Chapter 231 : The battle song starts, Qin Feng has no clothes! (please customize)

“People, cheer for Lord Caesar!”

The faces of the many citizens of the Sun Never Sets Kingdom who are watching the live broadcast are covered with black lines on their foreheads, and their faces are full of disgust. : “Who can tell me what this guy who is running around like a monkey in mid-air is doing?”: “I really can’t figure out, he has enough strength to kill the boss, why not make a quick decision ?”

: “No one has defeated the fifth-round boss now, what is this guy waiting for? Isn’t he trying to come out on top?”: “President Peter, when did this patient named Caesar sneak out? Also please lock him back immediately.”

: “Sorry, as the director of the mental hospital, I apologize to you on behalf of all the staff. We will definitely take care of this patient named Caesar in the future.”

On the continent of Kyushu, a meteorological expert was constantly introducing the strange weather that appeared on the screen.

I saw the weather conditions across the continent of Kyushu appearing on the screen.

Almost all of the sky has been filled with green smoke.

The meteorological expert said with a trembling body: “I have obtained the latest air quality test report, and the results show that the green smog is highly toxic.” “Old Chen, Bureau seat, we must quickly come up with corresponding countermeasures, Otherwise, all the people on the entire Kyushu Continent will be in danger.”

Chen Lao’s face was very ugly, and he said: “Didn’t you say that these green smog will only exist in the foggy world? Why did it suddenly appear on our Kyushu continent?” The bureau said with a bitter face: “Just When all the catfish warriors were wiped out, all these green mists appeared on our continent of Kyushu.” “This time, we may be in big trouble.” Pretty Country.

The new chief Te Xiaopu said with a serious face: “Your meteorological department must come up with corresponding countermeasures, and you must put the lives of all the beautiful people in the first place v.” “The previous tragedy, you guys Do you still remember? That kind of thing must not happen within the territory of our beautiful country.” The head of the meteorological department with blond hair said helplessly: “Chief Sir, we have really tried our best.” “This kind of existence The green smoke in the foggy world is simply not something that our technology can decipher.” “We have sampled the first time we discovered it.”

“In order to get the corresponding or else back, three pilots have already thrown themselves into the arms of God.”

“The researchers started intensive research as soon as they got the samples, but until now there has been no good news.” Bang!

The chief of the beautiful country, Te Xiaopu, slapped the table in front of him, then stretched out a finger and pointed at the head of the meteorological department: “This is not what I want to hear.” “No one knows better than me. Weather, no one knows the foggy world better than I do.”

“So I know that we can definitely come up with corresponding countermeasures in a very short period of time.”

“If you can’t do it, then abdicate and let Xian go.”

The head of the meteorological department in front of him had a bitter expression on his face, and just wanted to answer, but Te Xiaopu turned his head and looked at a middle-aged man on the right. “Jason, I believe that you will be qualified for the post of Minister of the Meteorological Department. I hope you will not disappoint me.”

The middle-aged man named Jason nodded with a serious face and said, “Don’t worry, Chief, I will definitely do my best.” “Within three days, I will definitely come up with corresponding solutions. ”

When he heard this, Te Xiaopu nodded with satisfaction and said, “This is the subordinate I want, remember, you can only have everything you want by listening to me.”

In Arakuo, the relevant departments looked at the latest collection of various weather reports with a gloomy face.

“Let’s talk about it, what should we do? The green fog will come soon, within our territory.” “If we can’t come up with corresponding countermeasures, many people will die directly and tragically.” Everyone A white veil was wrapped around his head, and each of them frowned.

Bieber said: “The situation is very critical now, and we must not sit still.” “Let’s do it! Everyone has brainstormed, and tonight we must discuss a countermeasure.”

Within the territory of the Kimchi country.

In a high-rise building, many high-rise buildings are gathered together.

Liu Shiming frowned tightly and said, “The savior Liu Yaya has cleared the fog and the dangers in the world for us.” “Now that a new test has come and is within our territory, are we just sitting still like this? ?”

One of them, a man with a three-point shot, said, “~Sir, or we should wait a little longer, Mr. Liu Yaya! She will definitely be able to help us solve this crisis.” Bang!

Liu Shiming stood up immediately and said angrily, “Are you talking about human words today? Liu Yaya, as the savior of the world, has already devoted too much time and energy to us.” “Are we going to bother Yaya with such a small thing? Ya?”

“Do you know that Yaya is the idol of all the people and also my idol? I won’t mention it again.” “We can’t expect idols to handle everything for us.”

At this moment, the bureau suddenly received the latest news, and the relevant staff quickly received the latest communication.

I saw a fully-armed soldier appearing on the screen. After giving a military salute to everyone present, he said, “My lords, I am now not far from the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.” “Half an hour ago, the beginning of In the imperial mausoleum, suddenly (Nuo Nuo Hao) there was a huge movement.” “I will play the latest audio to you next.” “Roar!”

“How can you say no clothes? The same robe with your son…” “How can you have no clothes on the sun, and you share the same hatred with your son…” “Same clothes as your son…” “Hoo! Ho!” “The wind is rising…”

The sound of roars kept coming, and everyone in the center console was stunned. The bureau took a deep breath and said, “This is Qin Chao’s war song.” “There is absolutely nothing wrong, this is Qin Feng Wuyi Store!”

Old Chen also squeezed the handle tightly and said, “What the hell is going on here? Why did the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum make such a big noise all of a sudden.” Many experts studying history stared at the screen in front of them, and their breathing became Extremely rushed.

“When the Kyushu Continent was hit, there was such a big movement in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.”

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