Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 999: Let's worship Chen Zu!

"Chen Zu, Jing Yao"

Long Jingyao's pretty face was white. She didn't expect the bliss of the Elysian immortal, and invaded her Yuanshen silently.

Queen of Bliss!

Creatures of that level!

The method is too weird and a bit scary!

Chen Zu is right in front of him!

Does the Queen of Bliss still refuse to let herself go!

"I tell you a secret method, and after her will comes, you can feel it, but I want to see how many ways she will come."

Chen Zheng smiled again.

Long Jingyao's body shuddered inexplicably, then her cheeks turned red, and then she lowered her head and secretly said in her heart that she had been poisoned by bliss before she could endure the torture and suffering of the bliss of bliss. Now why only see Chen Zu smile, his body seems to be intolerable?

Chen Zheng slammed a mysterious light into Long Jingyao's body, and then got up with a stroke. A star chap above Tiangan Palace emerged. He stepped out and took Long Jing Yao to Xing Cha.


A star burst!

Sweep north!

"Ah! This man is so strong, it is impossible for me in my life to get the hearts of Her Royal Highness Princess!"

A strange sigh sounded in an instant!


The other seven strange eyes all looked at the yard, and all shook their heads. The boss of the nine monsters who sighed just now has true dragon blood and exotic animal blood, and has the ancestors' combat power. The reason for joining the Tiangan Palace is to pursue the long princess.

Now that he has given up, he knows that even if he forcibly explodes the seed, he will never be the man's opponent.

"Ah! It's too difficult! I can't reincarnate, and finally merged the real dragon bloodline and gluttonous bloodline. I just wanted to chase a woman in my life. I have been safe and stable for a lifetime. Such a simple request can't God satisfy me! It’s too difficult! It’s really too difficult!"

After a moment.

The first strange groan came again from that yard.


The other seven monsters and the slaves of the Tiangan Palace collectively rolled their eyes at this moment.

Long Hanxian faces north.

There is a mountain called Haoyang.

The Yanyang Temple is in Haoyang Mountain.

The Chi and Yang families of the six ethnic groups of Xianwu are also in Haoyang Mountain.

The two tribes share the Yanyang Temple.


At this moment, Haoyang Mountain has been closed!

The forces of all races and sects who came to the Yanyang Temple for the first time!

Almost all were blocked outside Haoyang Mountain!

Can't get in!

Even ancestors can't get in!

"Haoyang is in a blaze of fire, and the saints can't easily break in. Now there is no sage in the Xianwu world, and the quasi-sage ancestors of the Xianwu emperors of each family can only stare!"

"The Yanyang Temple is about to swallow the mysterious flame heavenly palace. The human-shaped phantom that absorbed the flame heavenly palace seems to be an immortal martial emperor of the Yang family. What is called Yang!"

"Yang Zhengtian, that Xianwu Emperor was called Yang Zhengtian! He was also on the real dragon list hundreds of years ago. It should have been Xianwu Emperor hundreds of years ago. Then I went to explore what secret world was missing. It was not long ago. return!"

"Yang Zhengtian, it seems to be an emperor Wu Shi! You have seen the vision before. The magnificent breath and the emperor's authority are more terrible than the lord of the immortal dynasty!"

"Hush! Lord Lord Long is here!"

Outside Haoyang Mountain, at least tens of thousands of spirits have already gathered, and at the moment there is an uproar of discussion.


A star burst!

A star chaser crossed over!


All Xiu Xiu read the past!

"A real fairyland kid also has a lying trough! Isn’t that Long Jingyao who is the No. 1 in Fenghua List on the Ten Beautiful Pictures! In the lying trough, I finally saw the best beauty in Fenghua List! It’s Long Jingyao! Princess Long Hanxian Dynasty! I finally saw a real person today! It’s so beautiful! The first place in the Fenghua list is true! The world says that when we marry a wife, we have no tears, but today I saw Long Jingyao and I changed my mind. , Marry Long Jingyao!"

"Waste! You have this ambition! Whether it is God without Tears or Long Jingyao, I will do it all!"

"Don't you recognize that he is the extraterrestrial demon in the Holy Decree!"


In a word!

Awaken the public repair!

"It's him!"

"It's really him!"

"How can the Princess Long Hanxian Dynasty be with him from the extra-territorial demon in the Holy Decree, could he take the Long Princess Xian Dynasty!"

Many monks stepped back in shock!


At this time, a fairy light in Haoyang Mountain shot out!

Immortal light turned into a phantom, and the phantom swept through the practitioners, and his eyes fell on Chen Zheng's face, and immediately snorted: "The elder Chi Clan Red Dragon of the Yanyang Temple, whether you are an extraterritorial demon, this The seat only tells you that Haoyang Dashan is not where you should come. The Chi tribe and the Yang tribe in the Yanyang Temple are not welcome, please leave!"




This is also the time!

Several warships cross over!

I saw several figures on those warships flew out, and all of them were caught in the blink of an eye!

"Chen Zu!"

"Chen Zu!"


"Hey! Chen Zu! This first woman in Fenghua list, shouldn't be your woman yet?"

The several figures bowed to Chen Zheng!


Not all worship!

There is a rabbit who is extremely unhealthy and hey!

However, no one went to see the rabbit at the scene. The crowd at the moment saw clearly the figures that fell on Xingcha. This moment felt extremely unreal!

"Shenjiashen has no tears!"

"Wu Qingwu!"

"Bai Jiabai Nishang!"

"What lineup is this!"

"My Dao Zun! Is this a dream! Do you want to gather on the Fenghua list today!"

Younger generation!

All dumbfounded!

As for the elders of the family sect that are not related to Chen Zheng, this moment also feels a bit untrue!

And the red-hearted dragon who claimed to be the elder of the Yanyang Temple has been completely ignored!


The Lord of Long Han was also present. When he saw this scene, his mouth trembled a bit, and if he wanted to say anything, he seemed to have nothing to say! As the master of the fairy dynasty, he saw at a glance that Bai Nishang, God has no tears, and Wu Qingyan's breath is very special. Among them, Bai Nishang and God have no tears, which gave him a very dangerous feeling! I am the master of the Longhan Immortal Dynasty, and I will face these two little girls as if they will be killed!

next moment!

A more unreal scene is coming!

"Shenjia Shenguang visits Chen Zu!"

"The Wu Family Wu Zu met Chen Zu!"

"Baijiabaijiabai tidal Bai Zu paid homage to Chen Zu!"

Ancestor of the God Family!

Wu Family Wu Zu!

The current home owner of the Bai family!

All stood out at this moment!

All respectfully respected Chen Zheng on Xingcha!

"Isn't he a **** outside the realm! How did he become Chen Zu!"

"Ancestral God of God! Wu Family Wu Zu! People from the Bai Family worship Bai Zu on his behalf! Bai Zu! That's Bai invincible! Ao Shi is the best sword! If Bai Zu is Not successful!"

"Brain dizzy! Brain dizzy! Li Shengfa dictates that he is an extraterrestrial demon, but the **** family Wujia Bai Jia respects him as Chen Zu, who is true and who is false!"

"Li Sheng is falling, do you really need to say it?"


Cultivation on the spot!

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