Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 985: The strongest Ao Shi 1 knife!


   Baizu knew this extraterrestrial demon!

   Could it have fought with this extraterrestrial demon before?

  Bai family up and down all stunned!

   "After thousands of years, you seem to have improved a lot, why do you want me to try your knife?"

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


  The white-haired middle-aged man also smiled, grabbed the snow-colored long knife into his hands with one hand, and turned it into a snow-colored knife and it skyrocketed!


  A white-haired middle-aged man with a knife!

  A snow-colored enchantment emerges!



   Only listen to a tear!

  The sky above the sky is torn apart!

   A cloudy time and space appeared!

   "The Great Thousand Worlds is not enough to be Bai Zu's battlefield. Bai Zu opened up a battlefield!"

  A white parent Lao Wangtian praised!


  The white-haired middle-aged man entered the turbid time and space, and shouted at Chen Zheng again with one hand!


  Chen Zheng smiled, stepped out in one step, and entered the cloudy time and space!


next moment!

   The law in the muddy time and space suddenly violent!

  Chen Zheng and the white-haired middle-aged man were attacked by chaos and violent laws at this moment!

   But neither of them moved!

   seems to be brewing the most terrible blow!

   "Slash! Slash him! No matter whether Bai Zu has seen this kid before, this kid is an extraterrestrial demon and an enemy of spirits in the heavens and the world, how can this kid die!"

   The white greed wolf has a terrible face, and his eyes are full of blood, already crazy!

   "Bai Chu Patriarch, or else!"

   And the head of the Bai family suddenly glanced at the Cangsheng above the star cha, and secretly transmitted a sound to Bai Chu ancestor!

"Huh? Do you mean to catch this descendant of Cangming Emperor? No! This is not a shame for the Bai family and Bai Zu! Before this son, the sacred person was killed with a big killer, even if the **** and demon body is exposed again, It can't be Bai Zu's rival, Bai Zu will be able to cut this one with a knife!"

   Bai Chu's ancestor Yuan Shen responded, staring at the Bai family head with a cold eye, and then looked at the gray-haired middle-aged man in the muddy time and space, his eyes full of worship!


  White invincible!

   That is the invincible ancestor of the Bai family!

   This field is recognized as the first person!

   Could it be lost to an extraterrestrial demon!



   Even if Bai Zu said that Zhibao Ao Shi Long Dao is afraid of the extraterrestrial demon!

   That's just Baizu's polite words!

  Bai Chu Patriarch, thoughts flashed in his heart quickly, he only believed that Bai Zubai invincible could never be defeated!




   A violent shake in chaotic time and space!

   The law in chaotic space-time is more violent!



   Visible to the naked eye!

  Chen Zheng and the white-haired middle-aged man's shirt are cracking at this moment!

   "What a terrible power of law!"

   "The power of the violent law!"

   "That can absolutely crush an immortal Emperor Wu and even a sage!"

   Monk Bai showed a terrified look!

   "The flesh of the extraterrestrial demon is really strong, but it is impossible to support Bai Zu's strongest and proud sword!"

  White Chu Pao whispered!

   "Get started! Cut him! Bai Zu cut this extraterrestrial demon!"

  White Greedy Roar!

   He is really crazy!

   His Yuanshen is already in a violent state!


   is also at this time!

   The teleportation array in front of the Bai family ancestral land suddenly flashed!


   The Bai family looked up and down!

   I saw a tall figure coming out of the teleportation array!

   This is a woman!

   Cool look!

   One-handed holding a snow-colored long knife!

   There is a rabbit hovering eating a carrot!

   "Miss Nixian!"

   "Miss Nixian is back!"

   "Nison is just back when you came back. I was fortunate to see Baizu slashing the extraterrestrial demon!"

   Monk Bai sees this woman, and she is also very happy!

   "The Zhenfeng list is the first, the Fenghua list is the fifth, the most terrifying young girl in the world of Xianwu..."

   Xingcha Shang Cangsheng also looked over.

  She got the sword, and awakened the peerless sword to devour the sword. For the first time at this moment, I saw the Zhenfeng list first. Before, I was not convinced why I was just the white fairy of Xuanxian. But when I really saw it, she was convinced.

   "This woman is terrible, don't mess with this woman! And this woman's flesh is very special, kind of like Chen Zu's flesh!"

  Because she has been engulfing the sword body in her body, this moment is also soft, and this moment is reminding her!

   "White Niang..."

The white greedy wolf, who had a crazy look, saw the figure and froze for a moment, and a cold light flashed away. When he felt that the figure's breath was stronger and stronger than before, he shuddered and his heart was deep. Killing madness poured out!

  White dress!

   This woman is stronger than before!

   This woman is afraid to kill herself with a knife!

  Why is this woman better than herself!

  Why does this woman inherit Baizu's invincible way!

   "Lying trough! That's not!"

  At this time, the rabbit floating beside the woman looked up and saw two figures in the sky in the chaotic time, one mouth, and half of the carrots that had nibbled in the hand fell to the ground!

"how come......"

   White Niang looked up, and the frown on that cold face instantly fell!

"That kid is a **** outside the realm. He sneaked into our Xianwu world a long time ago. The destruction of the Chu people, the destruction of the Xianwu palace, the transformation of the Wuji sacred mountain, and the death of Yousheng Lisheng are all related to this son! Send the spy of our Xianwu World, the extraterritorial demon wants to plot our Xianwu World! Nishang, you come back from experience, the breath is stronger, now you should have a stable ancestor's combat power! But just look at this moment, don't disturb Go to Baizu to cut that extraterrestrial demon!

   The head of the Bai family said seriously to Bai Nishang.

   "Outland Gods and Demons..."

   The white neon brow frowned again.

   "Well...then watch the drama! This rabbit hasn't seen Bai Zu's proud sword yet, and I really want to see it!"

   The rabbit floating next to the white neon smiled A paw grabbed the carrot falling on the ground, the carrot started, and the rabbit bite hard with his mouth open.

   "Gods and gods outside the world are **** it!"

   White greedy wolf roar!


   Chaos in time and space!

The law of    is violent again!

   And it is almost this moment!

  Middle-aged man with white hair in chaotic time and space moved!

   Bai Zubai's invincible he raised his hand!


   "A proud sword!"

   "Xianwu Great World's strongest Xianwu pole style!"

   "The strongest sword that saints should avoid!"

   "Cut! Cut off that extraterrestrial demon!"

  The Bai family showed up and down at this moment!


he came!

  Bai Zu showed off his strongest arrogance!


   Knife out!

   The law of rage in chaotic time and space is annihilated!

   A breath of terrifying tide bursts out from the chaotic time!


   The enchantment that shrouded the area of ​​Aohan Mountain was trembling madly!

  If there is not this enchantment!

   This breath of terror is enough to shake this world!

   Ao Shi knife!

   The strongest knife!


   White Greedy Roar Crazy!

   as if!

   This is the strongest knife he cut out!

   At this moment, the rest of the Bai family also showed a crazy look!


   finally saw Bai Zu's strongest proud sword!

   This knife goes on!

   The kid, even a special race among the extraterrestrial gods and demons, should be reduced to nothingness!


   The strongest proud world has been chopped off!

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