Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 880: Divine city becomes demon city!


right now!

What is the situation!

Luo Tian was a little ignorant!

"Chen Zu is kidding, isn't he?"

Elder Wu Shen squeezed out a smile, but it was really ugly.

"what do you want to say in the end!"

Elder Yao Kun took a deep breath and his voice became cold.

"Chen... The son saw the abnormality in us?"

Elder Ye Lin was a little hesitant, but still said.


Winter Moon God Ji sighed.

"What the **** happened? What do the four Taoists have been hiding from me? The ancestor rune from Chen Zu, as long as it is a Protoss, will respond. The four Taoists and Taiyin's niece... didn't let the ancestor. The sign produces any response, which means...!"

Luo Tian also took a deep breath, slapped his forehead fiercely, closed his eyes and opened them violently, and now he was really awake. As soon as I wake up, my thoughts change, and I immediately sort out my thoughts.

Chen Zu will not be wrong!

Ancestral Rune is certainly not wrong!

So at this moment, the four indigenous gods in the Ancestral Temple are not really gods!

Not a Protoss?

what is that!

Luo Tian was lost in thought!

"Whoever comes to the big dream first, you have sensed something for a long time, but this dream is woven too perfect, and it seems that you don’t want to wake up. Luo Tian may break this beautiful dream, but he has been poisoned by thousands of years of brewing, and it is muddy. It’s not a teenager. But I also believe that some of them are involuntarily. It should be said that the spirits in the **** ruins are all involuntarily. Some of them tell things out, maybe I can help some of them to solve it."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"You... only have the Mahayana period to repair your behavior. Why should we believe you! We will be wiped out if we make a wrong step. You are not enough to make us gamble!"

Elder Yao Kun gave Chen Zheng a deep look and shook his head coldly.

"Meow meow? Master, people don’t seem to understand!"

Dao bite blinked.


At this time, Taiyue Goddess shouted at Dongyue God Ji. After this call, the whole person of Sun Goddess suddenly changed and became another person! At this moment, the goddess of Taiyin is no longer shrouded in divine light, but a glorious mango. The original robe of Yinyue God has now become a green robe. Above the green robe, the Taoist ornament is not a god. That's a demon pattern!

and also!

Taiyin Goddess originally had a strange monster pattern on her clean face!

"Niece is a demon!"

Luo Tian frowned!


"what are you doing!"

"Taiyin niece you!"

Yao Kun!

Wu Wushen!

Night is coming!

San Lao's complexion changed again instantly!


The winter moon **** Ji sighed, the black light flashed on her body, and the whole person also changed, directly from the sacred and peaceful middle-aged beautiful woman, to a monster full of red demon patterns!

"Shen Ji you too..." Luo Tian frowned again. He was a shadow clan. He was not malicious to the demon clan, but he could not accept being deceived! So his eyes flicked across the other three old men's faces, lowering his voice and saying: "So the three Taoists are not gods and gods, but why do the three Taoists... why keep cheating me?"

Elder Wu Shen is silent!

Night Elder Silence!

"No! Winter Moon God Ji and Taiyin Goddess, you are a Protoss, but you fall into a demon willingly. This is against the will of the adult, and the adult will not let you go! I am a Protoss, I am not a demon Clan, I am Taixu’s ancient Emperor God Clan, and I am not a demon clan! You become a demon, and you all deserve to die! Haha! Hahaha!"


Elder Yao Kun laughed for a while!

Raised one's hand violently!

Two divine lights were shot towards Dongyue Shenji and Taiyin Goddess!


Ancestral rune flashes!

The light from Elder Yao Kun burst out!


At the same time, there seemed to be something broken in Elder Yao Kun’s body, and in the next second, Elder Yao Kun’s face changed, and his body also changed, revealing his true face in the blink of an eye!

Jaguar monkey gills!

Gray hair gray tail!

Elder Yao Kun is a monkey demon!

"Do not!"

Elder Yao Kun grabbed his face, his eyes turned to blood red, and suddenly flew towards Chen Zheng, and the terrible paw was a stroke towards Chen Zheng's head!

"Be careful!"

Taiyue Goddess Dongyue Shenji and Luo Tian exclaimed in unison!


However, Chen Zheng didn't move in place, only his left hand was raised, and he stopped at random, and he heard a thorn, and the terrible claws of Elder Yao Kun broke down!

"..." Elder Yao Kun suddenly stunned with a monkey face, and then his knees fell on his knees softly, as if he had lost his soul, he yelled: "I am a **** of the gods...I It is the oldest Yutian **** clan in Shenxu...I am not a demon clan..."


Seeing this scene, Wu Zhonglin and Elder Sigh at the same time, and at the moment when the mysterious light was on to reveal the body, the two bodies fluttered suddenly, as if they were out of control, their faces became terrible!

at the same time!

The body of the winter moon **** Ji Taiyin is also trembling, and the two fascinating and beautiful faces have become unbearable!


Chen Zheng snorted coldly, the ancestral **** rune flashed, the sound of shattering sounded in the body of the four people at the same time, the faces of the four people became extremely white, and the body of the witch in the middle of the night was exposed!

A person with a leopard head at the moment!

An eagle-headed person at this moment!

"Come! That adult is here! That adult is coming! Haha! Hahaha! All will die! You will all die! That adult will not let you go!"

At this time!

Elder Yao Kun raised his head violently!

A monkey face showed a strange smile!

"It turns out to be monsters. Everyone is monsters. Why don't you pretend to be a god? Isn't it good to be a demon?" The bite beast swept around and commented on the goddess Taiyin and the miracle of Dongyue. The two sisters are full of temptations, protruding forward and back, and there are also exotic styles. If I were a man, I would push the two sisters on the spot! Hey!

The second daughter is silent!

"This is..."

Luo Tian was completely embarrassed and could only look at Chen Zheng.

"The **** market has become a source of power for a monster. The monster woven a huge dream. You are all in its dream. The bigger the dream you have, the stronger its power."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"What! How could such a monster exist? Are all the magic potions I've ever taken fake? Are my quasi-saints also fake!"

Luo Tian couldn't believe it!


This is also the ancestral **** rune, and then swept across the entire city of God, the original sacred and vast city of God, at this moment the breath changed became dark and strange, and then the atmosphere of the whole **** market also changed!

In the **** ruins, except for the northern part of the land shrouded in divine light, the rest of the place is shrouded in blue demon mansions!

"You know you made a big mistake, you destroyed my chess piece, and destroyed my dream of detachment, you really **** it!"


A loud noise!

A huge monster came down from the sky!

Now shrouded the entire city of God!


"Everyone run away!"

"Monster! Big monster!"

In the ruins outside the **** city, the creatures screamed and screamed, and escaped frantically, but they couldn’t escape far, because they couldn’t get out of the **** ruins with their power! And in fact, they are not descendants of Shenxu God Race, they are essentially demon!

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