Chapter 244 : Don’t make heroes cry! Who can’t recognize reality? (please customize)

Several professional personnel stepped forward to control these precise instruments, and the moles on their foreheads were full of sweat.

For them, what they did today is about to go down in history.

After opening the door, they may be greeted by death or a new beginning.

At this moment, many Daxia people who were watching the live broadcast clenched their fists.

: “Don’t have any trouble! We in the Kyushu continent need this opportunity very much now.”

: “This expedition team is risking their lives to carry out the mission, and we must let these people return safely!”: “I can’t bear to watch it any more, these people are all the pillars of their families!”: ” God bless, Mo God bless, let all these heroes of Daxia return safely!” Daxia, the center console.

Chen Lao stared at the many members of the expedition team with “Zero One Zero” on the screen, and said, “Remember, no matter what the final outcome is, you must treat the families of these heroes kindly.” “Their children will not be until 18. Before the age of 20, all the expenses will be borne by the state.”

“Their elderly must be supported by the state.”

The bureau seat on the side nodded heavily and said, “Don’t worry, Chen Lao everything has been arranged properly, and we will never let our hero bleed and cry.” Chen Lao sighed slightly, Slowly nodded.

The hearts of the other experts present were also very heavy.

For them, they need to stay in the central control room at all times, and they must come in handy as soon as they need it.

Although their bodies and minds are very tired, at least there is no danger to their lives, after all, this is a high-level command place.

These heroes are different. They are always on the front line, risking their lives and performing various tasks.

Many foreigners are also watching the exploration team of Qin Shihuang Mausoleum.

: “Do you think these Daxia people can do it? It’s already at this time, and they are still exploring the wonders. It’s just a bit of a mystery.”

: “So these Daxia people have completely given up the hope of surviving under this green smoke attack? Otherwise, it is really impossible to explain their behavior at the moment.”: “Hahaha, these stupid people The people of Daxia have finally figured out their situation, no matter how powerful their so-called savior is, it is impossible to save them.”: “This group of people finally recognizes the reality, it seems that we will be our beautiful country in the future. The world is over.” At this moment, Zhang Tao was constantly looking at the huge stone in front of him.

The stone in front of it is perfectly round, and the area is very large, and it is directly derived from the mountains on both sides. “This piece of stone is really too big, how did they get embedded in this mountain?” Zhang Tao’s eyes showed a look of amazement.

The reason why the relevant staff did not open the door quickly is because some people are not sure where the force point of the stone is, and what kind of scene will appear when the stone is impacted by external force.

These are all unpredictable.

Liu Xiaokang took out a small wooden hammer and tapped the surface of the stone lightly. After listening carefully with his ear for a while, he said, “Professor Zhang. If I guess correctly, the area of ​​this stone should be 25 about meters.”

“And the part exposed in our sight should be the most central position of the stone.”

When she heard this, Liu Xiaolan curled her lips and said, “Don’t talk nonsense here, professional instruments can’t detect the specific area of ​​this stone, you can figure it out by playing around like this. Is it?” Liu Xiaokang said triumphantly, “That’s right, this is a handed down craftsmanship. If I hadn’t come here today, at least you wouldn’t be able to get this data easily.”

Professor Zhang on the side said with a smile: “Okay, okay, you two are young, you are always bickering. You must know that this time we are comrades in arms that depend on each other for life and death, so take a step back and say a few words less.” “Humph!” Liu Xiaolan snorted lightly and turned her head away without saying anything.

For everyone, these people now have enough knowledge and ability in their respective fields.

Therefore, only when everyone works together will they have more possibilities to complete the task.

Du Ziming took a deep breath and said, “Teachers, step back a little. After so many years, there are definitely all kinds of microorganisms living in the gas inside…”

“Several teachers should put on gas masks first.”

When they heard this, Zhang Tao and the others quickly put on all the equipment without hesitation.

It’s about their own lives, and of course they won’t procrastinate.

Zizizi! !

The professional instrument in front of the huge stone shot out a path of electric light.

Soon, the center of the stone was completely covered by electric light.


After a strange humming sound appeared, a large hole was immediately opened in the center of the stone.


Then a blue gas gushed out directly. “Everyone get down!”

Du Ziming directly dragged Professor Zhang to the ground.

The rest of the crowd responded very quickly, and they immediately fell directly on the ground.


The blue gas quickly evaporated under the sunlight of the outside world.

At this moment, Liu Xiaolan said with bright eyes: “In this special environment, there must be many strange plants. This time, we must go in and investigate.” Then, Liu Xiaolan was ready to take a big step. walk in.

Du Ziming stepped forward, grabbed Liu Xiaolan and said, “Mr. Liu. Wait a moment, I’ll check first.” Then, 0.7 Du Ziming lay directly on the ground and listened carefully to the movement under the ground.

When seeing this, many Daxia netizens couldn’t help but exclaimed.

: “Does this guy understand the legendary position of listening?”

: “Isn’t it possible that the ancient hunters did this trick? Could it be that this Du Bingwang would also do this trick.”

: “Hahaha, I’m sorry, I accidentally laughed out loud, why do I feel like I’m watching a big show? Let me cry and laugh for a while, my head is about to explode.”: “No, no , I don’t dare to look any further, this hole is too deep, I always feel like something is going to come out of it?” After the stone was removed, a huge hole appeared in front of everyone, and they couldn’t see the bottom. .

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