Chapter 24 : Crazy Fuso, slaughter compatriots! !

Night falls.

Only Daxia is still calm and peaceful.

The people are still living as usual.

Students are still studying hard, and office workers are still working overtime for tomorrow’s work.

But the difference is…

Today’s Daxia and even the whole world are affected by a name…,

Li Mo, the savior of Daxia Kingdom! !

National Games Office.

General Chen looked at a document from the platform.

Huge creepy.

He has fought countless battles, each of which is remembered in history.

But he has never felt that human beings are so weak like now.

In Daxia, there is laughter, laughter, continuous national fortune, and auspiciousness.

And Daxia Abroad…

Countless countries are littered with corpses. Although the country has not been wiped out, it has also made all the survivors terrified.

In the remaining victorious countries, the life expectancy of the people is reduced, the people’s hearts are scattered, and the country will not be a country.

Even pretty countries’ efforts to boost the enthusiasm of their citizens are useless.

Outside of Daxia now, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a purgatory on earth.

A shocking battle report, a chilling message.

Half of the population of Fusang has dwindled, and this message was paid special attention by General Chen.

“That guy Koizumi has gone crazy!”

“We must beware of all the movements of Fusang, this time is different from the past!”

“Today’s Daxia is no longer the Daxia of decades ago. If there is any movement of Fusang…” Chen Lao did not finish his words.

Instead, he glanced at the map with icy eyes, like the fusang next to the chicken’s mouth.

“Eat it!”

In the face of the survival of a country, it seems that nothing matters.

If there is anything wrong with Fusang, Chen Fan, the general of a hundred battles, will do whatever it takes.

Sink the whole Fuso before it does it! !

Let him Fuso country completely…

Exterminate the nation! !

Chen Fan has always known how cruel this so-called survival game is.

But it was only now that he understood that the cruelty he knew had only just begun.

“Good boy, do whatever you want, Daxia will always be behind you!”

Chen Fan looked at Li Mo on the screen, his eyes glowing.

The second round is still the case.

What about the third round?

What about the fourth round?

Our heroes are fighting to the death for us, and there are people in Daxia who actually enjoy the peace and bonuses he brings.

Say something on the Internet Li Mo’s bullshit that destroys relations between countries.

“If these people are going to be put in the past, they should chop it up, chop it up and feed the dog!”


Because of the second round of offense, the world was in a mess.

But nothing about the outside world can affect Li Mo.

At this moment, the black fog that originally surrounded the Daxia camp broke out again.

This time, he actually exited the range of fifty meters.

Centered on a wooden house.

There was a huge open space around.

“It seems that my guess is correct. After every defense against an attack, you can get an open space.”

He glanced at the city wall casting blueprint in his backpack.

【City Wall Casting Drawings】

[Use level: 10][Building materials: giant bones*1, ordinary souls*1][Note: According to the savior’s faction, it can become the exclusive city wall of this faction]

Giant bones and ordinary souls are both low-grade materials.

From previous attacks, Li Mo obtained a considerable amount of bones and souls.

Just fine for casting walls.

A base without any garrison is too dangerous.

Casting the city wall can greatly improve the safety of the summer camp.

Because he chose to use the city wall to cast blueprints without hesitation.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have used the city wall casting blueprint to obtain an exclusive city wall, and the city wall will die in vain! ! 】

with the sound of the system.

The information of the dead city wall also appeared in front of Li Mo.

[Wall of Death (Exclusive to the Underworld)][Use level: 10][Attack Power: 70][Defense Power: 110][The city wall turned into the resentment of the endless dead spirits in the underworld underworld can devour the souls of the invaders,][Note: There seems to be something nurturing in the city walls, which can be continuously upgraded by devouring the blood and soul of monsters]

Looking at the properties of the city wall, Li Mo nodded with satisfaction.

The defensive attribute of 110 can be said to be extremely high, not to mention that the dead wall can still launch an attack.

If the death giant rat first-class attacked again, they would not even be able to break through the city wall without the use of Yin soldiers.

After checking the materials, Li Mo’s bones and souls can be used to build forty walls.

There was no hesitation.

Li Mo directly chose to build the city wall.

Ka Ka Ka! !

The city wall was constructed very fast, and unlike the previous construction of the Yin Barracks, there was no time for the construction of the city wall.

Under the control of Li Mo, it constantly emerges in the void.

The dark walls were stained with blood, and ghosts like ghosts swayed on the walls.

Vaguely, as if the ghost town from hell descended again.

The Wall of Death perfectly protects the Daxia camp in it.

From a distance, it looks like the entrance to the underworld, the passage of death, and the monstrous evil spirits hovering above. ,

At the city gate, a huge plaque hangs high above.

The dark red plaque is like blood, and three big characters are written on it…

Dead city! ! !

The underworld underworld, before the city of vain death.

Demons bow their heads, strangers retreat~

……………………………………………… ……..

Readers can send a wave of flowers and evaluation votes, so that the author will be more motivated to code words, crabs and crabs………………….

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