Chapter 262 : Lord Bei’s bloody battle? Welcome to His Majesty the First Emperor! (please customize)

As long as you can crush the Catfish Fortress, you can get the first place in the sixth round of monster invasion.

The rewards contained in it are naturally very rich.

: “Master Bei, Master Bei, what do you want me to say about you? You have the strength to crush the catfish fortress, but you have been missing opportunities here.”: “Damn, we can’t contact Master Bei now, only Let’s hope this idiot wakes up at the most critical moment.”

: “It’s over, it’s our first place in the endless trial, the most recent time, it was destroyed by this idiot again.”: “God, I can’t imagine that there are such stupid people in the world. People.” At this moment, many Daxia people are watching all this in the same way.

After seeing Lord Bei madly devouring the Catfish Fortress, many Daxia people couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

: “Look carefully, this Lord Pei doesn’t look like the red phantoms summoned by our Moshen. Anyway, everyone is the same, devouring the energy of the Catfish Fortress.”: “But those red phantoms are just It’s just a few little ghosts summoned by Mo Shen at will, just to delay the time.”

: “Is this the savior of the beautiful country? It’s really stupid, you look carefully at the group of future soldiers around, they are not mentally prepared to enter the battlefield at all 010.”: “If all these future soldiers start to attack with all their strength If so, the catfish fortress would have been unable to withstand it at this moment.” Of course, many people expressed their admiration at Lord Bei.

: “I said you guys are more sober, Lord Bei, such a savior is very good. Without him, how could the beautiful country continue to decline?”

: “Originally, I was a fan of Lord Bei, and I watched him survive step by step in the wilderness. From today, I am a staunch die-hard fan of Lord Bei, and Lord Bei fought the catfish fortress. The hot spot of the entire program.”: “Hahaha, the last savior of the beautiful country just died, but this savior is absolutely impossible to be easily replaced. It seems that the beautiful country cannot become our big Xia’s confidant in the future. .”: “Beiye is mighty, Beiye is mighty, continue to spend with the Catfish Fortress and see who can win the two of you.” The people of Daxia were very excited, because they didn’t know why Li Mo was delaying the time. But in their hearts, they have basically tacitly agreed that Da Xia could not be the first in the endless trial this time.

However, I did not expect the rest of the country to be even more water.

If Li Mo did it on purpose, he wanted to give up the chance to get the first place and delay the time.

Then, the savior of the rest of the country is because there is not enough strength to crush the monster, and can only delay time to find opportunities.

And the bureau seat and others, who are always watching the development of the camps of various countries, couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

I saw the bureau seat said with a smile: “This savior who was originally keen to survive in the wilderness is really funny, he doesn’t know what the big picture is, such a person is only suitable for participating in some small programs, and it is impossible to become a qualified person. savior.”

“As many netizens said, it is really not worth mentioning after being beautiful.”

When he heard this, Chen Lao suddenly said: “Xiao Zhang, this kind of thinking of yours is unacceptable. The beautiful country will destroy my heart. Unless we completely let them destroy the country, we must not take it lightly.” Chen Lao, who has come out of the war of the older generation, naturally knows very well how insidious and cunning the enemy is.

So unless they see the end result in person, they definitely won’t believe all the rumors.

I saw Old Chen took a deep breath and said, “Although Lord Bei seems to be very stupid at the moment, and has been delaying time, is this not a tactic?” “At the beginning of the endless trial. Before, Lord Bei probably never thought that he could be so close to the first place in the endless trials.”

“And he will definitely believe that the savior of our (aeah) camp will definitely be the first, so there is no idea of ​​​​that he wants to compete.” “In the end, this guy chooses to devour energy to strengthen himself, why not an appropriate option.”

When hearing this, Yu Aichi, a psychologist on the side, said, “Yes, this is a very possible thing.”

“This guy knew that he couldn’t get the first place, so he gave up this option to get the biggest reward, and started to grow himself crazily.” “Even if he didn’t get the right place this time, As long as he is not in the bottom position, he will have a new chance next time.” “As long as his personal strength is strong enough, everything can be done again.” At this moment, everyone in the center console frowned. .

Even the head of the bureau said with solemn eyes: “I almost ignored the wolf ambitions of the beautiful country. Yes, this country will always be our enemy.” “Unless they completely perish, we can never take it lightly.” At the same time, inside the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

The four generals have been completely together.

The eyes of the four were full of nostalgia.

Meng Tian said loudly, “Wang Jian finally sees you again. After this time, you and I will definitely not be drunk.” Wang Ben, who was shrouded in black armor, said with a smile, “How dare you not. Obey.” Meng Yi and Wang Ben could only stand quietly behind the two elders.

Although they are also generals, they still have an identity, that is, the relatives of the two in front of them.

Even if they have gone through thousands of years now, they don’t have any presumptuous thoughts at all when they come back to life.

“Then we have the last step left.” A smile appeared on Wang Jian’s face.

Then, everyone followed in his footsteps, and many Yin soldiers quietly watched the four generals in place.

The four Wang Jian walked directly into the hall. “Welcome Your Majesty’s return!”

Wang Jian shouted loudly, his eyes full of respect and enthusiasm.

In his mind, he remembered what Qin Shihuang had said when he died.

Qin Shihuang’s body lay on the sickbed, showing unwillingness, and said, “Sooner or later, I will come back again.” “The whole world will crawl under my iron hooves.”

Meng Yi on the other side shouted loudly: “The soul is back…” Then, the four generals and many terracotta warriors shouted together.

“Return of the soul…”

“Return of the soul…”

The rich Yin Qi continued to spread towards the interior. .

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