Chapter 204 : Daxia’s Dinghaishenzhen! Everyone’s trust! (please customize)

The sun never sets camp, and the dense skeleton creatures also appeared in front of the camp.

However, the number of these skeletons is only 1/10 compared to the skeletons that appeared in the Daxia camp. The most important thing is that the arms of these skeletons are all white.

But the arms of the skeletons in the Daxia camp were as black as ink.

From this point, it can be seen that the biggest difference between the two skeletons is on the arms.

And many Daxia people who watched the live broadcast of the Sun Never Sets camp soon discovered this.

: “So, this time, are the longest points of these skeleton monsters their arms?”

: “The high probability is like this, otherwise, where will the 10 times the intensity of our Daxia camp be reflected?”

: “That’s right, in addition to the number of monsters that our Daxia camp is facing far outnumbering other camps, the biggest difference is the dark appearance on the arms.”: “What is this system doing? It’s always targeting our Daxia camp.”: “These monsters still haven’t attacked, what are they waiting for?”

: “If possible, I hope they can continue to delay for a while, and when Mo Shen returns, everything will be a foregone conclusion.” Many Daxia people began to pray.

Make it unclear to them what exactly these skeleton monsters are waiting for.

But as long as they can keep the ink going.

Then, the Daxia camp will have more time to wait for Li Mo’s return.

Daxia, center console.

Chen Lao frowned and said, “Didn’t your think tank find any clues? Strange, why am I standing still?” “Hurry up and give me a reasonable explanation!”

Seeing Old Chen angry, fine sweat appeared on the foreheads of many think tank members.

This old man is Da Xia’s Dinghai Shenzhen. Once he gets angry, his aura shocks people’s hearts.

The many think-tanks present, despite their extensive knowledge, were simply unable to resist the old man’s anger and aura.

The bureau seat on the side hurriedly and cautiously said: “Chen Lao, calm down! After all, it is the first time that the members of the think tank have seen such a strange monster, so it is normal that they can’t come up with the regulations for a while.” In a few minutes, they should find a corresponding breakthrough and come up with a satisfactory result.” Originally, because of the bureau’s persuasion of Elder Chen, many members of the think tank showed grateful expressions on their faces.

But after hearing the words of the bureau seat, one by one with helplessness, they began to analyze every detail on the screen.

Although because of the superiority and inferiority, they dare not show any disrespect.

But deep down in his heart, all kinds of spit thoughts are endless.

One minute passed quickly, and the impatience on Old Chen’s face became more and more intense.

And the sweat on the faces of many think tanks is also getting more and more fine.

After a while, Yu Aichi suddenly shouted: “Old Chen, Bureau seat, I have the latest discovery.” All the eyes of everyone in the center console were attracted by this guy.

Yu Aichiyan spit, and hurriedly said, “Everyone, look carefully at the position of the soles of the skeletons’ feet.” “You will find that the soles of these skeletons are still connected to the ground.” Everyone turned their attention to the live broadcast.

It was found that the many skeletons in the south of the city of death at the moment stood silently in place, without the slightest movement.

The most important thing is that the soles of these skeleton monsters fit tightly with the ground without leaving any gaps.

It stands to reason that they are all skeleton structures, and it is absolutely impossible to have a 100% fit.

After Yu Aichi’s reminder, everyone quickly woke up.


Chen Lao slapped the table heavily, frowned, and said, “You little, why do you speak hesitantly? Don’t you hurry up and make it clear.”

The bureau seat on the side was also displeased and said: “It’s already at this time, what are you selling? Hurry up and tell your guess! At least it’s much stronger than the members of these think tanks.” Many members of the think tanks on the side Immediately, she looked at Yu Aichi with bad eyes.

Guy Yu Aichi is a psychologist by profession, but now he is stronger than the rest of the think tank members in terms of observation.

Moreover, he even wanted to sell off in front of other members, which caused everyone’s eyes to be very bad.

Yu Aichi’s original idea of ​​selling Guanzi completely disappeared.

“That’s it. At present, I think the most likely situation is that these monsters, as long as they stay on the ground, can continuously draw energy 0 from below the ground…”

“Like they appeared from the dirt bag when they appeared, they should be constantly accumulating energy now.” When they heard this, the expressions of everyone in the field changed greatly.

The atmosphere in the field was extremely rigid.

The head of the bureau said sadly: “But we can’t do anything right now to stop them from absorbing energy.” Chen Lao snorted coldly and said, “Why panic? This is not a bad thing?” “Could it be that you guys Have you forgotten Boy Li? That little guy is rushing back.” When they heard this, the eyes of everyone present suddenly lit up.

“That’s right, Mo Shen is on his way back quickly. With our monitoring, it will take at most 15 minutes for Mo Shen to reach the misty world.”

“At that time, no matter what the hell these skeletons are playing, Mo Shen will be able to completely defeat them.” “Yes, we can always believe in Mo Shen.”

“So now these guys just keep delaying, and sooner or later, we will win.”

At this moment, Chen Lao suddenly said with a dignified expression: “You guys are really two-faced, how can you ignore General Yue’s existence so easily?” “Isn’t the fighting ability shown by General Yue worth your attention? 0.6” Everyone was stunned for a while, and now there was a look of joy on their faces.

“Yeah! General Yue is still here. General Yue fought all his life, what kind of enemy has he never seen?” “Yes, how could General Yue make the mistake of underestimating the enemy?”

“Maybe now General Yue is thinking about how to defeat these skeleton monsters at a lower cost.” “I’m really looking forward to it! I wonder what methods General Yue will come up with to deal with these skeleton monsters?” At this moment, the continent of Kyushu The Daxia people above them had blind confidence in General Yue.

Not to mention, they also knew that Li Mo would be able to return successfully in ten minutes, so they were extremely indifferent.

In their opinion, the current predicament is not worth mentioning at all, and the Daxia camp is as stable as Mount Tai. .

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