Chapter 72 : The fourth round of offense, eighteen layers of hell! (please customize)

The crimson sun hung high in the sky.

A thick black mist is constantly floating in this dilapidated world.

A pair of ferocious and terrifying eyes are filled with greed.

They looked at the saviors in the camp.

I can’t wait to destroy everything in front of me.

Even the strongest man faced such a terrifying gaze at the moment.

Will tremble involuntarily, trembling.

As if in this world.

Death is the only option.

Yet there is only one camp where all saviours seem out of place.

That is Daxia’s camp.

at this time. ….

Outside the summer camp.

A powerful Yin soldier is constantly patrolling the surrounding land.

The powerful Yin Qi shocked everything, making those monsters not dare to approach easily.

In groups of three or five, they shuttled through the black mist from time to time.

The majestic long sword in his hand was stained with the blood of monsters.

Black and white impermanent figures flashed across the camp from time to time.

Just stand inside the camp.

It is enough to make a group of timid monsters split their hearts.

The main hall of Fengdu reigns in the world, and the souls of the city wall roar in vain.

in this horrible world.

The Daxia camp seems to have become a forbidden place that can make even the demons tremble.

Li Mo slowly opened his eyes from the bed.

The unstoppable singing in his ears became the main theme that made him the most relaxed.

He looked up at the maid’s perfect face.

whispered. “Thank you~”

“It’s my honor to be able to relieve your fatigue.” The maid smiled warmly.

Then he bowed to Li Mo and walked out the door obediently.

If you can.

Li Mo would rather listen to the maid’s touching singing all day long.

I don’t want to see those ugly monsters either.

But unfortunately, dangers are everywhere in this world.

Even the current Li Mo cannot guarantee that the next enemy that appears will be easily defeated by him. “It’s about time~”

Contrary to Li Mo’s expectations, this time, the survival game actually abides by his agreement.

It gave the saviors five days to prepare.

But more so.

The more it represents, the bigger crisis is coming.

In the dark fog, the roars of monsters in the past few days have become rarer.

But the more calm.

It means that a more terrifying attack is about to surface.

Once the summer camp is breached.

Not only will he die, but the hundreds of millions of Daxia people behind him will also die with him.

Time until the fifth round of offense.

Three hours left.

Just as Li Mo was thinking.

Suddenly, he finds…

In his bed, a big bag suddenly swelled up.

Then, the big bag started to wriggle on the bed like a worm.

In the end, he actually crawled towards Li Mo’s body little by little. “Give me~ give me~ give me quickly!!!”

A lovely voice came from Li Mo’s bed.


clap clap clap! ! !

clap clap clap! ! !

The crisp sound of beating echoed continuously in the bedroom.

After a while, Li Mo walked out of the room.

And behind him, a small Loli with a look of grievance came out of the room with tears in his eyes.

While looking at Li Mo aggrieved, he covered his little ass with his hands.

“Damn it!! If you don’t give it, don’t give it! Why do you have to spank someone’s butt, it hurts!!” As Li Mo walked out of the room, the screen of his live broadcast room lit up again.

A group of viewers who stayed in front of the live broadcast early saw the following picture.

A cute giant RU Loli, clutching his ass, looked at Li Mo aggrievedly.

I can see that expression is still pitiful, I can’t wait for someone to take her into his arms and cherish her.

And Li Mo, like a scumbag, walked out of the gate of the palace without looking back.

A group of netizens with very clear brain circuits, in an instant.

Even the book is drawn in my mind.

: “Fuck!!! Lord Mo pulls DIOAO ruthlessly!!!”

: “The man is silent and the girl is crying!! The dignified savior actually did such a thing to little Loli!!”: “Damn!! I’m too tired to talk about paying such a fee!!”: “Kill Lord Mo, take away Loli!!”

: “Upstairs, if you say something like this, I respect you for being a man, damn it, don’t withdraw it!” Among the ridicule of many netizens.

The door of the main hall where Li Mo walked out.

At this moment in the world of black mist.The blood moon flies into the sky, and the red sun has not yet risen.

The scarlet moon and the bloody sun.

The abnormal desolation reflected in this world.

“I don’t know what the four rounds of offense will be like!”

In addition to the first round of attack, whether it is the second level with hidden levels.

Still the third round of endless trials with unique mechanics.

It all shows that this survival game is consciously speeding up the rhythm of the game.

Just three rounds of the game.

“Earth” is the extinction of two hundred countries. And even more terrifying. , This survival game has not been announced yet.

When does this game end and how to win.

Only Li Mo knew that.

In the end of this so-called game, there is only one winner.

In other words, among the more than 300 countries remaining today.

Except for the only victor.

The rest.

There is only one fate… the subjugation of the country and the genocide! !

In the end, only one country can survive “Earth”.

【Ding! ! The fourth round of offense is about to start in three hours, please get ready, saviors! ! 】

【Ding! ! From this moment on, the survival game officially enters the next stage…][After the fourth round of offense begins, the performance of the Savior will be counted, recorded, and ranked. 】

[Any action that is beneficial to defense will be included in the audit standard rate][For example, the number of monsters killed, the distance from the monster to the crystal, the degree of damage to the troops, the degree of damage to defense measures, etc. 】

[All the above behaviors are accumulated in the form of points, and the top ten saviors will receive huge rewards. ] 900 [This reward can give the savior and the country where he is located a lot of bonuses, please be sure to work hard to improve your points. 】

[Note: The three saviours at the bottom of the list, and their countries, will completely destroy the country after each round of attack! ! 】

【Good luck to all saviors~】

The announcement of the survival game sounded in the sky.

Both the saviors and the people of all countries have clearly heard this announcement.

Everyone’s attention was completely drawn to the end of the announcement.

The four words, the subjugation of the country and the genocide, surrounded everyone’s hearts like a magic sound.

Destroy the country! ! Dead Seed! ! !

Even the Daxia nationals are full of confidence in Li Mo, but at this moment.

There was also a bit of solemn expression on their faces.

In the face of the four words of subjugation and genocide, no one can turn a blind eye to it. “Sure enough, this game is speeding up!!” This announcement completely proved Li Mo’s idea.

The emergence of this leaderboard, there is no doubt.

Will hasten the death of the Savior and the demise of the nation.

Survival seems to be getting impatient.

The original purpose was to call down the punishment and see if the countries could withstand it.

Only in this way, more than 200 countries have perished because of it.

And now, it does seem to have no patience to wait.

The three countries at the bottom of the leaderboard were destroyed directly.

He is forcing all saviors to do their best.

Li Mo rarely opened the chat room.

as predicted.

The chat room has been completely blown up by this news. ,: “Oh my God!! The country will be destroyed immediately!!!”: “This game is too scary!!”

: “The standard of his points is also very vague, and he can’t understand it at all!!”

: “You don’t need to understand, in short, whoever can defend the camp better, and whoever has the least damage, will get more points.”: “This is the fourth round of the game, I think we will all die in the end,”Earth “It will also perish!!” With the appearance of this sentence.

The saviours of various countries who were complaining at first have indeed shut their mouths.

This thought had not appeared in their minds before.

I just didn’t want to face it.

And with a word from this guy.

Everyone can’t deceive themselves.

They just felt a kind of despair in their hearts.

Look at the content of the chat room.

Caesar in the sun never set camp indeed showed a smile.

At this moment, his camp is covered with countless buildings.

Thunder bursts around.

“The weak guy should die and make way for the gods of the new world!” Caesar was exhausted in order to arrange these defenses.

The emergence of the leaderboard is a good opportunity.

He wants to prove that his potential is not weaker than Li Mo, and even stronger than Li Mo.

“God needs servants too~” Caesar woke up like a dream.

Looking at the dead chat page in the chat room. Just about to enter something. , but saw that a never-before-seen ID popped up on the world chat page. “Oh? I think I should be able to survive~”

As soon as he saw this sentence, Caesar’s expression changed again and again.

Then the few lines of words that had not been sent out on the chat page were silently deleted.

The originally silent chat page was fried again with the appearance of this sentence. : “Great God!!!”

: “Great God!! Take me with you!!”

: “This is the biggest thigh in the survival game!! Is the thigh missing a pendant??” At this moment, the saviors of these various countries seemed to have become a large group of licking dogs.

Start going crazy.

Just because it was Li Mo who never spoke on the World Channel.

Although so far, there are still many saviors who have never seen Li Mo.

But Li Mo of the kingdoms was suppressed by one person.

It has already been marked as invincible by everyone in my heart.But no matter how these guys lick Li Mo.

Couldn’t get any response.

The private message is also in vain.


After Li Mo finished saying that.

Just didn’t look at the chat page again.

There is no interest in those so-called surrenders.

In this world, the so-called surrender is just a chance to stab you in the back.

Leaderboards are coming soon.

Not only caused a storm in the game.

Even more so in the real world.

Some enthusiastic netizens have begun to make a ranking standard on their own. , Of course, Li Mo is at the top of the list.

The savior of the kingdom of Egypt followed.

Then came Caesar of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets.

As for Richard of Pretty Country and Miyamoto of Fuso.

Since that attack Li Mo was unsuccessful.

There has been no sound.

As if completely silent.

Many Daxia people have been to the live broadcast room of Beautiful Country to observe the situation.

But I don’t know what Richard did.

Eight of the ten times he went, he was in private time.

There were two more times, either in a daze in the camp, or in the dark fog.

It is no longer as powerful as it used to be.

: “Well, to be honest, have any of you actually paid attention to the savior of Banana Country?” In the live broadcast room of Daxia, a weak barrage floated past.

Everyone who saw this barrage was stunned.

The name Banana Country goes too far.

That backward country is well-known in addition to a certain kind of sex conversion surgery.

It seems to have declined internationally in recent years.

Except for the natives, hardly anyone paid attention to that country.

Netizens with good faith rushed to the live broadcast room of Banana Country.

only see.

The savior of the banana country is a woman with dark skin and a proud figure.

She was wearing corsets, shorts, and her muscles fell outside, with a wild beauty.


She was hunting monsters in the dark fog.

I saw that the woman punched in the air, and the terrifying power developed in her fist.

Kaka! !

Dozens of ghost-faced spiders were under this punch. reduced to meat. : “Fuck!!! So fierce!!”

: “With this punch, I’m afraid it will kill a cow!!”: “Fantastic! ! Isn’t that worse than Richard? ? ? ”

It was only then that everyone discovered that there were very terrifying powerhouses in the small country. , people read the records.

This was discovered.

From the first attack to now, Banana Country has never been invaded by any monsters.

In other words, this silent woman.

With the strength of one person, he carried the backward banana country alive.

Otherwise, with the national strength of Banana Country, even the skeleton giants in the first round would be enough to destroy the country. :”what’s the situation???”

: “Why so many people came in suddenly!!”

Netizens in Banana Country were a little confused when they watched the skyrocketing number of people in the live broadcast room.

Banana country only has a population of 30 to 40 million people.

And the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded 100 million.

Watching the influx of IDs from those great powers.

The citizens of the Banana Country hid in the corner and shivered, not daring to make a sound.

: “This girl is a bit ruthless, but I guess she is not a match for Master Mo!”

: “Daxia people are always so conceited, such a woman deserves all respect!~”

: “Wait! You are so powerful that you can go in and fight her away!! Without you, I can’t do anything without you!” When Daxiaguo netizens quarreled with other countries in the live broadcast room of Bananaguo.

Other netizens found something different.

They set out to look at five countries that had been unscathed.

It doesn’t matter at all, but a monster is found.

Guni, a small country separated from Indonesia.

Their savior, dancing a strange dance in the dark mist.

Under the dance, countless monsters kept exploding.

A man from Outer Mongolia walked out of a canyon alone with a steel fork in his hand.

Countless monster corpses piled up behind him.

f*ck! !

I really don’t know if I don’t pay attention, there are such terrifying monsters in the game.

All eyes are on the big country.

No one thought of it.

Among these three small countries, there is such a terrifying savior.

If it weren’t for the appearance of the leaderboard, I’m afraid it would be now.

Not many people know their strength. : “Master Mo should be fine, right??”

Look at those saviors who also kill monsters like chickens and dogs.

Daxia’s netizens were slightly hesitant.But only for a moment.

: “Grass!! What are you panicking about, has Master Mo lost so far??”: “Yes!! Master Mo probably hasn’t even given all his strength!!”

: “But those guys all have the smell of Master Mo, it seems like that kind of mythical camp…” It is true that no matter whether it is Mongolia or Banana, they have a powerful feeling.

There is a kind of taste bred in Li Mo.

That is.

God is like a prison! ! !

Li Mo in Survival Games.

In fact, I have thought of this before.

Although he got the mythical faction at the beginning.

But myths in other countries are also reviving.

Therefore, some strong people do not exist.

But predictably.

Except for himself, no one currently has a complete mythological faction.

The Caesar I saw earlier, and the Mugil, who was killed once by himself, all had some mythical stars on them.

Compared with other people who are constantly hunting monsters, I want to take advantage of these three hours to continuously improve their strength.

Li Mo is inexplicably leisurely at this critical moment.

He wandered through the camp.

Look at the new large open space outside the city of death. “It’s time to expand the territory.” Thinking of this, he slowly raised his palm. In an instant, the city wall of vain rises from the ground.

Then it expanded to the outside.

In the vacant position, new city walls are constantly being added to it.

In the blink of an eye, the area of ​​the Daxia camp will be much larger than before.

Then he walked to the gate of the city.

“Sir!” Black and white impermanence bowed at the same time.

“Hmm~” Li Mo nodded.

Black and white impermanence then slowly took a few steps back. “Let’s add another layer of insurance~” Li Mo thought.

The space in front of him began to distort slightly.

A terrifying evil spirit developed.

That evil spirit was continuously compiled into a huge picture scroll in the void.

Hell, unfolding at this moment.

He casually pressed the scroll toward the edge of the black fog.

Ka Ka Ka! !

in an instant.

One after another dark red shadows kept falling into the earth.

Then it was as if nothing had happened.


Once the fourth round begins, it’s the real hell that greets those monsters.

Li Mo who has done this.

Go to the corner of the camp.

Dilapidated machines, lying there quietly.

Since the first time to get the jail cannon.

I don’t know if it’s because of luck.

The converter has been converting out some junk.

He casually took out a piece of intermediate material from the inventory.

Randomly dropped in.

It’s like a daily lottery.

Ka Ka Ka! !

The sound of an old engine sounded slowly.

The machine suddenly burst into a burst of golden light. “Looks like I’m lucky today~”

From experience, the golden light means that the quality of the converted things is good.

Li Mo reached out.

Take the item out of the machine.

It doesn’t matter.

Immediately his eyes flashed a little. “It’s interesting~”

Li Mo held a dark red scroll in his hand.

It is densely covered with cracks.

Constantly exuding bursts of evil spirits.

[God-level Summoning Scroll (Enhanced Edition)]

【Conditions of use: Level 20】

[You can summon powerful heroes from your own camp! ! ] An introduction in just a few lines.

Everything has been explained.

Black and White Impermanence was summoned through a god-level scroll.

Its strength is strong.

Enough to obliterate more than half of the saviors.

And this time the summon scroll is not only better than the previous scroll.

The use level is also five levels higher.

Without any hesitation.

Li Mo directly crushed the scroll.

Choose to summon the heroic spirit of this underworld.

Click! !

Accompanied by the sound of the scroll breaking.

There seems to be some seal in the void that shatters together.

Ka Ka Ka! !

Big summer camp sky.

The space is constantly broken.

The power of dark red carries a bit of yin majesty.

But more of it is an unspeakable evil spirit.

The breath was terrifying.

Even the impermanence of black and white, at this moment, can’t help but look up at the sky. “It’s actually him!” “That Killing Star is here~” Whoa! ! !

Whoa! ! !

There was a sound of chain shaking, which exploded.

As if in the void, something is bound by chains.


And at this moment, the terrifying existence kept breaking the seal.

All the Daxia audience who watched this scene.

The heart thumped violently.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

At this moment, all the viewers watching Li Mo’s live broadcast can only feel the smell of blood flowing in their nostrils.

A slightly more timid audience.

I didn’t dare to look down.

: “What is Master Mo going to do this time!!”

: “Damn, this posture is a bit bigger than Black and White Impermanence!!”

: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it’s a human head!!!” on the screen. Papa~ A human head slowly fell to the ground.

The head of the man burst open, and there was panic in his eyes. His mouth opened involuntarily. , As if he had seen something terrifying before his death.

Then, without waiting for the audience to scream. pat~pat~

Second, third, fourth…

Fearful heads fell like rain in the summer camp.

But this is not the end. Wow~ the sound of running water sounded.

Just when people were wondering where the sound of the water came from.

Everyone’s eyes narrowed violently.


It was not running water that made the sound.


Endless blood! ! !

Countless blood roared in the camp like a river.

The human head (aeag) is a mountain, and the blood is a river! !

This scene.

It has become a nightmare for many people.

They watch live.

It was as if the huge mountain of human heads was piled up in front of him.

And they are about to be one of them.

next moment……

Heads exploded, and the sea of ​​blood dried up.

As if it was all a fantasy.

A twisted figure appeared in the sky.

“Sir!!!” The voice was full of evil, and it was indeed more terrifying than the devil. “It’s actually you!”

Looking at this figure, Li Mo’s eyes quickly showed a trace of satisfaction.

This time, make a big profit! ! !

Inside the beautiful country camp.

Richard who was abandoned by everyone.

In that technology-filled bedroom.

Get up quietly.

The disgusting phone bug in front of me.

Continuously flashing green light. “Li Mo. I’m looking forward to it~”

“When my name appears on you, what kind of expression should you have.” “What kind of expression should you have~”

Richard’s voice was extremely calm, but hidden behind that calm.

It was a rage like a volcano.

Once it erupts, it will overwhelm everything.

His pair of golden eyes turned dark green at some point.

on the forehead.

A single horn is raised high.

“Humans always have weaknesses, so… I’m not a human anymore, Li Mo~ This is all thanks to you~” Kacha! !

Behind him, a huge dark green wing emerged.

A burst of magic swayed in the room.

Where the wings float, the space is slightly turbulent, which is terrifying.

He had waited too long for this moment. “come on!!!”

His hideous roar continued to echo.

It seems that he can’t wait to prove something like the world.

this moment.

Countless people are waiting for it.

Whether it’s the savior, or the people on “Earth”.

They either fear or pray.

Because that long-term future birth certificate is finally about to explode.

Just don’t know.This time, it’s coming.

what exactly is it.

It was their savior who successfully blocked the attack, or the base shattered.

Is the monster attacking, or the bonus landing.

And this time was even more different from the previous three.

This time.

Even if you defend the city, if you are ranked at the bottom.

The whole country will usher in horrific destruction.

The terrifying tomb in the sky has been proven countless times.

They have the power to destroy everything.

At this time, in this black mist world.

The three hundred and sixty-five saviors bear the expectations of hundreds of millions of people.

Exterminate the nation! ! Or the national fortune is prosperous! !

Will pull the curtain again! ! !


That incomparably magnificent, like a god-like voice.

In the world of black mist, it sounded at the same time as “Earth”.

【Ding! ! ! The fourth round of offense is about to begin, do your best to survive! ! ! Good luck to all saviors! ! 】This round of offense doesn’t have any fancy rules.

There is no superfluous introduction.

Only this declared the beginning of the war.

All the peace was interrupted at this moment.

at the same time.

The black fog began to move.

The originally calm black fog twisted like a giant wave.

And this time.

The black tomb that suppressed “Earth”.

The moment the voice fell.

Above the sky of the black mist world, it slowly emerged.

One tomb crushes two worlds, and all the heavens bow their heads! !

Along with the present world of the tomb.

The black mist exploded instantly.

Countless people watched everything on the screen nervously.

on the edge of the dark fog.

A tall demon walked out slowly, his whole body covered in brown scales.

The sharp claws flashed with cold light, and the greed for flesh and blood appeared in the scarlet eyes. “Ahhhhh!!!”

The demon ran wildly towards the Savior’s camp. And behind him. …

One, two, three…

Countless demons ran wildly.

The terrifying force shattered the ground with every step.

They ran and roared.

More and more, as if endless.

The total number of demons that appeared in just an instant had already surpassed.

All monsters in the third round.

: “No!!! This number is impossible to defend!!!!!!”: “This… this, this, is this really an attack that can be defended??”

: “It’s over!! Go to his leaderboard, with such an attack, can there be a savior who survives? You might as well give us a happy one”: “Even if it’s the devil, even the Daxia’s can’t hold back. !! Not even him!!” Countless barrages were rolling frantically.

A new look of despair continued to appear on the faces of the people.

Even they can see, those terrifying demons.

Otherwise, those monsters were too powerful before.

Once such a monster enters “Earth”.

What will happen.

Everyone dared not continue to think about it.

Not long ago that terrifying zombie virus swept through everything.

People do their best to keep it under control.

Until now, in some small border countries.

There are still many zombies wandering around.

The economy and military of many countries have not been repaired.

Even some countries’ defense lines have not been successfully rebuilt.

“Earth” now.

It can no longer afford such a large number of monster attacks.

To know that a monster destroys the camp, there will be 10,000 in this world.

And now, there are already no less than thousands of demons running wild in the live broadcast alone.

If thousands of demons destroy the camp at the same time…

An army of tens of millions of demons descended.

Not to mention destroying a country, I am afraid that even the entire planet will be destroyed in an instant! !


No matter how scared they were, at this moment they had nothing to do but pray.

They can only pray that the saviors can resist this terrifying monster.

Even if it’s very unlikely.

At the same time, beautiful country.

Somewhere in a secret research base.

Charles looked at the live page that finally lit up.

Watch the endless army of demons appear.His eyes were full of vigilance.

Their savior does not know by some means.

With that disgusting snail, be able to connect with them.

But just inform them that they are waiting for a good show.

There was no news.

The live broadcast room, which has been in private time, finally opened.

When I saw Richard’s appearance clearly.

Charles’ eyes narrowed slightly.

I saw Richard floating in the air at this moment.

His whole body turned dark green.

In the barracks at the foot.

A dark green demon is constantly being born.

Their breath is not weaker than the enemy who is constantly running at this moment. “Is this what you call a good show~”

Seeing this scene, Charles couldn’t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

At this moment, Richard’s body is dark green, his eyes are like ghosts, and a single horn is twisted on his head.

The pair of huge wings behind him exuded a terrifying aura.

In this way, it is more like a demon than the attacking demon.

“As long as you can defend the beautiful country’s camp, it doesn’t matter what you look like” “You will be the hero of the beautiful country!!” Charles shouted to the disgusting phone bug.

But when he heard Charles’ words, a very obvious disdain flashed across Richard’s face. “The surprise I’m talking about isn’t this~” The dark demons.

Constantly impacting everything.

Unknowingly, this seemingly disorderly attack actually became orderly.

bass! ! bass! ! bass! ! !

Liu Yaya looked at the terrifying demons in panic.

They roared fiercely.

Horribly ugly.

yet aggressive…

“It will be like this!! How can it be like this!!” At this moment, Liu Yaya’s eyes were flushed, and she was about to cry.

A defensive tower created by his own efforts.

Take your defense against everything.

At this moment, it is difficult to leave a single scar on these terrifying demons.

Countless elf archers fired an endless rain of arrows.

Can be covered in one round.

But only a few demons fell.

“You forced me!!” Liu Yaya yelled.

He raised his hand suddenly.

Buzz! !

Bursts of fluorescence emerged in his hands.

A bow and arrow with golden light appeared in his hand.

At this moment, the girlishness on Liu Yaya disappeared.



Pull the string.

Immediately after. ….

Boom! !

Boom! ! !

A loud explosion sounded.

Every attack in Liu Yaya’s hands will bring a lot of explosions.

And the monsters on the ground also fell in large swaths. : “Have a chance!!!!”: “Come on, Yaya Oba!!”

: “Ah !!! It’s too handsome, too handsome !! Our kimch countries must be able to have this round!” Liu Yaia took twenty-four arrows in a moment.

The palms turned into afterimages.

A powerful explosion covered everything.

The seemingly incomparably powerful demons actually fell to the ground.

Liu Yaya’s face was extremely pale.

This move is extremely powerful.

Amazing power.

It can even annihilate monsters that can’t even damage a defense tower.

that is because……

This trick uses Liu Yaya’s lifespan as the bow and fate as the arrow.

With each shot, his life was reduced by one month.

In a split second, he fired a total of twenty-four arrows.

That means.

Two whole years of his life were completely wiped out.

Once life is completely zero.

Even survival games can’t revive him.

“Hu~” He breathed a sigh of relief.

Then a smug look appeared on his face. “But that’s it!”

“Sure enough, my beauty is the strongest.”

“I want to come, I will definitely be at the top of the so-called ranking list this time~” “I really don’t know what rewards will be given, maybe I will become more beautiful~” Liu Yaya is immersed in a beautiful fantasy. But this time. …

A hunched figure slowly walked out of the black fog.

The figure staggered with every step he took.

As if a gust of wind can blow it to the general.It was a pale demon.

In his hand he held an odd-looking cane. “The undead of hell~”

“Listen to my call~”

“Come on once!!!” “Destroy once again!!!” accompanied by the chant of the old demon. The demon that fell to the ground… moved! ! First, a demon staggered to his feet.

Then, the second, the third…

Countless demons kept rising from the ground.

“No!!!!” Liu Yaya let out a powerless wailing.

Because of his trick.

Each cooling takes a day.

Look at the demons who roar again.

A look of despair appeared in Liu Yaya’s eyes.

Click! !

He suddenly heard a loud noise.

Is this sound the sound of the camp gate being bombarded…

Despair spreads across the globe.

But only the atmosphere of Daxia.

With a bit of…


: “Although I know it’s not good to say something like this at such a time, but…Did we recommend it?”: “Emmmmmmm, it’s hard for me to explain this situation, Mr. Mo is not a related household.”: ” So, we are in the finals??”

All the people in Daxia looked at the scene in the live broadcast with a dazed expression.

Outside the summer camp.

It is different from the army pressure of other countries.

The dark fog was extremely calm.

Quiet and peaceful.

As if the so-called fourth-round attack had nothing to do with him.

The city gate was empty.

There are a couple of ghost soldiers constantly patrolling.

: “This is not fair!! Why is there no monster invasion in Daxia!!”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh our savior can’t take it anymore, but Daxia doesn’t even have the slightest shadow of a demon.”: “Daxiah must have some way of interfering in the game, why not make it public! !”: “Selfish!! You are too selfish!!”

Daxia netizens were speechless when they watched these barrages.

To be honest, even they themselves don’t know what’s going on. : “I know!!!” Suddenly a big clever jumped out.

“Did Master Mo use his immunity from the attack, that was a gift from the Fifty Nations to Master Mo.” “Yeah!! Thank you so much for that!!” Looking at Da Xia Barrage.

This group of foreigners almost died of anger.

After all, many of them are indeed members of those fifty countries.

Everyone thought Li Mo used that so-called immunity from war.

But only Li Mo knows.

He did not invoke that so-called immunity.

Every monster attack.

There is great fear, there is great crisis.

But only in this case.

There will be a huge increase in strength.

Between life and death, there is great fear, but also great opportunity.

And this is only the fourth round of offense.

That immunity even if it is really used.

It will only be used in a larger crisis that may break out in the future.

rather than now.

He is standing on the wall.

His eyes looked faintly at the endless black fog.

Although he did not understand the intent of the survival game.

However, he knew that the game would never let him go.

If in this world, who has the best chance to get the only victory.

That is Li Mo without a doubt.

That’s why the strongest can’t win.

That’s the foundation of this game.

The so-called invincible does not mean not to win, but only let the strongest people bear all the conditions that are difficult to win.

Only in this way can you become the strongest! !

“Come on!” Li Mo’s eyes suddenly raised.

He noticed it, in the originally calm black fog.

An extremely terrifying existence appeared.

【Ding! ! ! Li Mo, the savior of the Great Xia Kingdom, you have three highest ratings][Therefore, in the fourth round of attack, you will encounter a stronger attack. 】

[If you can successfully resist this round of attacks, you will get triple rewards. 】

And you will have a chance to know part of the truth about this game…]

In the end, this voice actually became a little more emotional, and finally used a respectful name for Li Mo.

With the fall of this voice.

Roar! ! !

A deafening roar erupted from the black fog.

One after another huge silhouettes gradually emerged from the black mist.

Countless Daxia people watched this scene.

Pupils constrict.

trembling all over…

Summer is over! ! ! ! .

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