Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 897: Nirvana! Kind of princess thought!

Chen Zheng did not continue to explain.

Because he didn't know what age Yu You was, this question can only be asked to make the little doll.

At the moment when the two halves of Yudie joined together, he felt the old man hiding in the Shangyu Village on the east coast of Yunjie. At that moment, the two had already communicated briefly with Shennian.

The old man is the owner of Zixiao Palace. To be precise, the owner of Zixiao Palace left a thought. The owner of Zixiao Palace reckoned something, and left an idea to wait for this opportunity today.

"Can the two forces of creation outperform the complete body of Hongmeng's creation? It's hard to say."

Chen Zheng took a few glances at the brand-new artificial jade, and at once wiped the jade, copying the road markings on the jade, and hit Fengfei and Suyou respectively.

"Oh! It's so bloated! I feel like my mind is going to burst!"

Su Youyou shouted while covering her head.

"I can understand as much as I can, and then bring a copy to the demon queen, white tiger, and life master." Chen Zheng glanced at Youyou, and then looked at Feng Fei. Fengfei has Yuanfeng as the second Yuanshen. Although the cultivation is far from the realm of Yuanfeng Chaos Beast, Yuanshen is already tough enough, so he can bear it even if he receives three thousand avenues at a time. Seeing Feng Fei just frowned slightly, Chen Zheng lifted Zhen Feng with a smile, facing Feng Fei: "This little thing has been sealed in Qiyu Mountain for thousands of years. The source of the loss has been replenished, but temperament It’s only equivalent to a four- to five-year-old girl, so teach her slowly."


Feng Fei focused on the head.

Yunzu's bloodline is not Feng Fei's one. Feng Fei had a younger sister. Zhenfeng is Feng Fei's younger sister, but her congenital origin is missing. In the past thousands of years, Chen Zheng has been sealed under the Qiyu Mountain. Although he had Daojun's combat strength through his gradual transformation, his temperament was only equivalent to a four- to five-year-old girl.


The small bird-sized Zhenfeng yelled at Chen Zheng.

"Then... won't you stay a few days longer in the cloud world?"

Feng Fei thought a little, and his beautiful face climbed a blush.

"Children are not suitable!"

Su Youyou glanced at her forehead, and the four words blurted out subconsciously.

"I'll stay for a while, but I will go and see my half apprentice first."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Half apprentice? Chen Zu still has apprentices in Yunjie?"

Su Youyou asked curiously.

"God Eater? There were some accidents in the Eat God Mansion before, and it happened that Yunzu Zhibao appeared again. I don't know what the situation is.

Feng Fei frowned slightly.

"God Eater? The chef of Shengxian Ban also followed Chen Zuxue?" Su Youyou couldn't help but blinked, but her eyebrows were wrinkled again: "Oh, I can't do it, Chen Zuyou wants to say goodbye first. That’s it, Youyou’s head really hurts, Youyou first go back to the demon and then the lady!"

Chen Zheng chuckled, his right hand swiped casually, and the gate of the Yu Palace opened wide. Su Youyou bowed to Chen Zheng and turned into a ghost. Feng Fei just wanted to say something, Chen Zheng took Feng Fei out of the Yu Palace.

"See the Emperor Yu!"

"See your majesty!"

All the feather races outside the Yu Palace, all surrendered at this moment!

But Feng Fei frowned again, because the feather family she saw at the moment was no longer the former feather family. The people of the feather family she saw in front of her all had ghosts flowing, which was the power of Yuan Feng who was resurrected from death. !

"The feathers are still good."

Feng Fei whispered, the light flashed in his eyebrows, and then he saw the red light flashed across the entire feather city in the cloud, and the power that Yuan Feng added to the Yu people was all collected at this moment!

The Yuzu changed back to the previous Yuzu!

"Go to the Holy Land first."

Chen Zheng said.


Feng Fei responded lightly, and the Queen's majesty converged. She just wanted to be a little woman in front of Chen.

After a moment.

Holy Land of the Feathers.

With a huge sycamore tree as the center, it covers a large area around it. This area is the holy land of the Yu nationality, and usually only the Emperor Yu is qualified to enter. Chen Zheng took out a seed from Xumi space and planted the seed.

"this is......"

Feng Fei was puzzled.

"The idea left by the princess of the ancient **** court in the world of Shinto world is very special, and can practice the supreme mystery of the Pangu saint. I planted this idea seed today, hoping to reap a qualification to impact the upper level of the saint. Princess of the Holy Court."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Princess Shinto Grand World..." I seem to have read some stories about her in some ancient books."

Feng Fei nodded gently.

The soil of the Yuzu Holy Land, called Nirvana, has the meaning of Nirvana's rebirth. Of course, it's not just a simple moral. Nirvana soil does have a magical effect. A drop of real blood in Nirvana soil can regenerate the owner of that drop of real blood in a short time.

In fact, when she learned that the seed was a thought of Princess Shenting, Feng Fei still had a bit of hostility as a woman. However, I thought of the ancient books that I read about the Princess of Shinto World, if the legendary woman could be resurrected, if The resurrected Princess Shenting can help her man, and she can also think of it.

Not to mention!

Feng Fei also understands a little bit!

There should not be such a woman between heaven and earth, able to keep this man by his side forever!


Southeast of the cloud.

Yunmeng Shuize.

A guest came from the Shishenfu head office.

"The God of Food is here."

This guest is not someone else, the guest is Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng asked with a smile.


The welcoming Xiaoer 2 hadn't responded yet, and a figure emerged, and when he saw Chen Zheng, he exclaimed: "How did Chen Gongzi come to the cloud world?"


Everyone inside and outside Shishen Man's eyes stared at him!

All looked at Chen Zheng with surprise!

"It turned out to be Fairy Menglin."

Chen Zheng looked at the beautiful figure in front of him and nodded slightly.

The woman in front of her is the fairy Meng Lin, who is the owner of Tianshen City's food **** house in the Holy Spirit Realm, claiming to be a disciple of the cloud world food god.

"Fairy Menglin, what do you think a kid in the robbery period is doing? Your master, God of Food, and several other brothers have been arrested. The God of Food tells you that there is only one left. You can't cook well, and you can't open the house of God of Food! Ah! A kid during the robbery is not worth mentioning, do you still want to ask him to save your master and a few brothers!"

On the second floor, there was a ridicule of irony!


"If the God of Food is gone, it is really going to decline!"

"The God of Food and several apprentices were taken away by the powerful family of Daqian World. I heard that God of Food is going to Daqian World to do the Immortal Banquet. I'm afraid it won't come back! Fairy Menglin, if I hide in other worlds if you If you don’t come back, someone who knows which day the world will come again, you will have to catch this fish out of the net! Fairy Menglin is also a first-class look, if you are caught, you might be hey!"

On that table, there were several satires!

"God Eater was caught?"

Chen Zheng raised his eyebrows.

"This one......."

Fairy Menglin just wanted to answer in one Hum! Fairy Menglin, you won't be on our dishes anymore, brothers are going to go crazy! "

"The **** during a robbery, don't get away!"

"If you don't go anymore, my brothers are really crazy!"


Instantly interrupted!

"Shooting? Huh! Try it!"

Chen's face was cold, and his indifferent eyes swept towards the table on the second floor. Everyone thought that when a battle broke out, the ridiculous monks at that table instantly turned into nothingness!


The inside and outside of the Gods House!

Everyone muttered!

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