Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 934: The supreme beauty comes!

This person!

Who is it!

This man even called the soldier master a traitor!

And how does this person's appearance feel like 70% of the mysterious young people who frightened the emperor's fusion of military strategy!

The two ancestors of the military family frowned, and in the Xianwu world, there were only two people who could conceal their senseless silence to come to the soldier's tomb, one is the Holy Saint and the other is the Holy Saint! Except for the two saints, it is absolutely impossible for other creatures to hide them silently! But in front of him, this young man with a crown of crown had concealed their perception, but this young man with a crown of crown seemed to be only a golden fairy level!

"Come on! Bring up your military strategy!"

The young man in the crown of the sun and the **** pattern robed the youth, shouting indifferently to Chen Zheng, and his breath rose wildly!



Quasi Saint!


Almost in a moment, the youth breath is already the breath of the ancestral realm!

The two ancestors of the military family, the soldiers of the tomb keeper lying on the ground, their faces sank again! The mysterious young man who frightened the emperor has not left, and now a mysterious young man has emerged. Is it true that today the military strategists are going to lose their treasures!

"Huh? Didn't you show it up, did you want the Divine Son to shoot it yourself?"

Seeing Chen Zheng motionless, Shenguan Youth raised his eyebrows, and the ancestor's breath rolled down!

"Son Son? Where is the stinky fish rotten shrimp."

Chen Zheng said lightly, Bingce was included in Yuanshen, his right hand raised a slap and fanned out!


A slap in the face!

Especially loud!

A young slap imprint appeared on the cheek of the young man who claimed to be the Divine Son. His face was stunned. He seemed to have never expected that he would be slapped by a ants in his eyes. The power of his ancestral realm did not block this. hand!

That kid!

A true fairy!

It's just a ants!


The two ancestors of the military family looked at each other again, and once again saw the strangeness in each other's eyes.

What a fairy!

The mysterious young man is just a true fairy!

But it was such a true fairy, but he could ignore the ancestor's breath and gave his ancestor a slap in the backhand. The young man who claimed to be his body was a real ancestor realm at the moment, but he couldn't escape that slap!


It's too weird!

The soldiers on the ground were silent, and a smile flashed in Cangsheng's eyes. He suddenly said that this guy, who suddenly came out, claimed to be a **** son, and his tail was really up to heaven, but even Chen Zu could not hide it with a slap! The bragging of self is actually just like that. Dare to pretend to be in front of Chen Zu and fight you!

There is also a sneer in the heart of God without tears. Since seeing Chen Zheng ignoring the four murderous attacks of the cosmic floods in the **** of medicine market, she has been very clear, not to mention that the ancestor is a saint, I am afraid that it will not hurt Chen Zu, Chen Zu The flesh should be above the saint! As soon as this Son of God appeared, he showed a high-profile posture, really thought Chen Zu was bullying!

The atmosphere is somewhat depressed!

Not to Chen Zheng, nor tears to Cangsheng and God, but to the youth of the Divine Crown and the tomb keeper!

"No one has ever beaten the face of the Divine Son!" After a moment of silence, the young man of the crown spoke, still dominated, but the immortal expression on his face disappeared and has now been replaced by indifference. Shenguan Youth touched his cheek and looked at Chen Zheng several times with a cold look: "I don't care who you are, whether you are an ancestor or a saint in my past life, I only remind you once, I am the one you can't afford! There is one last chance to hand over the military strategy, this time you only have ten breaths!"


The voice of the youth of the Divine Crown fell, and a divine enchantment appeared instantly, sealing off this area of ​​the soldier's tomb!

The two ancestors of the Bingjia frowned again. They felt an unusual breath. The realm of the Shenguan Youth seemed to be ascending again, and this enchantment under the cloth of the Shenguan Youth gave them a kind of joint that could not be broken. feel!

"Did you drink tea?"

However, Chen Zheng was too lazy to watch the Divine Crown Youth, and a Taishi chair emerged at random. He sat on the Taishi chair, and he made another move. The coffee table and tea set appeared, and he casually asked the two ancestors of the Bingjia, in front of everyone. Start making tea.


The two ancestors of the military family are silent!

The soldier tomb keeper lying on the ground is also silent!


The warlord's tomb was blocked by Shenguan Youth!

The ancestors of the enchantment could not be opened!

You guys are still in the mood to make tea!

This is safe, don't take the **** crown youth in the eyes!

"Cangsheng, is the ten-breath time now?"

Chen Zheng took a sip of tea and asked softly.

"The ten-breath time will be here soon!"

Cang Sheng replied with a grin.

"court death!"

The young man of the Divine Crown was furious, and his identity was very big. He had been ignored in this way. Under the rage, one raised his hand and slammed it!


Shenhuo broke out!

"Anode fire in the Five Elements Avenue!"

Bing Shenzi was shocked!

There was also a look of surprise in the eyes of another military ancestor!


Despite the power of horror, Shenhuo instantly consumed Chen Zheng and the second daughter, but Chen Zheng and the second daughter were still intact! On the second woman's body, there was a pale black mysterious light, and the terrible **** fire was dispelled!

At the moment, Chen Zheng was sitting in the Taishi chair, and he was still too lazy to look at the Shenguan Youth, as if he had been out of business and concentrated on tea!

"This **** son Taixu anode temple to Yang **** son!"

Shenguan Youth looked crazy for a while, and shouted at Chen Zheng suddenly!




The two ancestors of Bingjia's face changed and flashed with surprise, while the tomb-keeper of Bingjia was confused.

"Wow! It looks like a big start! Chen Zu Chen Zu, Cang Sheng is so scared!"

Cang Sheng's face was also shocked, as if frightened. In fact, as long as you take a closer look, you know that this girl is a deliberate expression.


God no tears frowned slightly.


Chen Zheng still has no fluctuations!

Continue to concentrate on tea!

"Soldier! The ancestor of Xianwu Great World! After breaking through the territory, enter Taixu, join the anode temple, and later judge the anode temple! Nature should also be returned to the anode temple! The Divine Son once stood above the saint, the Divine Son once killed the ancestor with one thought, the Divine Son once could pinch the Saint, and the Divine Son could be destroyed with one hand Xianwu Great World! Small things, do you still have to pretend in front of this **** son!"

Seeing Chen Zhengsi unmoved, Shenguan Youth roared again!

This time!

The people present, except Chen Zheng, were silent, as if they were shocked!

"You know it was once, how can you help me now."

at last!

After taking another sip of tea, Chen raised his head and smiled at Shenguan Youth, and returned to Shenguan Youth!

"..." Shenguan Youth stayed for a while, and then gave a low laugh. After a few laughs, he suddenly raised his head and shouted at the top: "Master Lord, Zhiyang has already Find the treasure treasure strategy of the traitor soldiers, please come to the Lord Lord will!"


This shout!

Dazzling divine light!

The dazzling divine light only appeared for a while!

The bright divine light disappeared!

The figure above is clearly visible!


"Oh my god!"

"She... how could so beautiful!"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at, even if they were the two ancestors of the soldiers, and even the second **** without tears in the Xianwu Great World Fenghua list, this moment was dumbfounded!

That is a woman!

A cold and gorgeous woman whose appearance is still on the tears of God!

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