Chapter 246 : The second battle state! Could it be that this snake has ever cultivated an immortal? (please customize it)

Just when the expedition team was in full swing.

In the Daxia camp, the battle between Li Mo and Catfish Fortress has also reached a white-hot stage.

I saw a long crack in the chest of the catfish fortress at the moment.

Black yin was attached to his wound.

And kept trying to move inside the body of the catfish fortress.

And one arm of Catfish Fortress is only half left, and one eye on the head has completely disappeared.

The combat effectiveness of the first form of Catfish Fortress is basically lost.

At this moment, Li Mo was still dressed in white, floating quietly in the air, and his face was full of indifference.

The surrounding ground became pitted, black traces filled it, and green blood formed small lakes on the ground.

Seeing this scene, many Daxia people couldn’t help but exclaimed.

: “What the hell is going on? Isn’t the green academy inside the body of this catfish fortress not enough? Why is there still?”

: “The green blood on the ground is as big as two catfish fortresses, what is going on? How can he bleed so much blood?”: “Fortunately, this guy’s green blood did not evaporate. , which is a fortune among misfortunes.”

: “As expected of the Mo God, he didn’t suffer any damage from the beginning to the end, just like he was playing with the Catfish Fortress.” One eye, staring at Li Mo tightly.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Li Mo’s mouth, and he said, “What are you waiting for? Start your second combat state! Your so-called secret is completely worthless in my opinion.” In the role of the system panel Below, all the talents of Catfish Fortress can be seen at a glance.

Therefore, Li Mo has not released the last resort, he is waiting for the second fighting form of the catfish fortress.


Then, I saw a humming sound from the inside of the body of the catfish fortress.

When he got here, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Mo’s mouth, and he said, “You guy, finally got your head, now it’s time for me to send you on your way.” And on the other side, in a huge cloudy body The Yeyoushen held a slender trident condensed with yin energy in his hand, constantly flying towards the front.


The huge trident was directly inserted into the body of the black python.

sizzle! !

The black python immediately neighed in the sky, and a pair of snake pupils were filled with hatred.


The black python swayed its body instantly, its sturdy tail was shaking constantly, and it came in the direction of the night wandering god at a fast speed.

At this moment, the tail of the black python was in the air, and even two afterimages swayed. This is not an attack method that a beast can make.

Seeing this scene, many people who are watching the live broadcast are sure.

: “What’s the situation? Could it be that this snake has ever cultivated an immortal? Otherwise, how could he use such a method?”

: “From the beginning, this guy has been relying on his physical fitness to attack, and now at the last minute, this guy seems to look a little different.”: “Mo Shen’s side has already achieved a huge advantage, On the side of Yeyoushen, a crushing situation has basically formed.”

“Everyone, don’t forget that these two guys lived and died together. Whether it’s Mo Shen who killed the catfish fortress first, or Yeyou Shen who killed the black python first, these two guys will completely die at the same time.” In Kyushu On the mainland, there are many people who rely on breeding snakes for a living, but they are still very familiar with the attack methods of various snakes.

: “In my opinion, this peculiar attack method is very similar to that of a rattlesnake, except that the rattlesnake’s tail vibrates to make sounds, so that the prey will fall into hallucinations unknowingly.”: “So, this guy should Rattlesnake blood?”

: “Isn’t this guy a boa constrictor? Why is he still playing like a rattlesnake? Is this a fucking hybrid snake?”: “Whether he is hybrid or not, his snake gallbladder must be very good. It’s a pity. It’s over!” And at this moment, the sun never sets camp.

The originally handsome Caesar’s clothes have become tattered.

He didn’t even have time to change into a new set of clothes, and was almost naked in front of a large audience.

At this moment, the catfish fortress dragged its heavy body, showing an incredible and flexible means of attack.

Caesar kept attacking with Raiden’s quick-moving ability, but his move became less and less useful.

And many people who did not set the sun could not help but made a voice of discussion.

: “What is this guy Caesar doing? You must know that he is facing a catfish fortress with normal strength. How can he become so embarrassed.”

: “~Yes, if I remember correctly, Li Mo, the savior of the Daxia camp, is now a catfish fortress that is 20 times stronger. I just glanced at it, and that guy seems to be able to handle it with ease.”

: “It’s so embarrassing, this guy wants to directly break through Li Mo’s progress, it’s just whimsical!”

: “I don’t think about the first thing now, I just hope that this guy Caesar can kill this monster smoothly, otherwise, once the camp is broken, we will be finished.” Many citizens of the country where the sun never sets suddenly realized that, Once this monster directly defeats Caesar, it is very likely to break through the camp where the sun never sets.

At that time, before the sun sets, they will encounter a once-in-a-lifetime catastrophe.

The sun never sets, within the territory of the country, above a certain building.

The faces of many middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes are extremely heavy, and in front of them is a huge screen, which shows Kay’s every move. “Let’s talk about it! If Caesar fails, can we come up with corresponding countermeasures to protect our people?” “The current situation is very bad, and we can’t pin all our hopes on Caesar. ”

Martin, with blond hair, said slowly: “The chief is already old, and the chance of losing the chief is very high in the next election.” “I advise everyone to be cautious at this time. Make your choice.”

Among the people present, Martin is the most promising candidate to become the next Sun Never Sets Chief.

In another seven days, the Sun Never Sets Country will start the election of a new chief.

And all the preparations are in full swing.

However, the green smog that appeared in the territory has completely made all the candidates in the election not in the mood to cast votes. .


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