Chapter 214 : Isn’t Daxia always leading? Eastern devil? (please customize)

When thinking of this, Li Mo’s breathing couldn’t help but be heavy.


The ghost dragon floating in the air was infected by Li Mo’s emotions and screamed in the sky.

The furious sound of dragon whistling appeared in the field, and the Yin Qi in the field quickly approached the front.

The activity of Yin Qi also increased several times for the first time.

This also became the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The few remaining dead auras in the field were completely broken.

All the dead qi was swallowed up by the yin qi.

The battlefield became more eerie and terrifying, and all the ancient corpses were completely dead, and all the residual energy in the body was also swallowed up.

There is no trace left between heaven and earth.

【Ding! ! Congratulations to the savior of Daxia, the fourth level of this round of trials has ended. The reward points have been accumulated, and the next level is opening. I wish the savior good luck! 】After seeing this “Nine Eighty Zero” scene, the continent of Kyushu immediately rejoiced. : “Hahaha, sure enough, my Daxia camp is ahead again.”

: “From the beginning to the end, I didn’t worry about the monster invasion this time. After all, Mo Shen has returned.”: “Mo Shen is here, no surprise.”

: “What’s the fuss about this? Haven’t you noticed that Mo Shen didn’t even take action?”: “What qualifications are there for some shriveled corpses to let Mo Shen personally take action?” Deep in the hearts of many Daxia people All pressure is released.

For them, Li Mo is the Dinghai Shenzhen in their cognition.

From the beginning, all the decisions Li Mo made have not let them down.

Although in the process, their moods were ups and downs like a roller coaster.

But the end result is all good.

Daxia, center console.

Chen Lao grinned and said: “I knew everything would be fine after Li Xiaozi came back. This little guy really has a plan, and he didn’t even make a move on the previous battlefield.” The bureau said with a smile: ” Chen Lao, Li Mo has always been strategizing, and with him, we can rest assured.”

Chen Lao nodded in agreement, and continued: “But even so, we still have to take care of things on the mainland of Kyushu.” “Notify the staff of all departments and closely monitor network trends.”

“Once any remarks against Li Mo appear, immediately lock the speaker’s IP address, and quickly take corresponding measures according to our established rules.”

“I still have the same attitude, and I will take a zero-tolerance attitude towards all white-eyed wolves.” The bureau nodded heavily.

Up to now, with the passage of time, the intensity of monster invasion is constantly increasing.

The gap between the various camps is also constantly widening.

In this process, the saviors of each camp also have obvious strength gaps.

Just like Fusang Kingdom, it has already completely become history.

The islands are completely shattered.

Hairy Bear Country camp.

The dense berserkers are frantically resisting the invasion of the ancient corpse army.

The ancient corpse army of the Bear Country camp has not been strengthened in any way.

But even so, Kaz felt very difficult.

After hearing the announcement that the system is frozen.

A complicated look appeared on Kaz’s face, and he said, “Li Mo guy is not human, how did he do it?” “If I remember correctly, the ancient corpse army faced by the Daxia camp, at least 30 times stronger.”

When thinking of this, Kaz couldn’t help but said: “Why didn’t the ancient underworld appear in the options of our hairy bear country when we first chose it.” After the Daxia camp became more and more brilliant.

Many countries have begun to study the history of Daxia in depth.

Only then did they realize that the ancient underworld had already existed in the history of Daxia.

The night wandering gods and black and white impermanence who appeared in the Daxia camp before are all existences in ancient legends. “This Li Mo is really terrible. It seems that I need to establish a good cooperative relationship with him in the future.” Kaz nodded heavily, and the thoughts in his heart were completely exhausted.

At this moment, the citizens of the Maoxiong Kingdom, who have always been known for their sturdiness, were also shocked.

: “The Daxia camp faced the corpse army that was strengthened by 30 times. Not only was the camp not broken, but they were all wiped out.”

: “How did these guys do it? Why is this guy Kaz still dawdling here?”: “Alas, people are more popular than dead people, let’s not compare with the Daxia camp.”

: “Cough, I have to say, the strength of the Daxia camp is too strong, and our two sides are not above the same level at all…”

The sun never sets camp.

At this moment, Caesar is like a thunder god, his body floating in the air.

Dense thunder and lightning continued to echo around his body.

Numerous knights in heavy armor galloped constantly on the battlefield.

And the enemy they faced was also the ancient corpse army.

The cold sound of announcement resounded completely on the battlefield.

Caesar was stunned for a moment.

Then, the lightning on the surface of his body began to slowly shrink.

A look of unwillingness appeared on Caesar’s face.

“No! How is this possible? Why is this guy still faster than me?” “Didn’t he just experience today’s battle in hell?” “What the hell is going on? Who can give me an explanation?”

Caesar kept roaring in mid-air, and his anger and loss kept hitting his sanity.

And many people watching the live broadcast are full of black lines.

: “What’s so surprising about this? Isn’t Da Xia always leading us?”

: “I always feel that this guy Caesar has some problems with his brain. He always wants to brag, and he can’t take responsibility every time he blows up.”: “I don’t believe his big words for a long time, this guy is just a character who tells lies. .”: “It would be great if Li Mo from the Daxia camp was on our side!”

0.6: “Unfortunately, this is our best chance to surpass the Daxia camp.”

Many citizens of the country where the sun never sets are very clear, after missing this opportunity.

They are trying to surpass the Daxia camp, and the difficulty will be even greater.

Many staunch supporters of Caesar have begun to wailing everywhere. : “God, why do you care for the demons in the east?”

: “God, please bring love to the country where the sun never sets, we need you.”: “I am your most loyal believer, but you have no intention of caring for me.”

: “When will the devil from the East be killed? I can’t wait.” There are even many irrational citizens who come to China live broadcast to criticize Li Mo crazily.

“Damn Eastern devil, your time to die is here.”.

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