"Send you a ride."

Chen Zheng responded with a chuckle.

"you dare!"

As soon as the old man heard it, his complexion changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth, took out a crystal-like crystal, faced Xiaoqing, and saw a fairy light hit him, covering Xiaoqing!

"Huh! A weak Holy Spirit! A fit-time waste! This seat is to take away the Holy Spirit forcibly. What can you do with this fit-time waste, do you dare to go to the Holy Tomb to grab someone! This seat is not afraid to tell you, pastor The holy spirit is the name of a great person in the sacred tomb, your shepherd is not obedient, no wonder this seat!"

The old man roared with a smile!


Chen Qiang returned a word without a wave, and raised his right hand to grab the old man.

"You still can't stop this seat? This seat wants to come and want to go..."

The old man showed extremely disdainful color, but a face suddenly froze, and then there was a terrified look in his eyes. He seemed to want to say something, but a head burst into blood mist!


A headless corpse fell to the ground!


The so-called holy spirit crystal used to seal the Holy Spirit fell to the ground!


Mu Yun and the head of the shepherd family are at the same time!

Fit period!

Just kill Xuanxian!

Is this deliberately hiding the cultivation base!

"A Xuan Xian dares to be so crazy, it seems that the Holy Mound is really not a good thing."

Chen Zheng shook his head.

"Holy mound... After Xiaoqing left the Eight Wastelands, he came to the Holy Spirit World. At that time, there was no holy mound. Later, the holy mound was born and became the strongest force in this world. It seems that these years have been Find the Holy Spirit from the Eight Wastelands."

Xiaoqing whispered.

"Eight Wildlands..."

The shepherd's father and daughter showed doubts.

"Burn this girl first, then talk!" Xiao Gu spewed out a real fire, and instantly burned the old man's body. After burning, Xiao Gu nodded with satisfaction: "The eye-catching things are gone. Now you can sit down and talk slowly!"

The shepherd father and daughter saw this scene, and their hearts were awkward!

Can't see through!

This little beast and this Chen Gongzi can't see through!


After half a scent of incense.

In the pastoral hall, the pastoral father and daughter listened to what Xiao Qing said, and their hearts tremble again and again!

Ancestor of the Holy Spirit!

It turned out to be just an ordinary green snake!

And Qingzu just got a little guidance from this young son Chen in front of him, and he had a great deal of doctrine, which was transformed into a holy spirit!

What a shocking man that Chen Gongzi was!

"Xiaoqing originally wanted to stay, but Lord Tianlong Emperor... sent Xiaoqing out of the Holy Spirit Realm. Over the years, I don't know what happened to Lord Tianlong Emperor."

Xiaoqing sighed.

"Dragon Emperor sat down."

Xiao Bone said.

"Ah? Sit down? This... how is this possible!"

Xiaoqing shivered involuntarily when she heard the word sitting!

"Emperor Tianlong is reincarnated."

Chen Zheng said.

"Reincarnation...just reincarnation."

Xiao Qing was relieved.

The father and daughter of the shepherd glanced at each other. How could the two of them fail to see that their ancestor of the Holy Spirit was obviously interesting to the Dragon Emperor! Emperor Tianlong Emperor Tianlong Emperor, just listening to the name is definitely a big figure!


It's just that Qingzu seems to be unrequited love!

Dragon Emperor on the Day of Unrequited Love!

"Longhuang Battle Banner is still there."

Chen Zheng made a move, and Longhuang Battle Banner appeared.

"Huh? Chen Zu? What's the matter with you calling me?" As soon as the Longhuang Battle Banner appeared, I asked respectfully, but the flag moved at the next moment, pointing at Xiaoqing, and stunned for a few seconds, "Slotted This is not... Isn’t this the green snake three heads! Ooooo! Three heads! The big head is sitting! Before the big head sitting, besides shouting Chen Zu, he only called you The name of Bai Er, the old man's name, he did not shout!"


The Longhuang Battle Banner pounced on Xiaoqing's arms!

"Fuck! Seqi, you still want tofu!"

The small bone opened his mouth and scolded.

"Ah, Master Xiao Bone, I was just too excited to see San Dangdang, not what Master Xiao Bone thought!"

The Longhuang Battle Banner was set in the air, and he self-explained.

"Who believes!"

Xiao Gu snorted.

"That... saying that Long Huang was originally headed by three people, and later Bai Er was in love with a stinky man, and he didn't know where he went to... , That's really a sin fate!"

Longhuang Battle Banner said with emotion.

"Bai Er headed? White snake?"

Xiao Gu's eyes lit up and asked!

"Bai Er is the master, Bai Suzhen, the white snake girl!"

Longhuang Battle Banner responds!


Xiao Bone couldn't help bursting a sloppy Then he looked at Chen Zheng. It secretly said that the white snake and the green snake were all the names given by the master.

"Xiaoqing and her sister are both Chen Zu, but unfortunately their qualifications are mediocre. I'm sorry for the old Zu's kindness!"

Xiaoqing looked ashamed and bowed to Chen Zheng.

"Well? Wait a minute! How did the Green Snake Three Master become the Holy Spirit? Is it the Holy Spirit Realm here? Huh? The Holy Spirit Realm!" The Longhuang Battle Banner seemed to discover that Xiao Qing was the Holy Spirit at this moment, and a surprise sounded and paused After a moment, the flag slammed toward Chen Zheng: "Chen Zu! Is it possible that my former master, Tianlong Emperor, was reincarnated to the Holy Spirit World as the Holy Spirit?"


Xiaoqing raised his head and looked at Chen Zheng.

"Emperor Tianlong did reincarnate to the Holy Spirit Realm."

Chen Zheng nodded gently.

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