Chapter 266 : It is not a pity for eunuchs to die in troubled times! Is this a modern weapon? (please customize it)


Ying Zheng suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of anger and he said, “Are you talking about that eunuch Zhao Gao?” “Yes, it is indeed that guy.”

I saw Zhang Tao said angrily: “After His Majesty’s death, Zhao Gao conspired with Li Si to forge the edict, and finally made the son Fusu commit suicide.” “And together they elected the young Hu Hai to become the new emperor.”

“And not long after, this guy became Zhonglang Ling, who took the power alone, and took people’s lives at every turn. The guy Li Si who was seeking skin with the tiger eventually died at the hands of Zhao Gao.”

“Not long after, this guy set up a new prince Ying, and finally died at the hands of Zi Ying, and was killed by the three tribes of Yi. Unfortunately, after the Qin Dynasty went through the chaos of many ministers, it was exhausted and finally defeated by the rebels?” After hearing this, Ying Zheng was silent for a long time.

Meng Yi, the general on the side, said angrily: “I said earlier that Zhao Gao’s servant is an eunuch, and he doesn’t know what it means to be safe and guard himself, and death is not a pity.” Wang Jian on the side also said: ” I really want to smash that guy to ashes and wipe out all his nine clans.”

Sometimes, Ying Zheng opened his eyes calmly and said, “That’s it, more than 2,000 years have passed, and the past is like smoke.” “I’m afraid Zhao Gao has a daughter, but who knows if they are still alive here. In the world, there is no point in continuing to investigate.” Then, Qin Wang Ying Zheng looked at Zhang Tao at first, and the others said, “Wait a minute!” Ying Zheng waved his clothes. Swish! Swish!

Immediately next to everyone in the expedition team, black seats appeared one by one.

Zhang Tao sat on it without hesitation, but he felt as if he was sitting on a ball of cotton, but his body couldn’t sink.

The members of the expedition followed suit.

It’s just that Du Ziming and the others still held their weapons tightly in their hands.

“Humph!” Meng Yi said with a cold face: “You guys have put down your weapons. If we want to shoot at you, do you think you have the strength to fight back?” The other three generals on the side also looked very angry. Not good looking.

He has led these guys to the street and met King Qin Yingzheng.

Back then, who would dare to come to the hall with a weapon?

If it wasn’t for the fact that they didn’t know anything about the outside world at this moment, I’m afraid they would have already killed them.

However, Du Zi said in a clear voice: “You are indeed the ancient sages, but your own safety must be in your own hands, not someone else’s mood.” Only Du Ziming spoke alone. The rest of the people’s eyes were full of fear.

In front of them, after all, are Emperor Qiangu and four generals who have been famous for thousands of years.

In ancient times, all of these people existed as one versus a thousand.

If these people are put into modern times, then they are the absolute kings of soldiers in the army.

Among the assassination troops, the absolute trump card.

Such people naturally have a world of difference with them.

When he heard this, a strange color flashed in Meng Yi’s eyes, and he said, “You guy, you are not small.” “But the weapon in your hand is too short, how can you take advantage of it in the battle? How about cheap?”

When he heard this, Du Ziming felt a little relieved and said with a smile: “This is our modern weapon, it is used for long-range attack, not melee combat, and the power of modern weapons is also very powerful.” The weapons used by assassins in the Qin Dynasty were much stronger.”

When he heard this, even Ying Zheng’s eyes flashed with surprise.

Then, Meng Yi hurriedly said: “If that’s the case, let’s see it.”

However, Du Ziming shook his head without hesitation, and said, “Let’s forget it? The power of this weapon is really too great. If it causes some bad consequences, it will be bad.” “Hahaha. …”

Meng Yi and other four generals couldn’t help laughing out loud.

“Little baby, just have 100 hearts, no matter how you use your weapons, you can’t hurt us.” “What’s more, we are no longer human at this moment, and ordinary human weapons can hardly hurt us. “”You try your best!”

A look of surprise flashed in Zhang Tao’s eyes.

He could see that the four generals were very curious about the information from the outside world.

But Ying Zheng didn’t ask any further, so they were not easy to speak.

But after seeing the submachine gun in Du Ziming’s hand, the four generals keenly realized that this should be an attacking weapon.

So he could no longer suppress his inner curiosity and asked directly.

And it’s also an opportunity to let them know what’s going on outside.

Therefore, even Qin Wang Yingzheng did not easily stop them.

When he heard this, Du Ziming’s face was still full of confusion.

Meng Yi’s brows moved slightly, and he said, “~You are really troublesome, mother-in-law and mother-in-law are like a woman.”

When he heard this, Zhang Tao opened his mouth and said, “Captain Du, just do your best, don’t worry, they are definitely not that easy to get hurt.” Du Ziming, as a soldier king, he must have the corresponding close combat ability, The most important thing is to have peace of mind.

The same is true of these special forces members. After all, they live in a group of ordinary people. If they fall into a state of rage, they are likely to kill people with all their strength.

At this time, even they can’t be saved at all.

Therefore, after successfully leaving the army, every soldier king is at least very good in psychological quality.

Not at all (to Zhao) may be easily provoked or even guided.

After hearing Zhang Tao’s words, Du Ziming nodded and said, “Then I’m welcome.” Then Du Ziming pointed the muzzle of the submachine gun directly at Meng Yi in front of him.

Meng Yi said with a smile: “Come on though! The old man is not that weak.” Hearing this, Du Ziming pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Da da da! !

The sound of violent gunshots appeared, and then a blue flame appeared at the muzzle of the machine gun, beating continuously.

Ding Ding Ding!

A series of bullet casings kept falling on the ground, making a crisp sound.

At the same time, bullets went towards Meng Yi at a very fast speed.

Everyone’s eyes widened, watching the scene in front of them.

I saw that Meng Yi’s face did not change at all, and he did not even use the machete in his hand, but moved his fingers gently. .

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