Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 816: Goodbye Ji Yuwei

"Sky Crown City..."

Chen Zheng raised all his thoughts, lifted his right hand, and wiped it at will. The mysterious light flashed, the ruins of the Sky Crown City recovered in an instant, and the ancient temple also fell to the ground, returning to the highest area of ​​the Sky Crown City.

"Yu Wei is coming."

Chen Zheng shouted into the southwest corner and entered the ancient hall.

"Ah? Tianguan City is intact again!"

"This... this at least requires the strength of the Taoist level to repair the broken law... isn't he only in the fit period?"

"The Six Saints family is gone, and the Tian family is gone. Then the second-rate family will be on the top. I believe that it will not take many years for the second-rate family to develop a first-class family!"

"There are 108 large cities in the Holy Spirit, 356 medium-sized cities, 1024 small cities, towns and so on. There are thousands of small towns and thousands of Holy Spirit families. You said, this mysterious young man Will the first-class Holy Spirit family in 108 big cities be wiped out and give the Holy Spirit world a new day!"

"Should...shouldn't it? Who is Yuwei?"

The spirits of a city were shocked, and there was a lot of discussion. In the southwest corner, the woman in black robe disappeared silently.

After a moment.

Inside the ancient temple of Tianjia.

"Ji Yuwei visits Chen Zu!"

The black-robed woman entered the ancient temple, and the black robe faded from her body, revealing her true appearance. The woman is no one else. It is Ji Yuwei from the Luofu Immortal Gate of the Spirit Realm.

"not bad."

Chen Zheng looked at Ji Yuwei and nodded.

"Shui Ling Da Zun."

Emperor Tianlong smiled at Ji Yuwei.

"Emperor Tianlong... I didn't expect Emperor Tianlong to reincarnate to the Holy Spirit world."

Ji Yuwei stunned slightly and responded with emotion.

Not long ago, she was caught in the holy spirit Liu's trap, and was forced to die almost to explode the Yuanshen before reincarnation. The ghost holy dragon killed halfway to save her life, and the ghost holy dragon said at the time that it was dragged by Chen Zu. This time she infiltrated the Sky Crown City to steal the secrets of the Six Saints family. In fact, she just wanted to help the ghost Saint Dragon, but did not expect that the Spirit Saint Dragon was actually the reincarnation of the Dragon Emperor.

In fact, in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, Linghuang and Longhuang's high-level leaders have never seen each other. At the time, she and four other Lingzun had also joined forces to suppress the Tianlong Emperor, and fought in the land where Linghuang and Longhuang bordered.

Now after reincarnation, he has become a good friend.



From the moment when Chen Zu entered the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, breaking the pattern of the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands and killing the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, something was already destined to change!

Ji Yuwei sighed.

"Miss Yuwei seems to be older than when she was in the spirit world!"

Xiao Gu glanced at Ji Yuwei's heart and smiled. When Ji Yuwei heard it, she had nothing to say. Emperor Tianlong glanced at Xiao Bone, and thought of the various things he had been in the ten prisons. At this moment, he was also a little emotional. If he could follow Chen Zu like Master Xiao Bone, even if eternal life and eternal life would be a mount for Chen Zu himself.


Chen Zu didn't accept himself at all!

When he was in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, Chen Zu would use himself as a mount!

However, Emperor Tianlong did not know that Xiao Bone had known Chen Zheng as early as the age of dinosaurs tens of millions of years ago on the earth. He was already Chen Zheng's pet, and spent a period of wild time with Chen Zheng, so the small bone was so special.

"But Chen Zu is going to the Holy Mound?"

Ji Yuwei thought about it and asked.

"Someone is refining the soul."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Soul refining?"

Ji Yuwei and Heavenly Dragon Emperor showed doubtful colors. At this moment, they thought of the shadow of the grim and holy spirit that flickered between the gloomy sky of the northwest.

"Someone took my soul-changing spirit of the apostate, but the apostate was a traitor, but I have killed him once, and he has repented. I sent him the spirit of the reincarnation, and someone in the sacred body took the spirit of the soul of his reincarnated soul."

Chen Zheng said.

"Rebel? Reincarnation?"

Ji Yuwei Tianlong Emperor stunned.

"The traitor... killed once... who is that?"

Xiao Gu frowned, and began to think who he was.

"The Lord of the Holy Mound is called the Lord of the Spirit. Now when Chen Zu says that the Holy Mound has some soul refining, Yu Wei remembers some things from the previous life. In the beginning, in addition to the five Wuxing Lingzun, Linghuang actually had a Lingzun. , That is Yuan Ling Da Zun. Yuan Ling Da Zun is older than the five of us, but just a hundred years before Chen Zu entered the Eight Wilderness Ancient Land, Yuan Ling Da Zun failed to try to break through the higher levels. Then it disappeared silently.” Ji Yuwei moved her mind and thought of something from the previous life at this moment: “And Yuan Ling Zun is good at refining souls, refining spirit puppets. ...Respected Yuan Ling?"

"Yuan Ling Da Zun... I've seen that guy a few times. It's very weird in general. It doesn't feel like a local holy spirit in Linghuang. And my previous Emperor Tian Long once played with Yuan Ling Da Zun. Although my predecessor who defeated me won, but only ten years later, my predecessor, Shou Yuan, was sitting before the limit was reached. By the mention of Lord Shui Ling, my predecessor was afraid that Yuan Ling was secretly Da Zun's Word."

Emperor Tianlong frowned.

"It doesn't matter who he is the sacred mound spirit master, just kill the past, simple and rough is the most effective means!"

Xiao Gu hummed.

"Simple and rude is indeed the best method, but there is one more thing to solve before going to the Holy Mound."

Chen Zheng smiled and said that his right hand was lifted, and there was an extra rune in his palm.

"Tianjia's Juntian Rune?" Tianlong Emperor recognized it with a glance, and said slightly: "I broke into the Tianjia Ancient Temple before, but just touched this Juntian Rune, and the Tianjia ancestor said me I made a big mistake and wanted to hold a dragon killing meeting to cut me in front of the world. Chen Zu, what is the origin of this Juntian Rune?"

"Jun Tian, ​​the center of the sky, is where the ancient emperor lived. This Jun Tian Rune came from a saint, but I have never seen that saint. So... why did this saint come out and see for himself What about?"

Chen Zheng looked at the palm heaven Juntian Rune, seemingly smiling.


Jun Tianshen Rune flashes!

A ghost appeared!

As soon as this phantom appeared, Emperor Tianlong and Ji Yuwei's complexion changed instantly. Although this was just a phantom, the breath that was emitted was definitely a saint level! I just glanced at I couldn't help but want to worship!

Chen Zu shouted at will!

Actually let a saint appear!


This phantom is extremely illusory, and I can't see clearly what it looks like. I can't speculate which saint in the world of Thousands of Thousands!

"Who are you?"

Xiao Gu also felt the breath, but still shouted very casually.


The saint is amazing!

But the sage has no master!

So no matter where you come from, saint!

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