Chapter 257 : The white-eyed wolf who likes free air! What are you without Daxia? (please customize)

On the other side, after many foreigners saw this scene, their eyes were full of surprise.

“What’s the situation? Why is there such a thing in the tomb? Could it be that this is the so-called tomb guard beast in Daxia?” “It seems that this expedition team in Daxia is very bad! It’s such a pity.” “This time, as expected, God is not on Daxia’s side, these people are all over.”

“I still haven’t figured out why they are so sure that there will be something in this tomb that will wipe away the green smoke?”

In the hearts of many foreign seniors, the existence of Qin Shihuang is dispensable, so they cannot understand the series of actions taken by Da Xia.

Moreover, Daxia will not make the news that Qin Shihuang’s mausoleum changed to the public.

Therefore, foreigners are watching Daxia’s jokes.

At the same time, the Chief Trump of the Beautiful Country held another press conference.

Unlike before.

On both sides of him were two people who looked like the people of the Great Xia Kingdom.

The eyes of many reporters were shining, as if they had seen big news one after another, and were waving to them.

Sitting in his seat, Trump said, “Mr. Zhang, Miss Li, this press conference 010 is up to you.” “No one knows what a high-quality life means better than me.”

“I promise you that as long as you follow everything we planned, I will provide each of you with a villa and a few dollars.” Zhang Dadong and Li Xiaocui immediately showed a look of excitement on their faces.

They have already begun to fantasize about living in villas and spending dollars.

Soon, Trump began to introduce the two.

“Here, I would like to introduce to you these two beautiful people of the country.” “This man’s name is Zhang Dadong, and the woman’s name is Li Xiaocui.” “I’m here today to expose the atrocities of Daxia to the world. ”

When they heard this, many reporters couldn’t help but exclaimed and kept pressing the shutter.

The bright light made everyone at the scene unable to open their eyes.

At this moment, the Daxia center console is also watching this live broadcast.

I saw Old Chen gritted his teeth and said, “Where did these two beasts come from? Why did they come to the beautiful country?”

The bureau seat on the side frowned like (aeah) and said: “Chen Lao, according to the information, these two people should be among those white-eyed wolves that we expelled from the Daxia territory last time.” “The two of them I don’t know what kind of way, and finally reached the territory of the beautiful country.” Bang!

Old Chen slapped the table with a heavy slap, and said, “How could there be such a coincidence? We obviously put them on the high seas, and with their humble ship, it is already very good to be able to maintain their own safety. “How can it be possible to cross the ocean and finally reach the territory of the beautiful country?”

At this moment, Yu Aichi also gritted his teeth and said, “This must have been done on purpose by Te Xiaopu. Perhaps they had already sent someone secretly to contact those white-eyed wolves.” The bureau was silent.

Only such an explanation can explain why these two people arrived in the beautiful country.

within the territory of the beautiful country.

I saw Zhang Dadong and Li Xiaocui, you said every word, and kept telling about the atrocities they thought they had suffered. “We had more than 2,000 people at the time! We were directly abandoned on the high seas by Daxia.”

“Not long after that, we encountered a tsunami, and hundreds of people died on the sea, and the rest of these people went to all directions of the sea with escape tools.” “We compare the two. Luckily, I happened to arrive in the beautiful country, and then got the rescue of the chief Trump.”

Speaking of this, Zhang Dadong glanced at the special effects suit, and then said, “Could it be that after the territory of the beautiful country, the first thing we feel is the free air, we can breathe freely!” Li Xiaocui on the side was even more Exaggerated, with a gleam of excitement on his face, he said: “We have successfully got a job here, and we have a good salary.” “According to the exchange rate, we are more beautiful than we can work. The salary received is five times the salary level of ordinary residents in Daxia.”

“Therefore, this is the most suitable place for human beings to live. I hope that the compatriots in the Daxia country can quickly come to the beautiful country after seeing all this.” At this moment, many Daxia people who are watching the live broadcast have completely lost their minds. Angry.

“These are two completely white-eyed wolves. It was Da Xia who raised them, and now they are helping the beautiful country.” “Forgive me! These two guys are called traitors.”

“Don’t forget, these two guys have long since been expelled from the Daxia country. They no longer have the nationality of Daxia. Strictly speaking, they are not heroes of the Xia people at all.” “Then I can rest assured. There are more, but even so, the blood of Daxia is still flowing inside their bodies, these two guys are simply a national shame.” At this moment, in the central control room.

Chen Lao said with an ugly face: “Investigate immediately, these two people’s life paths from childhood to adulthood, and strictly investigate everyone who has contact with these two people.” “Be sure to understand all these two guys.”

“And then I don’t want these two guys to keep jumping around in the international media, Xiao Zhang, you know what I mean?”

The head of the bureau looked up at the cold look in Cheng Lao’s eyes and said, “Don’t worry, Chen Lao, I’ll make arrangements to make sure that they won’t see the sun rise normally on the third day.” At this moment, the scene Many experts are equally outraged.

“If there was no Daxia, they would never have grown to this point.” “If there was no Daxia, they would have already starved to death.”

“They eat the food researched by Yuan Shengren, and it is unforgivable that they can say such a wolf-hearted thing.” “These two guys are really damn, their existence is tantamount to our Daxia people. A piece of heart disease.” Many experts at the scene naturally understood what Chen Lao meant, and expressed their extreme approval.

At this moment, many media in the beautiful country are still asking questions.

Beautiful country media is not satisfied with the news it receives now. For them, the news was too bland.

They hope to dig out more exciting news from another angle.

“Mr. Zhang. How did you come to the territory of our beautiful country?”.

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