Chapter 253 : Changes brought by the foggy world! Tomb living water (please customize)

Another special forces member on the side said with an ugly face: “This is absolutely impossible, we have already investigated all the geological conditions around the cemetery, and there is no river at all in this area.” “And these The region simply does not have the conditions for a river to exist.”

The area where Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum exists has always been in shortage of river resources, and it is impossible for such a river to appear out of thin air.

Zhang Tao, who was on the side, suddenly said, “Do you think there is such a possibility that this river has entered the outside world directly from the ground through some very ingenious mechanism.” “Either this river exists in the outside world. In the depths of the ground, the existing science and technology simply cannot detect the rivers in the deepest depths of the ground.” When they heard this, many people’s faces showed a sudden realization.

This is quite possible.

Daxia netizens who were watching the live broadcast at work were also very stunned.

: “What the hell is going on here? How can there be a river here?”

: “I have been to the site of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses. There is no river there. Hasn’t the geology and landform of the city changed since then?”: “Tsk tsk, it is the tomb of the emperor of the ages, and all kinds of strange things always happen. .”

: “Take a detailed count. In this way, in addition to unknown bugs, all kinds of birds and beasts continue to appear, thanks to the strong combat effectiveness of the special forces, otherwise, whether this expedition team can reach the present is also a problem. Question.”: “I found that the live broadcast of the expedition team is better than the previous tomb robbing TV series, and solemnly declare: I am also worried about the safety of the expedition team.” Many netizens have long regarded the live broadcast process of the expedition team as a A wonderful and exciting tomb robbery TV series.

There are many similar TV shows on the market today.

After the live broadcast this time, no TV series dared to call it the first in the category.

Qin Shi Huang’s Mausoleum.

Liu Xiaokang suddenly said, “I once saw this situation in a notebook of my ancestors.” “At that time, when my ancestors entered an ancient tomb, they also discovered an underground river.” “But it was finally discovered. That underground river is connected to an underground karst cave three kilometers away.” “I don’t know if there are corresponding karst caves around this area.”

When hearing this, the geologist on the side said decisively: “It is absolutely impossible, it is absolutely impossible for this kind of landform to give birth to karst caves, and this mountain has long been completely occupied by the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.” If there were caves, we would have discovered them long ago.”

When he heard this, Zhang Tao’s face showed a meaningful color.

“Don’t forget, Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum has long since become a spectacle, and it is possible for anything to happen inside.”

And when they heard this, many Daxia netizens who were watching the live broadcast suddenly woke up.

: “Yes, everyone is fascinated by watching TV series. The misty world has already appeared, and Qin Shihuang’s mausoleum is a spectacle. It is normal for this to happen.”

: “So there is no need to tangle here, as long as you continue to walk, after encountering Qin Shihuang, everything can be completely clear.”

: “It’s too exaggerated, what the hell is going on? The timing of this river’s appearance is too coincidental, it looks like it’s deliberately preventing the expedition from moving forward.” Daxia, the center console.

Many experts closely watched the progress of the expedition team, carefully observing every detail.

Moreover, in the process of the expedition team advancing all the way, the corresponding communication devices were continuously arranged.

Therefore, the expedition team is always in touch with the center console.

Due to environmental problems, experts in many industries have no chance to enter the tomb at all.

Therefore, these experts provide corresponding knowledge support at any time in the center console.

I saw a heated discussion between several geologists.

“What Pharaoh said before is right, there is no such thing as a so-called karst cave, and this kind of vision is absolutely impossible to achieve.”

“The idea of ​​underground karst caves is a complete joke. After all, Liu Xiaokang only saw such a record from a notebook, and there is no way to confirm its authenticity.” “I still think Zhang Tao is right. Recently, Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum is a spectacle. What happened? It’s not surprising.” 0.. . Seeking Flowers 0. “We just need to wait for the expedition to move forward, and sooner or later all the puzzles will be completely solved.”

The seat of the bureau coughed slightly, attracting everyone’s attention, and then said: “There is no need to continue arguing, now many strange and strange events are happening constantly.” “Three blue birds can improve the national fortune and improve the people’s morale. Events such as physical fitness have been confirmed.” “The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang is also a spectacle, and it is normal for other sights to appear.” When they heard this, many experts nodded. Chen Lao on the side said: “Now all of your attention must be focused on observing the details of some pictures.”

0.0 “The number of experts inside the tomb is very small, and they may not be able to observe all the details.” “You must be careful, your results are likely to affect their lives.” When I heard this, I was present All of the experts nodded solemnly.

They exist as off-site support for the expedition.

The reason why this off-site support force is established is to ensure the safety of the expedition team to the greatest extent.

The Daxia National Games Office has achieved the ultimate in humanitarian support.

After seeing that everyone was on the right track again, Chen Lao looked at the live broadcast in the foggy world with some doubts, and said, “Xiao Zhang! Why do I feel something is wrong?” Such a powerful force should have been able to crush this so-called catfish fortress into pieces long ago.” “Then why is this situation still delayed?” When he heard this, the bureau’s eyes flickered.

He had already had such doubts in his mind.

But before Chen Lao did not say it, he pressed all the doubts he said in his heart.

Since he was not the only one to see this incident, it means that there should be many people at the scene who also have corresponding doubts.

The bureau seat turned to look at the other various experts, and said, “You should have noticed this picture, do you have any thoughts?” Seven.

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