Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 867: Fengshenbang! Hidden quasi-holy appeared!

Longevity Emperor!

The call of the three elders!

The various monks present at the scene were collectively ignorant!


The four great emperors are together!

Lord Lei's eyes widened, and his thoughts flashed quickly! What day is it today? First, there was the resurrection of the Devil Sect of the Six Desire Sects, and then the ancient star of longevity reappeared, and now the four great emperors are all awake!

This... is this calculated?

"Gou Chen Ziwei Qinghua three Daoists.......Huh?"

The eyes of the Changsheng Great Emperor suspended above the Immortal Gate were successively swept from the other three of the Four Great Emperors. It was originally a light smile on his face, but he had not finished speaking a word. His eyes suddenly moved quickly and followed the three Great Emperors. At a glance, he saw Chen Zheng and his face clearly! In an instant, the faint smile on the face of the Changsheng Emperor disappeared, and he was as silent as the other three emperors!


Frowning slightly!

As if thinking about something!


This scene was very clear to all the practitioners at the scene, and my heart was shocked, and once again focused my attention on Chen Zheng!

Can't figure it out!

I can't figure it out!

Why the awakened Four Great Emperors!

Everyone was silent when they saw that guy!

What the **** is that young man?

Isn't the elder Lei's family saying that the young man is a demon?


Xianmen is the extreme north area of ​​the ancient immortal star!

The atmosphere is even weirder!

"Huh! All of them are frightened by my breath! What the Four Great Emperors of Heavenly Court, barely stepped into the level of quasi-saint, what is quasi-saint compared to me!"

At this time, the girl Chen Chen was carrying made another cold hum!


The Four Great Emperors did not look at her at all!

The Four Great Emperors only looked at Chen Zheng!

"Your head really has a problem."

From the time when Emperor Gouchen woke up to Chen Zheng, who had not spoken now, there was a faint smile at this moment.


He this sentence!

Let the public feel the atmosphere is more strange!

The Lei family is too good!

Ji family is too high!

The Qing Family is too good!

The eyes of the three heavenly emperors and elders are in instant communication!

"Please close the God List!"


Ji Jitai shouted!

He can't stand it!

This strange atmosphere is too depressing!

He sacrificed the Ji Family's legendary magic weapon list!


"Oh my God!"

"Treasure of God!"

"It is said that this is a thing given to his disciples by the **** Sage Yuanshi Tianzun from the heavenly heaven thousands of years ago. Once the **** of heaven was reincarnated to the lower realm, the disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun were also enshrined in the lower realm to replace the gods! I also heard It is said that Jiang Ziya, the Promise Dao Jun in Taishang Tian, ​​is the disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun!"

"Fengshenbang is actually in the Ji Family!"


At the moment, the attention of all the practitioners was on the list of Fengshen sacrificed by Ji Jiatai. When some people said that Fengshenbang was given by Yuanshi Tianzun to the disciples of the lower realm, and that the disciple was Jiang Ziya, the Promise of the Promise Dao, the looks of the Four Great Emperors became strange , Especially Gouchen Great Emperor and Longevity Great Emperor, in such a moment, showed a strange look!

"The ancestor Ziwei Emperor, the children and grandchildren presented the Saint God List, and also asked the Ziwei Emperor to really wake up, use the God God List to kill the evil demons, and use the God God List to send the children of the Ji Family into the Immortal Gate to break away from the prison of the extinct land!"

Ji Jiatai holds the Fengshenbang with both hands, pays his respects to Ziwei Emperor, and presents the Fengshenbang!


The Emperor Ziwei did not take over the **** list!


Ji Jitai raised her head and saw that Ziwei Emperor was unmoved, and her face was full of doubts at the moment!


Why not block the God List!

There is a saint mana on the God List!

The ancestor can kill the first female demon of the Six Demon Sects and the young man after receiving the God List. In addition, it can also deter the other three emperors and send the children of the Ji family into the immortal gate to send out the blocked place!

But why the ancestors were indifferent!

Ji Jitai couldn't understand it, Lei Jiatai went to Qingjia Taijia, and the monks of all forces present at the scene could not understand it at this moment!

The atmosphere is already strange!

At this moment, there is no great emperor to respond to the first one!

The atmosphere becomes more weird!



Mysterious light flashes!

"Ah! Who! Return me to the **** list!"

The Ji family was too stunned, and looked at the list of holding Gods that was already gone, and immediately roared!

"Haha! Hahaha! The ancient star of longevity is reappearing, and the Gods List is also in the hands of this seat. This place has been incognito in the forbidden land for so many years, and finally it can achieve both!"

A big laugh responded to Ji Jitai!

"It's you!"

"The quasi-sacred Lord who suppressed the Demon Sect of the Six Desire Sects!"

"Are you... are you retreating!"

The Lei family is too good!

The Qing Family is too good!

And some monks who had experienced the battle of fiends!

This figure was recognized at this moment!

"Help me kill him!"

The girl Chen Chen was carrying, when she saw that figure, her small face was cold at the moment, and her teeth were cold!

"Kill me? I'm already a quasi-sacred mid-term. Even if the Four Great Emperors wake up and even have a quasi-sacred level, but now the **** list is in my hands, you female devil wants this son to kill me? Oh! In the ground, no one could kill me thousands of years ago, and naturally no one could kill me after a thousand years!" The figure glanced at the girl lightly, Chen Zheng at a glance, and then the Four Great Emperors, and then his face There was a disdainful look: "Since this seat has been granted the God List, this seat is too lazy to hide its identity. This place destroys the sky, the heaven is the world. While I was still there, I had a chance to leave the banned place, but I heard that the Ji Family had the God List, so I had been waiting for the God List, and today I finally waited for the God List! Now I have the God List, and the Four Great Emperors are also awakening at the same time. , This seat just can win the lucky path! Haha! Hahaha! God help me! God help me too!"

After listening to the public, all looks changed!

"You...Since you are a quasi-sacred, why didn't you grab the God List, why did you help us suppress the devil!"

Lei Jiatai's thought flashed quickly, lowering his voice and asking!

"Is it a robbing of the God List? I have to make sure that I am safe and I don't rashly do anything. This female devil first made this seat feel threatened, and then I will suppress it! Now that I am here, I have calculated everything. , Er waited to take out the cards one by one, but the only winner was this seat, and Er waited to lose!"

Ruin the sky with a chuckle!

The Lei family tremble!

Ji Jitai is also shaking!

The expressions of the rest of the practitioners became very dignified at this moment!

I remembered a saying at this moment!

Praying mantis catches cicadas!

Cardinals are behind!

The Leijia Jijia Qingjia may all think of themselves as carduelis!

But now it seems to be just a bigger cicada!

The real carduelis is this quasi-holiday sky that hides its identity!

"It's all Are you ready to be deprived of this way?" Extinguished the sky and looked at the practitioners again, and after looking at the girl in Chen Zheng's hands, he fell on Chen Zheng. Face: "The devil wants you to kill me, and you have hidden a lot of skills. Deprivation of luck will start with you! Young man, your destiny has been taken!"


A raise to Chen Zheng is a catch!


Nothing happened!


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