Chapter 218 : This is a trampling on world civilization! The heritage of the country and nation! (please customize)

Daxia, center console.

Many staff members are quietly watching the video in front of them.


I saw the bureau seat slap heavily on the table, and spoke with a trembling voice.

“It’s simply inhumane. Who is it that is so insane.” “It’s already in the 21st century, why does this still happen?”

“What about civilization? This kind of behavior is trampling on the civilization of the whole world.” “Where did the video tape come from? Did you find the source?”

Then, several staff members quickly put some information on the table.

After reading this information, then – say many people are silent.

According to the data, the place where the incident happened was in the country of Xiang-Jiao.

There are all kinds of people of color mixed.

Yellows and blacks dominate it.

And the spread of a civilization in that area is weaker.

But there is a very prominent point, that is, the fruit industry there is very developed.

According to the data, the total number of people who died in the big picture killing reached 100,000.

This number is simply appalling.

Such terrible things can happen in the 21st century.

The most important thing is that the person who carried out this big killing operation turned out to be the official of the banana country.

Chen Lao looked at the situation in front of his eyes with fiery eyes, and said, “Call immediately to find out the specific reasons for the huge casualties. This is simply a violation of human rights in the world.” As human beings, many of the people present felt deep in their hearts. intense sadness.

With the seeds of civilization spreading all over the world today, such appalling official killings can actually take place.

Soon, citizens of various countries also expressed strong protests.

Beautiful country people are particularly active.

: “It’s just appalling, how could they make such a cruel decision in the first place. The occurrence of this incident is the tragedy of an era!”: “People who can do this kind of thing are simply speechless.”

: “What on earth do some people think? Why do they do such horrific things?”: “Have all these 100,000 people committed unforgivable sins? What the hell is going on? ”

Bear Country.

: “This kind of thing happened in the 21st century, it is a shame for human beings all over the world, some people must give us a reasonable explanation.”

: “If these people can’t give satisfactory explanations, I strongly urge the army to enter the Banana Country and help this group of officials recognize the reality.”: “It’s really terrifying, it’s inhumane and horrific!” There was an uproar around the world.

Foreign education ministries in various countries quickly made statements.

The person in charge of the place where the killing took place is clearly requested to give an answer to the matter as soon as possible.

Due to external pressure, an organization quickly held a press conference and made an answer.

“We do this because these 100,000 people have no respect for the savior of our banana country.”

“Even they want to waste precious resources to change the shape of the troops, and they also madly curse the savior, which is simply impossible to forgive.” “The savior saved our lives, but these people still don’t know what it means to be Repayment of gratitude.” “It’s not a pity for such a person to die!”

The tough statement of the Banana Foreign Ministry has silenced netizens all over the world.

Because from the very beginning, there were many people who scold the savior in their respective camps.

Although various countries have taken corresponding measures, they are not as brutal as the banana country’s methods.

Even if the Daxia Kingdom dealt with the more than 2,000 white-eyed wolves before, they left them to fend for themselves instead of killing them directly.

In contrast, Daxia Kingdom’s previous handling was much gentler.

The people of the Kyushu Continent expressed great indignation at this incident. : “No matter when the time comes, human life is the most important thing.”

: “The continuous development of human beings is to improve the quality of life. This approach of the banana country is really unreasonable.”: “Focus on developing yourself, don’t be disturbed by the outside world.”: “Make yourself stronger.”

Then, at this moment, many citizens of the Beautiful Country also expressed their dissatisfaction with this matter. : “So it is! This tragic situation didn’t need to happen.”: “It’s so sad, 100,000 lives are lost like this.”

: “This incident is a scar that can never be forgotten for an era…” 0.. . Asking Flowers 0.: “From today onwards, I will only love my country and everything in our country!” Many citizens of Ahsanguo also quickly joined the battlefield.

: “Yes, only when one’s own country is truly strong can the people truly stand up.”

: “Only when we become stronger, will the tragic situation similar to the banana country not happen in the territory.”: “Keep all the dross out of the country.” Daxia Kingdom has always been known for its crazy production speed.

Therefore, many things of Asan Kingdom were passed down from Daxia.

The people of the Three Kingdoms have always been lazy by nature, and cannot compare with the Great Xia Kingdom in terms of the total amount of labor.

Soon, many Chinese people on the mainland of Kyushu heard this evil spirit.

Then, many keyboard warriors quickly launched the five-spray mode in one second.

: “Hahaha, it really made me laugh. It turns out that these guys also know that our country is strong in Daxia.”: “If I remember correctly, until now, many people are eating with their hands.”

: “Our food culture in Daxia already has something like chopsticks, and the appearance of chopsticks is a sign of civilization and progress.”: “Yes, eating with your hands will reduce the lifespan of human beings, and the chopsticks of our Daxia country will change. All of this.”: “And all the communication products of our Daxia country, aren’t they better promoting the progress of world modernization?” Daxia, center console.

Chen Lao frowned and said, “The appearance of this kind of thing is just nonsense.” “It’s just playing the piano, the bull’s head is not the horse’s mouth, isn’t this nonsense!”

Yu Aichi, who was on the side, had a sad look in his eyes, and said, “It’s too miserable, there are 100,000 people, so there’s no such thing.” “Where should these 100,000 dead souls go?” “The whole world is To mourn this time.”

The rest of the experts also began to speak, with expressions of indignation and excitement.

As cutting-edge characters in various fields, they have their own understanding of one thing, and often quarrel because of the discord of ideas.

However, in this matter, all the experts have only slow heartache and sadness, and put the loss of life in the first place. six.

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