Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 909: Zu Wu? Zu Wu kneels specifically for Chen Zu!


Those three Daojunes of Sanzong took a breath, even if a few of them were Daojuns, this moment felt an invisible terror! The three disciples below Daojun Realm immediately lost their flesh and blood to nothingness, and their flesh became bones directly. Jin Xianxiu was instantly erased from the Yuanshen for the following disciples!

This scene!

It's really weird!



You Daojun was contaminated with the weird rain, the flesh and blood suddenly exploded, and his flesh and blood jumped strangely!


Daojun exclaimed!


Sect Master Yun Zong snorted on the Golden Wings and raised his hand to hit a golden light. The golden light fell on the Daojun, and the abnormality on the Daojun disappeared!

"Ye Wu thanks Master Qi Xiu!"

Daojun quickly thanked!

"Huh!" Qi Xiu, the Sect Master of Cloud Sect on the Golden Wings, responded with a gloomy glance across Chen Zheng, Cang Sheng, and Shen Wu Tears.

Among the three, Cang Shengxiu was the lowest, but Cang Sheng was unharmed, and Chen was also unharmed during the robbery period, and then there was no tears. Although the arrogant daughter of God’s family was only a golden fairy, Qi Xiu was suspicious at the moment. Soon he noticed that Cang Sheng and Shen Wu tears were covered with a layer of cyan light, and Shen Nian picked up his eyebrows and immediately picked them up.

"It turned out that it was the blue-black mysterious light that saved the two girls!"

Qi Xiu snorted!

God is silent without tears!

Cangsheng is also silent!

The two were not afraid of Qi Xiu, the Sect Master of the Cloud Sect on the Golden Wings, but the rain that appeared out of thin air just now was too weird. As soon as the rain fell, the golden fairy turned into a bone. The scene just now was really infiltrating!

"The power of rain."

Chen Zheng didn't look at anyone. With a faint smile on his face, he glanced into the dark gray cliff on the right side of the valley.

"Hey! Are you scared!" The witch **** smiled with evil spirits, and evil eyes swept across Qi Xiu and other people's faces, and then stared at Chen Zheng: "This is just a little means of the big man I used to borrow power. The great man is in a deep sleep, and the indestructible magic weapon my master left me can control the great man, and that one will wake up soon! I don’t need the means of my master to control the one to kill. Wait!"


Qi Xiu asked coldly!

The other two Heavenly Emperors and several Daojun frowned!

I have seen the strange means just now!

This witch **** certainly did not exaggerate!

Who is buried on the funeral island!

Immortal immortals?

Supreme fairy?

Extreme fairy?

The previous vision of burying Xiandao in this world describes what kind of character it is!

"Who? Hey!" The witch **** smiled again: "You can rest assured that I will kill this kid first, and this little girl! Only after killing this kid and the little girl, will you do it! Of course you can now Escape, but I know very well that you will not escape at this moment, because you also want to know who that big man is! Hehe! As long as I say a name for that big man, you must have heard it, you can’t have never heard it!"


Just heard the name and heard it!

Is it!

It is an ancestor who once shook the world in the world of Xianwu!

For example, Bai Zu Bai, the best ancestor of the kind!

still is!

A well-known mythical character!

The only well-known myth is the ancient myth of the wilderness!

Could it be!

The thoughts of Qi Xiu and others flashed quickly in their hearts, and the Witch God did indeed guess right. They really wanted to stay and uncover the mystery!

Wu Shen glanced at God without tears, and he looked at Chen Zheng with a smile: "You are an arrogant person, you are even more arrogant than Emperor Wu, so this seat is very clear, even if you are a person like you Escape now will not escape, because you also want to know the answer, who is the big person sleeping in the funeral island! And there is one more point, you must also want to know who my master is! I have seen the kid Now, there is a strong desire to explore deep in your heart! In this case, this seat satisfies you!"

The voodoo tone suddenly increased!

"You are right, I am indeed proud."

Chen Zheng did not fluctuate much, only smiled.

The three monks who came to bury Xiandao, except Qi Xiu, the sect master of the cloud sect on the golden wings, and the other two ancestors, Xianwu Emperor and other Daojun, subconsciously stepped back at this moment!

"Hey! You won't be proud in a moment!"

The Wujin saw this scene, revealing a disdain, and then raised his hands, as if performing the oldest sacrifice!

"Come on! Wake up from a long sleep! No! It's not from a long sleep! It's a waking from the sinking nihility! After all, it's my Master who resurrected you!"


Just listen to bang!

The whole funeral island vibrates!


With a loud bang, I saw a giant beast break out of the dark gray cliff on the right side of the Valley of God Medicine!



Immediately roared upward!

This roar!

Even Qi Xiu is an immortal Emperor Wu, which is equivalent to the Heavenly Emperor Realm in the heavens. The other two Emperor Xianwu Emperors and the few Daojun only glanced at the giant beast that broke out of the wall, and his face was full of horror!

Quasi Saint!

The monster that broke out of the wall is definitely a quasi-holy!

Even stronger!

The beast was covered with sharp bone spurs, which was terrible, and now it was even more terrifying under the roar!

"This... what a monster this is!"

Cang Sheng asked with a tremble.

She is not in the Dandan period, even if there is a blue-black mystic body protector, at this moment listening to the roar of the fierce monster, the Yuanshen is not controlled trembling!


The engulfing sword body in her body seemed to be angry at this moment. At this moment, a roar that only she could hear was engulfing. The engulfing sword body seemed to appear in the world, as if to compete with the fierce monster!

"Boy, this seat gives you a chance. If you can name this one, this seat can keep you a whole body, or you can leave this little girl a whole body! Boy, you still have ten breaths!"

The witch **** laughed wildly!

As if he had control of everything!

As if dominating the life and death of Chen Zheng!


The beast covered with bone spurs roared again!

Although it has been resurrected!

But its will is like chaos!

At this moment, it seems to just want to make a kill!

At this moment, Cang Sheng, God has no tears, Qi Xiu and others, all stared at Chen Zheng, all held their breath!

"Xuan Ming."

Chen Zheng chuckled lightly and said two words lightly.

"Haha! Xuan Ming! Zu Wu Xuan Ming! You really have something, you recognize this is Zu Wu Xuan Ming! It's not bad, to reward you, this seat gives you a whole body!" The witch **** laughed, next moment His complexion became extremely terrible, and he ordered the giant beast with bones all over his body: "Come! Zu Wu Xuan Ming! Give this kid a whole body!"

Zu Wu Xuan Ming!

Qi Xiu and others shuddered!

Zu Wu!

This terrible beast turned out to be an ancestor!

Xuan Ming!

Xuan Ming among the twelve ancestors!


A roar!

The fierce beast stared towards Chen Zheng!

"Give him a whole body!"

At this moment, the witch **** is crazy to the extreme!


Then the fierce beast looked at Chen Zheng at the The turbid eyes became clear instantly, and after a stagnation, he suddenly fell from the air and kneeled at Chen Zheng!

"Xuan Ming visits Chen Zu!"

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