Chapter 295 : Daxia, a powerful country! Four gods and white tigers come out! (please customize)

Through this incident, many people who did not set the sun once again realized how thick Caesar’s face was.

And Sun Never Sets Chief Martin’s impression of Caesar became worse, he snorted coldly, and said, “This guy is always so coddled, always so arrogant.” So far, Sun Never Sets Country’s green smog All have also been lifted.

Daxia, in the center console.

The head of the bureau said in an orderly manner: “We have found a way to eliminate the green smog from Moshen.” “According to the order on our list, let’s start helping those countries that are unable to solve the green smog.” General Li Muqun officially Hold a press conference.

“We have sorted out the corresponding means, and soon I will personally lead the team to the countries that have applied to us to help them solve the problem of green smog.” Many reporters below began to ask frantically.

“General Li, this time, all the countries that apply for help don’t have to pay any other price at all? Is the whole process free?” “General Li, do the countries that apply have to pay any price?”

“General Li, can you Daxia 04 guarantee that there will be no problems in this process?”

“General Li, if the green smog is not completely eliminated, is Daxia willing to take the corresponding responsibility for this?”

With a calm expression on Li Muqun’s face, he said, “First of all, the entire aid process this time is entirely out of humanitarian aid, so we Daxia will not take any responsibility for this.” “But we Xia has absolute confidence in eliminating these green smog, and we are willing to lend a helping hand to all countries within our capabilities.” “As for whether we can handle these problems well, please wait and see, friends from reporters.” Soon, Li Muqun The general officially led the team and personally went to the small countries that were unable to solve the green smog. At this moment, all the countries in the world are focusing on the Daxia Diplomatic Team.

General Li Muqun first came to the country of Bayang.

The chief of the Bayang Kingdom came to greet him in person, and Luo Luo, the savior of the Bayang Kingdom, was also in the queue.

Luo Luo said with a smile: “General Li, we have come from afar, and we have prepared a corresponding welcome banquet for you.”

General Li Muqun said with a smile: “Thank you for your kindness, but now the world situation is urgent, I should deal with the green smoke first.” Then, led by the savior Luo Luo, the group quickly came to the green smoke Serious Capital Region.

Then, Li Muqun gave the entourage a wink.

The entourage on the side immediately walked down with a huge iron block floating. Then, Li Muqun said respectfully, “Senior, we have reached our destination.” Roar!

A slight roar came.

I saw a flash of white light, and a vague figure appeared in the iron block.

Then, the body of the divine beast, the white tiger, emerged from the iron block and nodded lightly.


The next white tiger came directly into the air and appeared. “Roar! Roar!”

Then, the white tiger used the sky to let out a roar.

Next, the disciples of the entire Bayang Kingdom began to tremble slightly.

Whizzing! !

On the ground, where the ore veins were located, dazzling rays of light immediately rushed out.

Numerous dazzling rays of light rose directly into the sky, surrounding the body of the white tiger.

Then, the white tiger’s claws waved gently, and many rich rays of light went directly to all directions of the sky.

boom! boom!

Huge roaring sounds continued to appear, and the green smoke in the sky was continuously dispersed, and finally completely disappeared between heaven and earth.


The white tiger turned into a white light again and charged directly into the huge iron block.

General Li Muqun nodded and said: “The problem of green smog in your country has been completely resolved, we need to rush to the next stop so that we won’t disturb you.” The chief said gratefully: “Thank you for your business assistance. Hand, we have prepared the corresponding aircraft fuel.” General Li Muqun nodded with a smile.

The savior Luo Luo on the side said curiously: “What happened just now? And who is the senior?” General Li Muqun said proudly: “Just now, that was one of the four great beasts in the history of our Great Xia. The first white tiger senior.” “How old is he, no one knows.”

“Just now, it was with his full strength that he completely eliminated the green smog.”

“According to the seniors, he mobilized the minerals underground in your country, and through the energy in it, he dispelled the green smoke in the air.” When he heard this, the savior Luo Luo suddenly realized.

Next, the team led by Li Muqun began to carry the huge iron block hiding the body of the white tiger and began to run around the world.

The green smog over many countries has all been lifted.

Of course, this refers to the country that made a friendly application to Daxia.

Soon, the National Games Office of Daxia received a flood of thank-you letters.

Then, after Li Muqun completed the task, he quickly returned to China.

Many people who got help from Daxia are still at a loss.

“Daxia is the green smoke that 040 solved, I didn’t see anything at all.”

“Someone took a photo, and the photo was a huge tiger the size of a hill. What’s the age of this, and this kind of PS technology is still being used.” “But I also heard a roar of a huge tiger that day, and I don’t know what it is like. Does it matter?”

“It doesn’t matter, after all, this time we have passed the difficult time, thanks to Da Xia, otherwise our country will be over this time.”

Chen Lao suddenly said with great anticipation: “I don’t know when the other great beasts will appear again. Li Xiaozi should be able to subdue them all, right?” From the National Games Office, Chen Lao smiled and said, “This time it should be There are many countries that will become our staunch allies, and the deal this time is very cost-effective!” The bureau also nodded and said, “This time, we have not lost any resources except to trouble Senior White Tiger.” “And the whole process consumes all the mineral veins underground in their respective countries.” “They also harvested their friendship, and our country’s diplomatic relations have become more intensive.”

At this moment, a staff member said in a hurried voice: “Old Chen, Bureau seat, we have received a letter of help from Banana Country, and they also want us to help them eliminate the green smog.”

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