Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 904: Devour the sword!


   This is not over yet!

  Chen Zhengda grabbed it again!

   The huge warship called the Xiling Holy King Ship also shattered into dust!

Went out!

   A monk during the robbery!

   With a wave of his hand, destroy the Chu King Jinxian Chu King Holy Warship!


  The old village chief of Yao Village looked extremely white, and a sudden spit of blood spurted out. He lost his expression in his pupils. The whole person fell forward and never got up again! The Yao villagers giggled in their hearts, and knelt down again in trembling. This time they knelt down on the ground, their heads on the ground dared not look up!


   The young **** the altar made a small bite. At this moment, she was completely dumbfounded!

Uncle   !


   Not an uncle!

   This senior!

   Is it too powerful!

   Golden fairy!

   That Chu Xiu was just a golden fairy!

   That's right!

  Xiling Tomb is the top family in Xianwu Great World!

   can be like grass and mustard in the eyes of seniors!

   "These guys can also be used to feed you... things in the body."

  Chen Zheng smiled lightly, lifted his right hand casually, the Chu Jinxian and other monks exploded into blood mist, and the power of the fairy spirit condensed into a sword-shaped blood gas, and it sank into the body of Cangsheng.


next moment!

   Cangsheng's body again sounded a sword!


   In addition to Jianming!

   There is another beast roar!

   also exclaimed!

  Let the glaring sword stare at Cangsheng with a snap!


  Cangsheng heard the beast and animal could not help but exclaimed, the face of fear appeared on his small face, and he secretly said in his body, what terrible murderous thing is really hidden in his body!


  Why have never felt it before!

   And the ancestor Cangming, as an immortal Emperor Wu, never found the sword in his body!

   "Previous...Predecessor...What sword body is hidden in my body..."

  Cang Sheng took a deep breath and tried to calm himself, but the voice was still a little trembling.

   "Swallow the sword."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

   "Swallow... sword body!"

  Cang Sheng was stunned instantly!

Oh my God!

   Actually swallowed the sword body!


   How is this possible!

   Devour the sword!

Fourth place!

  The ancestral gold sword body is also ranked tenth!

   "This... how does this feel like living in a dream..."

  Cang Sheng still couldn't believe it, trembling and asked.

   She is not afraid!

   She is excited!

   She feels extremely unreal!

   "There is still nothing to be done." Chen Zheng raised his right hand and looked at the girl's eyebrows. The girl's eyebrows immediately showed an ancient sword pattern, and then heard a sword sound again. The girl flew out of control!


  Girl standing in the air!


   A dark shadow like a murderous thing rushed out of the girl!

   This dark shadow appeared!

   The world feels instantly!

   Above Yao Village!

   Thunder and lightning!

   instantly darkened!

this moment!

  The villagers of Yao Village who knelt on the ground and dared not look up, could not help raising their heads. When they saw the vision in the sky, they were shocked and dumbfounded!

   This horrible vision!

Is    really caused by Cangsheng?

   Sword body!

  Cangsheng has a sword body!

   is still a very powerful sword body!

   It seems... It seems to be more terrifying than the vision caused by the awakening of Cangming Sword Immortal recorded in Yaocun Village Records!


Between the girl's horror, the dark shadow behind him suddenly moved, staring violently at the sword, and then staring at Chen Zheng. When Zhangkou was about to roar again, it seemed to suddenly sense something, and the roar became Puppy sound, withered at once!


  The dark shadow directly submerged into Cangsheng!


  Cangsheng didn't understand it!

The villagers of Yao Village who were kneeling on the shore did not understand!

   It seems!

   That moment just now!

   That terrible dark shadow was scared by the young man!

   "Go back to the village and talk about it."

  Chen Zhengjian saw what the girl wanted to ask, and stepped out with a smile, and took the girl and the sword, and landed in the village.


   The wave is coming!

  The villagers of the kneeling village raised their heads and looked at the rising sea again, feeling the sea breeze blowing. At this moment, only shudder left!

   "Yao Village is changing!"

   "There seems to be something terrible in the world, could it be related to the mysterious young man!"

   "Sensed! That should be the sword body! Someone in Yao Village awakened the sword body! When the Chu emperor's warship went to Yao Village, why didn't he come back, is it..."

"Can Yaocun still go! What secret is the glaring sword! You Sheng instinctively snatched that sword, but just killed Cangming Emperor and did not capture the sword, You Sheng did not look down on that sword or have it other reasons!"

"It seems that Emperor Cangming has bloodline descendants...maybe his bloodline descendants awakened the sword body and became the master of the sword! Before it was disturbed by the invisible enchantment of the witch god. We should all be able to see clearly what happened before Yao Village! Just now I was afraid of the Chu people, I was afraid to spy, and I missed the opportunity! Alas!"

  Yao village dozens of miles away!

The monk who spied on before saw the terrible vision just now. Although he was deterred by the Chu emperor's warship for dozens of miles away, after seeing the terrible vision, he throbbed in shock. , Want to go to Yaocun to see what happens!


  Yao Village.

   The former residence of Cangming Jianxian.

  Cangming Jianxian is an immortal Emperor Wu, so it is also called Cangming Emperor. Xianwu Emperor is a realm title in the Xianwu Great World. In fact, it is the Heavenly Emperor Realm in other big worlds.

  The realm of the heavenly emperor is not the emperor of the heavenly emperor. Not only does the emperor of the emperor not only cultivate the emperor, but also has the fate of the emperor.

   "I actually have the engulfed sword body, which is simply unbelievable. The ancestor Cangming also explored my physique before, but the exploration is just a mortal body, and even cultivation can't practice."

  Cang Sheng sat on the floor, glaring sword suspended on Chen Zheng's side.

   "Emperor Realm is barely reluctant, and it is normal for some things to be undetectable."

  Chen Zheng took a sip of tea and made another cup of tea for Cangsheng.

"Senior...can it be the ancestors from other great worlds? Only because of special circumstances, Zhenyuan only survived the robbery period? Huh? This tea... what kind of fairy tea, why drink it? Then I feel... I feel that I can smell the avenue, it should be the avenue!"

  Cang Sheng thought for a moment, and took the tea cup to ask, but only took a sip, and his face was full of surprise!

   "It's right to cross the robbery, this tea is Wudao tea."

  Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


   Cang Sheng was so shocked that he almost spewed out tea! She was extremely careful, respectfully drank a cup of tea, and carefully put the cup down, only to feel a bit illusory.

   as if!

   Today's world is just a dream!

   It’s just a dream I have made!

   "No need to be You kind of little girl with no sword body, I like to give pointers the most. I am qualified to be my half disciple, called Chen Zu."

   Chen Zheng casually said.

"Half of the disciples... disciples meet Chen Zu!" Cang Sheng read out in a low voice, bowed to Chen Zheng, and at the moment thought of something mentioned by his ancestor Cang Ming, glanced at the sword of confusing Asked: "Chen Zu, the ancestor Cang Ming said that the Yingying Sword has a big head, and it is related to a supreme big man in Taishangtian. Devouring the sword body is probably not enough for this sword to recognize the Lord. Chen Zu, I want to know what the origin of this sword is!"

"This sword..." Chen Zheng put down the teacup and watched the faint sword revealing the color of memories, and also remembered some past, said in a vague voice: "This sword was made by me at the beginning. , Tossed it to a little girl. Since this sword has reached the world of Xianwu, it must be that girl who does not want this sword. It will be yours in the future. The name of this sword is the name of that girl."

"Throw it to a little girl to play... The terrible Taoist threw it to the little girl to play..." Cang Sheng swallowed and swallowed carefully, and then asked carefully: "Chen Zu, dare to ask the confused Who is the girl?"

   "It's confusing, Master of Heavenly Palace, I raised it, but it's not my own, she's a daughter of nature."

   Chen Zheng said lightly.


   Cang Sheng heard!


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