Chapter 16 : When you are the strongest, you know life and death! ! !

The most well-known and influential Cobra mercenary in the world.

He once committed crimes in more than a dozen countries, and even assassinated half of the cobras at the top of a country.

But it was directly destroyed in Daxia.

But it was not the official Daxia that caused all this.

The official statement on the incident said that the mercenaries were dealt with by the special police.

But the senior officials of Daxia knew it in their hearts.

The regiment killed more than 30 mercenaries and others.

And its true identity is…

“Li Mo!” Yu Aichi said word by word.

“In the 626 incident, it was our savior Li Mo who eliminated all the mercenaries!”

“Although it’s hard to understand, Li Mo’s fighting skills have simply reached an incomprehensible level.”

“His identity is one of the country’s top secrets. If it weren’t for the emergence of the National Luck survival game this time, even I would not have the right to know his information.”

“Everyone, look forward to it! This National Luck game may be a disaster for other countries, but for us!!”

“The whole world will be shocked by Da Xia, and will be surprised by Li Mo!!”

Yu Aichi’s tone became a bit fanatical. He was always calm, with unspeakable eagerness in his eyes.

He looked at Li Mo’s figure on the big screen and stood up, his voice trembling.

“Mu Qiang is human nature, and Li Mo will lead Da Xia to the apex of this game…”

“Even to be the world’s…”


No one would have imagined that the genius who was called the dean of psychology, a genius that was rarely seen in 500 years, was actually a maddenist.



The Rat Commander let out a scream.

The huge body burst out with an extremely discordant speed.

While running, there was actually a gust of wind.

Facing the fast approaching monsters.

Li Mo clenched his fists with both hands, and the tiger’s eyes were like electricity.

A murderous aura rose out of thin air.

“three minutes…”

With only three minutes, this is the final result estimated by Li Mo.

The ten Fengdu Yin soldiers were powerful, but they were ten times as numerous as their opponents.

They were clearly overwhelmed.

Without Li Mo’s participation, they could only hold on for a maximum of three minutes.

After three minutes have passed, they will be submerged in the endless tide of rats.

“Enough!” Li Mo said in a low voice, a gleam of light exploded in his eyes.

bass! ! !

At the moment when the giant rat’s fangs were about to bite him.

His body is like electricity, like a dragon.

It appeared directly on the side of the giant rat.

A pale bone appeared in his hand, which was the material obtained from the first round monster, the Skeleton Giant.

It is difficult for the stupid head of the giant rat lord to understand why this incomparably small human being.

When facing himself, he did not have the slightest fear, but rather a bit of [contempt].

As the lord of the Rat Tide, it only feels that its majesty is being challenged.

Huge eyes stared at Li Mo.

It seems that I don’t understand why humans, a race that reacts so slowly, can dodge their own attacks.

But don’t wait for it to react otherwise.

Only a white shadow passed by.


puff! !


In an instant, the giant rat lord let out a scream, and a bone was inserted into his eyeball.

And Li Mo, like an elegant bullfighter in the Colosseum, slowly summoned a bone from the system backpack again.

“As expected of a lord-level monster, his eyes are so hard.”

Eyes, as the most vulnerable organ of all living things, are very weak, but when Li Mo pierced the monster’s eyeball with white bone just now.

I actually felt resistance.

If it weren’t for the fact that after his body was upgraded, his strength increased sharply, I’m afraid it would be difficult to deal with this monster.


The giant rat lord, who was blinded in one eye, screamed, and his hostility became heavier.

It seems that Li Mo’s behavior completely angered it.

The two pustules behind it were twisting constantly.

What was bred in it seemed to be about to be bred out.

A foul stench emanated from it.


And Li Mo is still so indifferent when facing such a terrifying and twisted monster.

As if nothing in this world was worth worrying about.

His appearance gave all the Chinese people who were worried about the fate of Daxia a booster in front of the live broadcast room.

For some reason, all the people watching this scene just felt that.

As long as this man named Li Mo stands in front of him.

Even if the gods and demons recover, the sky will be overturned.

As long as he is still…

This day will not fall.

Even the foreigner who had been insulting Li Mo in the Daxia live broadcast room shut up at this time.

At this moment, they only hate why a man like Li Mo is a native of Daxia, not the savior of his own country.

For outside ideas, Li Mo is not interested.

At this moment, he is looking at the pustule of the giant rat with great interest.

Gollum! ! !

Accompanied by a ‘crashing’ sound.

The pustules shattered, and two huge wings emerged.

The breath of the giant rat lord rioted again, and his strength increased rapidly.

However, there was a gleam in Li Mo’s eyes.

boom! ! !

His figure shot out like a thunderbolt.

In an instant, he appeared in front of the giant mouse, and a sharp white bone appeared in his hand.

“When you are the strongest, you know life and death!!!”

……………………………………………… …………………………..

PS: The update is completed today!

Humblely seek wave data~

One flower, one evaluation ticket, one monthly ticket, and more updates will continue tomorrow! ! ! !

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