Chapter 289 : Proud of enlisting in the army! Untouchable Mount Tai! (please customize)

Then, their group quickly collected all the information.

And the expressions on the faces of the many soldiers on the sidelines looked much better.

A strange color flashed in Qin Shihuang’s eyes, and he said, “I didn’t expect these ordinary-looking soldiers to be able to withstand our coercion. They are all good seedlings!” General Meng Tian said with a smile. “That’s right, these guys are all good, and they are indeed the soldiers and warriors on our Kyushu continent.” Wang Jian stroked his beard and said, “They are all good boys! Just because of them, It is enough to be a centenarian under my men back then.” In those days, enlisting in the army was originally something that many people rejected.

And many of the soldiers were contemptuously called dead men by the common people.

Even “027” and many soldiers are rejecting their identities in their hearts.

How can such a soldier have your future?

And such soldiers will be much worse in combat effectiveness.

But today’s military is different, everyone is proud to be in the military.

And each squad is a true life-threatening friendship.

In this case, nothing would happen to them at all.

Then, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng walked among the many soldiers of the Terracotta Warriors and horses and sat on a throne with a black body.

The throne is completely shrouded in black yin qi.

And the numerous terracotta soldiers and four generals looked no different from ordinary people.



The rich yin qi continued to radiate forward, and then, the bodies of many terracotta warriors gradually began to blur.

Then, the densely packed soldiers rushed towards the front at an extremely fast speed.

Under the shroud of many yin qi, these soldiers passed through dense forests and high mountains.

Nothing in front of them could hinder their movement, and they headed west at great speed.

Li Mo in the back looked at the scene in front of him, a look of surprise flashed across his face, and said: “If they really rely on these means, perhaps those small Western countries really can’t help Qin Shihuang’s victory.” Although Many small countries also have powerful killers in their hands, but naturally they cannot be compared with powerful countries.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shihuang, Ying Zheng and others might really be able to create a new world by relying on their extraordinary fighting methods.

At this moment, all of this was presented intact in the sight of many Daxia people.

“Could it be that Qin Shihuang is going to leave the continent of Kyushu? Where is he going? Where is the West he said?” “I don’t know which small country is going to suffer. In the face of this powerful emperor, who can stand up to it?” Where do you live?”

“Not to mention, the 50,000 terracotta warriors under Qin Shi Huang’s hands are not something that an ordinary small country can deal with.”

“And those terracotta warriors are all dead undead. Who knows how terrifying their fighting power is?” “Forget it, let Qin Shihuang Yingzheng go to harm other countries. In short, don’t affect us. Life is good.” Da Xia, the center console.

The bureau sighed heavily and said, “Finally, we didn’t allow Qin Shihuang Yingzheng to be on the Kyushu Continent and completely tear our face off.” “Otherwise, at least the northwest area will have great turmoil. ”

Qin Shihuang, Ying Zheng, was an emperor of the ages, and he had 50,000 terracotta warriors under his command.

And these guys are all dead undead, and it is difficult to hurt them with current firearms.

The psychologist Yu Aichi on the side also said: “Yes, if these guys are allowed to completely riot, it will be equivalent to the Daxia camp in the misty world being breached, and 50,000 monsters directly broke into our Kyushu. In the mainland.” When they heard this, the expressions of many people in the field changed.

Only then did they realize that if Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng hadn’t settled everything without Li, what direction would the situation develop. “Hey! I’m really lucky. After more than 2,200 years, this guy is still sensible, otherwise there will be big trouble.”

“God Mo has to look at it! I listened to their previous conversation, and it seems that God Mo can restrain Qin Shihuang Yingzheng and his army in many ways.” “The current situation is already very good, at least we sent Many soldiers on the front line did not have 0 casualties…”

Chen Lao, who was on the side, said with a serious face: “Yes, the luckiest thing is that we didn’t start the fight directly at that time.” “Otherwise, the boys who were dispatched to the scene would probably be more fortunate this time.” In the 1990s, wars rarely broke out.

And under Daxia’s program, he will never take the initiative to easily provoke a war.

Therefore, over the years, Daxia’s army has basically had no conspicuous casualties.

The bureau seat said to a middle-aged man, “How are the preparations for the new round of expedition teams?”

The middle-aged man nodded heavily and said, “Don’t worry, Bureau seat, we have gathered all the young and strong top talents in various related fields.” “They are undergoing special training during this time.”

“If there is no god, if there is a need, we can form the strongest expedition team at any time.” When he heard this, the bureau nodded with satisfaction.

Li Mo never said that he wanted to organize an expedition team.

But in any case, they can’t be indifferent, and they are always ready to send corresponding resources into Mount Tai to support Li Mo.

Chen Laoyou said quietly: “Now they need to see when Li Xiaozi is ready to leave. I hope we can solve the problem of Mount Tai as soon as possible.” The difference between the current Mount Tai and the Mount Tai long ago is really too great. 0.7 and the entire Kyushu continent is still discussing various issues against Mount Tai.

“My family has always lived in the area at the foot of Mount Tai. Our family relies on the scenic spot for a living, but during this period of time, we have not been able to get within one kilometer of the scenic spot.”

“Is it possible that Mount Tai, the head of the Five Sacred Sacred Mountains, will never be touched by humans again?”

“If that’s the case, it would be a pity. Mount Tai is a very important mountain on the entire continent of Kyushu.” “Who said it wasn’t? In ancient times, the ceremonies of Feng Chan were held in the area of ​​Mount Tai. ”

“There must be a secret hidden in there. I really hope we can go in and explore it well one day.” Taishan has also completely become the first choice of many ALICE friends. .

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