Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 888: Who blocks who die!

   "The owner of the gold page appeared!"

   "The owner of Gold Page killed the son of Beishan!"

   "The owner of the Golden Page is riding towards a phoenix of monarch realm to go to Fengcheng!"

   In front of the town!

   Those monks from thousands of worlds exchanged their eyes, and then cast their own secret methods or use magic treasures to inform the powerful and high-level men who have come to the cloud world!

   at this moment!

   Chaofeng City!

"Huh? The owner of the gold page appeared? The son of Beishan was killed? The master of the gold page was repaired only during the robbery period. Is it... the kid! No! The master has said that the kid was trapped in the blockade In this land, the kid’s tricks are no longer strange, and it is impossible to escape from the banned land!" All creatures stood in the air, raised their eyebrows and sneered: "Deacon Lu Zhang, intercept the master of the gold page!"


  In Fengcheng, someone responded immediately, and then a middle-aged man in a black robe came out!


   That is a Daojun in the Supreme Hall!

"Heavenly Son, the master of the golden page is coming. Its identity has been determined to be a monk during the robbery. So it is certain that this golden page cannot be written by him. This golden page must be an old man. The ancestor wrote that the owner of the golden page was only the one who the ancestor launched to stand in front of the stage! A monk during the robbery period, wanted to come to Fengcheng to show his majesty? Ha! Go through the pass, then pass! In the later period of Daojun, the master gave me my servant. If the master of Gold Page could not beat even my servant, he would not be qualified to see me!"

   All creatures' eyes moved towards the Heavenly Son in front of Tianzhu Jinye.

   "Gold Page Master..."

  The Son of Heaven has responded this time, looking away from the golden page on the Tianzhu and turning his head to look south.

   "Hum! Dare to kill Master Beishan, whatever he comes, he should be damn! Yan Shendao soldiers, to intercept Zhenfeng, to avenge Master Beishan!"

   On the first floor of the city, an old man was angry and raised his hand to play a rune. The rune turned into a warship. A warrior wrapped in crimson armor appeared on the battleship!


   Dao Bing shouted!

   The battleship is rolling!

   Hooked to the south with fire clouds!

"Yan Shen Dao soldiers are said to be of the level of Dao Jun, and even the Yan Shen Dao soldiers of the Heavenly Emperor's combat power. It is a secret recipe of Yan Yang Temple! Yan Shen Dao soldiers are one of the several terrible killing Dao soldiers recognized! "

   "Two Daojun shot, you should be able to stop Zhenfeng!"

"Even if the true phoenix can't be stopped, there will still be Heaven Emperor Quasi-Saints in these great worlds. The high-end fighting power of Heaven Emperor Quasi-Saints is not in Chaofeng City, but in the feather city in the cloud! Besides the Heaven Emperor Quasi-Saints, it is said that The ancestors will also come to the dharma body! Alas! If the master of the gold page is really a robbery period, if the card is Daojun Zhenfeng, it is useless!"

  The spirits in the city have a lot of discussion!


   And the next moment!

   South direction!

   A large area of ​​the sky was burned to blood red!


next moment!

   I saw two mysterious lights collided quickly one after the other, and with a bang, the two figures collided on the Tianzhu of Chaofeng City! These two figures are none other than Luzhang Daojun and the Yanshen Dao soldier who turned their light and swept the body in less than twenty breaths!

  Two Daojun!

   was nailed to Tianzhu at this moment!


  Luzhang Daojun's flesh has been shattered. At this moment, looking at all creatures in the air, he shouted dumbly, and his head exploded with a crooked flesh! Not only Luzhang Daojun, but the Yan Shen Taoist soldiers also exploded!

   Take a breath!

   Two Daojun fell!


   Pavilion, the old man of the Yanyang Temple stood up suddenly, staring at the blood-stained Tianzhu!

   "Road Chapter!"

   All creatures growled!

   "Come! He's here! He's here! What a terrible! What a terrible! What a terrible!"

   This time!

  In the main palace!

   A howling sound came out!

   That voice is the lord of Chaofengcheng!

this moment!

  The creatures in the phoenix city, especially those from the world of thousands, heard the wailing of the city master, and they all felt a chill inexplicably!

  Gold Page Master!

  Who is he!

   It seems that the Lord of the Phoenix City knows his details!

   And the lord of Chaofengcheng is still afraid of the owner of the gold page!


   "True Phoenix!"

   "There is someone on Zhenfeng's back!"

   "Is he the owner of the gold page!"

   "The owner of Golden Page is here!"



   followed by a cry!

   Now visible to the naked eye!

   A huge true phoenix from the south is flying!

   There is a man standing on Zhenfeng's back!

"It's you!"

  Everything creature looked at it and saw the figure on Zhenfeng's back, and his face was completely gloomy! How could he not know the man? In the Shura realm, his Taoist lotus platform was destroyed by the man!


   But the Master said that this man was trapped in a land of exclusion!

  How could this man be in the cloud world!

  Did Master deceive yourself?

Do not!

  Master cannot possibly deceive himself!

  Everything looked at the looting huge phoenix. At this moment, the thought flashed wildly. At that moment, there was the idea of ​​turning around and escaping, but he was forcibly killed!


   Impossible to escape!

   Even if this man used to be more tyrannical than his esteemed master, even more powerful than the sage, but now this man is very weak, and he is stronger than before, and he has a powerful magic weapon given by his lord!


kill him!

   killed this man!

   My Dao Xin can definitely reach the level of ancestors!


  The real phoenix is ​​coming!

   "Come! You are here! You are here!"

  When the creatures of a city raised their heads and looked at the man on Zhenfeng's back, a figure from the mansion of the city rushed out, knelt at the man on Zhenfeng's back, and then there was a mad cry!


  Whether it is a native creature or a creature from a thousand worlds, this moment is a shock!

   The figure of the mad devil is not anyone else. It is Zhou Xianglong, the lord of Chaofeng City, whose cultivation is not low. Since the change in the cloud the city master has never appeared!

   But at this moment, as soon as the owner of the gold page came, the city owner appeared, and it appeared like a demon, and at the moment, kneeling at the owner of the gold page, it seemed that he was a slave of the owner of the gold page!

  Gold Page Master!

   The young man in the robbery period standing on Zhenfeng's back!

   What is his origin?

   "I said that no matter what your origin is, if you kill Mr. Beishan, you should die!"

   Pavilion, the old man of Yanyang Temple shouted loudly!


   The old man turned directly into a huge fire dragon, and the claws of dancing teeth rose up into the sky. That grim giant mouth swallowed the real phoenix and the man on the back of the real phoenix!

   "Daojun Pinnacle!"

   "Zhenfeng is not an opponent!"

   "How does the master of the gold page block this blow!"

   A city of creatures stared at the sky!



  The man on Zhenfeng’s back raised his hand and gave him a palm!

   I saw a giant palm emerged!


   One face to face!

   The huge fire dragon transformed by the old man was smashed!


  The huge fire dragon disappeared, the old man's flesh reappeared, and a spit of gold blood spewed out in horror. Then he heard a terrible tear, and the old man's flesh and Yuanshen were destroyed on the spot!

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