Chapter 233 : Iconic building collapses! Monsters in the fort! (please customize)

“Let me tell you, if you can’t come up with any more effective means, you will definitely be the first group of waste researchers to die.” Then a man with three-pointed hair stood up and said, “Sir, the researchers have already Do your best.” “After all, these green smog is the intelligent substance of the foggy world, so it is difficult for us to deal with these things.” “Today’s plan, we can only quickly transfer the citizens to the ground.”

When he heard this, Liu Shiming took a deep breath, resisted the anger in his chest, and then started: “I will release it to the outside world immediately, and move everyone to the underground-underground air defense tunnel. “Kimchi Kingdom has built many underground air defense-channels over the years.

It came in handy at this time.

On the surface of the tall buildings of the kimchi pot, thick green smoke constantly adhered to it.

Then, patches of rust appeared on the surface of the tall building.

From a distance, the entire tall building seems to be covered by green creatures.

In the underground passage, many people of the Kimchi Country scolded one after another.

“What the hell are these damn staff doing? Is that what they came up with?” “Do they want us to live underground for the rest of our lives?”

“Everything is left on the surface, do we have to wait here to die now?” “Such incompetent relevant departments are rare in life.”

“In the next general election, I will never choose them again.” For the people of Kimchi, they have always been proud of their country.

Because they are, after all, a country with relatively advanced technology.

Although their land area is very small, their standard of living is still very high.

Under such circumstances, they naturally could not enjoy the life of this dark underground air defense channel.

Because of this, many residents complained constantly.

Soon, in the underground passage, above the temporarily installed screen, there was a situation above the ground.

The tall buildings covered by green smoke appeared in the sight of everyone. “What’s the matter? Isn’t that an iconic building in our city?”

“What are those green things on the surface of the building? Is it the fog?” “It’s over, this tall building looks completely over.”

“These green mists can actually corrode tall buildings, what should we do?” By this time, the faces of the people of the Kimchi Kingdom were full of panic.

In their line of sight, the green smoke is endless, and they seem to have completely entered the end of the world.

Then, the 100-meter-tall building began to shake slightly. “Ah! He started shaking, how did he start shaking?” “Is this building about to collapse?”

“It’s over. Many important materials of our company are still upstairs.”

“My building! This is my property, how could it just disappear like this?”

“I rely on the rest of my life! Don’t fall to the ground, the bank loan has not been repaid!” Boom!

Then, there was a loud noise.

The 100-meter-high buildings collapsed, and the entire street immediately turned into ruins.

All the people of the Kimchi Kingdom in the entire underground passage were completely stunned.

It was only at this time that they suddenly realized what a wise choice it was for the relevant personnel to organize them into the underground passage.

The sun never sets.

Above the sky, it was also covered by green smoke.

An ancient palace has been completely covered by green smoke due to its geographical location.

Zizizi! !

The ancient palace started from the very tip and kept collapsing.

A huge sound spread out from the location of the palace to the surroundings.

People in the whole city are looking up at the palace at the highest point.

There were sad expressions on the faces of many.

“That’s our belief, why did it collapse like this?”

“No! I don’t think I can tolerate this, I’m going to save my faith.”

“Why does this happen? Our country where the sun never sets should not suffer such a disaster.” “Restart! Let this day restart completely, and our faith will come back.” At this time, many people Began to madly scold Caesar.

They suddenly realized that it was all because of this guy Caesar. “What on earth is this guy Caesar thinking?”

“Why can’t he act step by step? Now the whole situation is messed up.”

“Almost all countries are facing a dilemma now, so how do other countries see us as the country where the sun never sets?”

“Replace this guy Caesar, I really don’t want to mess with you stupid guy.” At this moment, the foggy world Daxia camp.

Li Mo’s eyes were fixed on the huge sphere in front of him, and he said, “The guy inside is coming out, everyone be careful.” Boom!

As soon as the voice fell, a huge explosion sound appeared directly.

Then a shadowy figure appeared directly in front of everyone.

It was a thick shadow.

From a distance, this guy is 45 meters long.

And this guy is five meters wide.

If it was erected directly, this guy would be about 20 stories tall.

It’s a huge boa constrictor.

Such a behemoth suddenly appeared in front of many audiences.

Many people couldn’t help but exclaimed.

For them, all this in front of them really makes them unbelievable.

This boa constrictor looks really exaggerated.

Even things in mythology are at most so big.

Even if it is huge at this moment, the final black and white impermanence is completely worthless in front of this python.

In front of this python, the body of Yeyoushen was like an ant, with no sense of existence.

The sturdy snake temperament is constantly conflicting in it, which makes people hairy.

There actually appeared a creature that seemed to have come out of the mythical world.

Black and white impermanence reacted quickly, and quickly retreated back, without any idea of ​​​​challenging.

After Yeyoushen’s eyes flickered for a moment, his body floated directly in the air, and he did not directly leave the battlefield.

“With the addition of the strength just now, maybe I have the opportunity to fight this guy.” Yeyoushen’s eyes were full of desire to fight.

After seeing this scene, Li Mo took a deep breath and said, “Look carefully, if this guy’s body stands up, it will be bigger than this catfish fortress.” Six.

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