Chapter 201 : Everyone is ready! At this moment, be united! (please customize)

From a distance, there was darkness as far as the eye could see.

At the same time, the jet-black spear hair collided with the sword and spear in the hands of the Yin Soldier.

After the two sides just broke out, the Yin Soldiers have already begun to show some injuries.

Obviously, the two are very different on an individual basis.

If you look at it purely from the perspective of defense, these Yin soldiers of the Daxia camp are really not enough.

At this moment, this scene is also seen by many foreigners.

: “Hahaha, the big summer is over, this so-called General Yue really doesn’t understand the strategy of fighting at all.”

: “Originally, if he sticks to the camp, perhaps with the strength of the city of the dead, he can still block the second wave of charges.”

: “Yeah, maybe their savior can return successfully in this way, but now I’m afraid Daxia is really over.”: “It seems that Daxia’s country is really going to be in ruins.”

There is a strong Yin Qi permeating, but these Yin soldiers are still not the opponents of these jet-black armored warriors.

It can be imagined how big the gap between the individual strengths of the two sides is.

And how strong are these jet-black armored warriors.

Even now all the people of Daxia have been greatly enhanced under the condition of Li Mo’s continuous victories.

However, the odds of winning against these heavily armed armored warriors are still very small.

At this moment, all the people in Daxia’s territory are closely watching the live broadcast.

Everyone’s faces were filled with resolute expressions, and they clenched their fists tightly.

All Daxia people are ready to join the battle at any time. : “Even if General Yue fails, it’s nothing.”

: “Don’t say that we’ve been behind the back for such a long time, it’s our turn to take action.”: “I should have come to face these monsters in person, Mo Shen has done a very good job. “: “At least Mo Shen gave us a stronger physique, and gave me Daxia’s stronger technology v.” At this moment, in Daxia’s central control room.

The atmosphere is very solid.

The bureau seat clenched his fists tightly and said, “Maybe this time we really have to fight to the death.”

“In Daxia, all the people must not go to the battlefield until all the soldiers die.” “It is the duty of soldiers to obey orders!”

Then, within Daxia’s territory, the densely packed soldiers quickly deployed and spread out completely within Daxia’s territory.

Almost every street is guarded by corresponding soldiers.

Every soldier is constantly patrolling the streets, alert to the surrounding situation.

They knew very well that when they came out this time, they were going to die.

If the Daxia camp is broken, those terrifying monsters will appear in the Daxia territory.

In this way, they must top it at the first time.

Almost every soldier is already fully armed.

Bureau seat and others have long been preparing for the appearance of this day.

Almost all of the soldiers have been fully armed all this time.

They are ready and ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

Even if they die on the battlefield, this is their destiny.

Corresponding photos and videos are continuously circulated among the Daxia people.

Many people have red eyes.

These soldiers are the backbone of the family.

They also only have one life.

If they die, they cannot come again.

And they are the expectations of how many mothers. Their age is only about 20 years old, but now they have stood up without hesitation.

Behind them are the densely packed Daxia people. “No, we can’t continue to hide.”

“That’s right, I’m over 40 this year, and my son has grown up, so I don’t have anything to worry about anymore.”

“These special forces are about the same age as my son. I really can’t watch them die like this.” “If the monsters come out, I must stand up. I won’t wait at home to die.” The people of Daxia began to ask for their orders one after another.

“The seat, let’s go to the battlefield! We also have the power to fight.”

“Juzuo, let’s replace these young people. They are still young, and they have a brighter future.” “Juzuo, you promise us! We also have the courage to fight.”

“Officer, I have nothing to worry about, and I have never married a wife in my life. I am willing to go to the battlefield.” Da Xia, the center console.

Old Chen, as well as many think tanks, and the staff present had tears in their eyes. Old Chen said in a trembling voice, “This is our Daxia people.” “It is because of them that Daxia’s spine will never be bent.” “With these people, Daxia will be forever. stand in the forest of nations of the world.”

Bureau seat forcibly endured the surging emotions in his chest, and said slowly: “,~ This is our country, this is our people.” “In this country, when they are needed, they will always stand up without hesitation. “But, they are all good boys!”

“However, the plan is the plan, and we must continue to strictly follow the plan.”

One by one, the staff forcibly endured their inner grief, maintained their reason with great perseverance, and began to work in an orderly manner.

At this moment, the Yin soldiers led by General Yue had lost 1/10. At this moment, General Yue’s eyes suddenly became very bright.


General Yue directly waved the halberd in his hand and roared frantically.

“Their weakness is that pair of eyes, poking their eyes out.”

“The armor on their bodies also has slits, and the eyes are the best attack point.” Under the swaying yin qi, General Yue’s voice spread throughout the entire camp.

Then, the fighting enthusiasm of all the Yin Soldiers (Nuo Qian’s) was ignited.

At first they didn’t know how to deal with these armored monsters.

After all, no matter where they attacked, these monsters seemed invulnerable.

But now General Yue has given them directions.



One after another yin wind whistled continuously, and many yin soldiers were not afraid of death to attack the many armored monsters in front.




A spear is constantly catching the eyes of these armored monsters.


Every time the Yin Soldier’s attack successfully hits the eye area, there will always be some dirt falling out of it.


After each attack hits, the black light on the surface of these armors will completely disappear.

Very open, many pitch-black armors regained their bronze color, and then fell heavily on the ground, completely turning into a pile of dust, and completely dissipating. faint.

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