Chapter 225 : With the ghost king as the first, only the underworld can bear it! (please customize)

: “This also means that as long as they are inside the giant net, then it is impossible for these ghost kings to get rid of the chain’s control.”: “It’s just a shadow of childhood. It turns out that the real ghost king looks like this.” Inside the giant net, The body of each ghost king constantly exudes pure yin energy on the surface.

One of the chubby ghost kings had a huge hole in his belly.

One after another injustice was constantly squeezing in it.

Terrible cries continued to sound.

The many ghosts inside the ghost king’s body can’t wait to get out of it.

I saw a huge black palm tightly pressing the hole.

The ghost king shook his fat head and said, “Obey, let me in! Only this king can move freely outside.” “Don’t worry! The flesh and blood swallowed by this king will be shared with you, and this king will take yours with you. The power is getting stronger and stronger.” At the other end of the giant net, a figure like a woman floated constantly, hanging her head.

One after another mournful mourning sounds continued to spread around.

This woman is also a terrifying ghost king.

Unlike the fat ghost king just now, this female ghost king has already devoured all the ghosts in Part 04.

Therefore, the Yin Qi on the surface of this woman’s body should appear more pure.

sizzle! !

The woman waited for her hands to gently wave, and a natural voice sounded.

The chains around the woman instantly began to emit bright black light.

Then, the woman’s body immediately became motionless, and roared in the direction of black and white impermanence. Hei Wuchang frowned and said, “The little ghost actually protested against me, I really don’t know whether to live or die.”

Hei Wuchang said with a smile: “Don’t worry about them, this kind of temporary idiot is not worth mentioning at all, they are the number one cannon fodder in the catfish bag this time.” The voices of the two ghosts came out.

Many foreigners who were watching the live broadcast were shocked by the design.

: “I didn’t expect that the heroic spirits of the Daxia camp have such powerful wisdom. What is going on in the country of Daxia?”: “Sure enough, the 5,000-year history of Daxia is still very deep.”

: “Why is Caesar in our country like a waste? There is a sense of stupidity every moment.”: “It’s over, the Daxia camp has become stronger again. God! Then come out and quickly destroy the Daxia camp. the savior.”

In the foggy world, the giant python formed by two huge chains of black and white impermanence completely covered the catfish fortress in front of it.

Throughout the process, Catfish Fortress did not resist at all.

After seeing this scene, Li Mo frowned slightly and said, “This guy is so confident, how can he get out of trouble?” Just as the catfish fortress was trapped for the first time, many catfish warriors came one after another. Looking back.

After a while, an invisible light wave spread over the battlefield.

And many catfish warriors continued to fight against many Yin soldiers.

After seeing this scene, Li Mo’s face showed a hint of surprise.

“It turns out that this catfish fortress can communicate with many catfish warriors remotely, which is even more interesting.” Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Li Mo’s face.


Then the rich Yin Qi continued to rotate in the air.


The huge dragon suddenly let out a roar.

The rich yin qi immediately wrapped around the body of Minglong.

Blood-red scales continued to emerge in it.

And Minglong’s two huge eyes stared at the many catfish warriors below.

Li Mo pointed slightly downwards and said, “Go ahead, do your best, I want to see if this Catfish Fortress can hold its breath.” It can be seen that there is a very close relationship between the Catfish Warrior and the Catfish Fortress. relation.

No matter which side suffers heavy casualties, for them, it is a huge injury.

Black and white are impermanent, and the catfish fortress has officially begun.

And Minglong also officially began to attack many catfish warriors.

I saw Minglong opened his mouth and spit out a spiritual yin.

The rich Yin Qi immediately swept away downwards.

The surface of the bodies of many catfish warriors was immediately attached to the Yin Qi.

Facing their bodies, the rich yin qi began to enter continuously.

Zizizi! !

It’s like hot oil meets water.

The body of the catfish warrior quickly began to shake.

Then, cracks appeared in their bodies immediately.

Not all species can enjoy the rich Yin Qi.

Unless they belong to the underworld camp, they simply cannot withstand this purest Yin Qi.

Even if it is a dead creature, it simply cannot accept all of this.

Then, the bodies of many catfish warriors swelled rapidly.

From a distance, these guys look like giant balloons.

boom! boom!

Accompanied by the sound of explosions.

The bodies of many catfish warriors were immediately blown into a pile of pieces, and green blood was sprayed towards Si Duo.

After seeing this scene, many Chinese people felt their stomachs roll for a while.

: “Why did Minglong choose such a disgusting way to destroy them? Forget it, I can’t stand it anymore, I won’t watch it.”: “How many brothers? Wait for a while, these years, the fish warriors died. Call me later.”: “I swear I’ll never eat catfish in my life!”

993: “You think these guys are like catfish, but I think these guys are very similar to eels.”: “What should we do? We can’t live without the eels here.” Even many foreign seniors couldn’t help but start to criticize.

: “This savior of the Great Xia country is really disgusting. Since he has done such wicked things in front of so many people.”: “I think it is possible to kill them directly with weapons. Are their bodies directly bursting?”: “Is this the 5,000-year-old Daxia? It’s really boring.”: “It’s boring, I’d better go to see Caesar for electrotherapy.” The sun never sets camp .

At this moment, Caesar looked at the crowd of catfish warriors in front of him with a complicated look on his face. : “Why are these guys so disgusting? They look like some disgusting aquatic creatures.”: “No, it’s disgusting, I can’t stand it anymore!” Rich lightning rays began to appear on the surface of Caesar’s body.

One after another thunder light was continuously thrown into the distance by Caesar’s hands.

boom! boom!

Thunder continued to bombard the surface.

The dense pack of catfish warriors kept dying.

One after another thunder and lightning continued to spread among the groups of many catfish warriors.

Then a strong stench began to spread over the battlefield. .

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