Chapter 99 : Outer gods? Indescribable gods?

The man on the screen.

now! !

Actually killing a god. ….

That aloof god king Odin.

prostrate in front of him.

Like a wild dog.

“Oh my God!! What is this man doing!!”

“That’s the King of God!! Is he really a devil!!”

“Daxia is hell!! Only hell can give birth to such terrifying ghosts!!” Countless foreigners lost their voices.

Even witnessing the horror of this man countless times.


The moment when a god king kneels down.

The world is silent again.

with distinction! !


“I’m afraid no one can surpass him again!!” At this moment.

This idea rose in the hearts of countless people.


Fortunately for them…

this horrible devil.

Only in the world of black mist.

rather than reality…

Otherwise the whole “Earth”. “September 17” will be in his hands.

And summer.

will also be invincible.

There are many scholars who have done a lot of research on mythology.

Look at everything on the screen.


“The mythological faction corresponds to the Norse gods in the legend of “Earth”.” “And that Odin seems to know Li Mo’s camp, which means…”

“Li Mo’s camp may be the myth that once existed in Daxia, but was lost!!” The same idea.

Yu Aichi also thought of it.

There have been countless years since the birth of Daxia.

There have also been countless myths.

But only there is no myth about this underworld.

Through this period of observation of the live broadcast.

Yu Aichi can tell.

The underworld has terrifying power.

That power seems to go straight to life and death, straight to the soul.

However, look at the Daxia myth.

There is no god of life and death.

By extrapolation to Caesar 1.

Mythic factions are based on the myth of “Earth”.

That is to say.

Yu Aichi’s eyes burst into a gleam, and the legend of the underworld was destroyed by a pair of invisible black hands. , erased from the history of Daxia.

That makes the grand legends and myths disappear.

And the real underworld.

It is the existence that can crush the so-called Nordic temple! !

“But, if this is true, then it will be done!” Yu Aichi’s mind was running fast.


His attention was on the dark tomb above the sky. “It’s it!!”

Since this black tomb appeared.

The whole “Earth” was turned upside down.

Except for the summer.

All nations are swept away by that terrifying monster, bloodthirsty demon.

Crazy plague eroded.

Only this kind of power can erase a myth alive.

But what is his purpose?

Yu Aichi couldn’t think of it anyway.

Why does this black tomb erase everyone’s memory of the underworld? “Master Mo, it seems that there are some things that only you can know!” Yu Aichi sighed.

All the bits and pieces related to the national fortune are not trivial matters.

Any bells and whistles can lead to an unspeakable disaster. And Daxia is lucky. …because of a boy in white.

Standing in the dark fog.

Proud in white.

Great Summer Country.


Resist it! !

“What is the final battle?”

Li Mo looked down at Odin 2. There was no sadness in his tone.

compared to Odin.

He was just like a god at this moment.

“Final Battle~” heard Li Mo’s words.

Odin murmured.

A look of thought appeared in his eyes.


The old face couldn’t help but start to tremble.

As if afraid of something.

“No words, no words, no words!!!”

“Only the creatures who have participated in that battle are qualified to know all that.” “And I, never participated in it~” Odin said.

Li Mo was stunned for a moment.

Odin’s strength is terrifying.


Just a remnant.

Li Mo has already opened the incarnation of the judge.

suppress it.

If not for the life and death book and the judge’s pen.

Even he was not sure that he could suppress Odin.

As you can imagine.

before countless epochs.

Just how terrifying the power of that god-king who controls everything.

But right now.

Odin told himself.

He did not participate in the ultimate battle.

Li Mo is now a judge.

Reward the good and punish the evil.

Define right and wrong.

So he can easily judge.

Odin in front of him was not lying.

“A war that Odin is not qualified to participate in~”

Li Mo’s heart immediately raised the status of that ultimate battle by a few points.

“No news at all?” Li Mo continued to ask.


This time.

His tone became a little more impatient.

Odin, the king of gods.

Maybe it’s really not qualified to participate in that battle.

But what if he didn’t know any information at all. Naturally, Li Mo didn’t believe it.

Odin 0 who heard this…

Mouth trembling slightly.

“I only know that there is an indescribable existence, before the last ultimate battle broke out.

Peeping on everything.

They are called ‘outer gods’! ! ”

“Outer God!!” Li Mo, who heard this, was shocked. There is no story about Cthulhu in this world. , but as a transmigrator.

But know deeply.

What does the outer god in Odin’s mouth represent?

The indescribable god.

God of the end of everything.

Even within that story system.

Even the entire universe.

It’s all just a dream.

A god’s dream.

“This ultimate battle is actually related to the Outer Gods!!”, Li Mo was secretly shocked.

But only for a moment.

“It seems that we must become stronger!!”

If it is really the words of the outer gods that I know.

So with your current strength.

Simply too bad.

If the final battle is about the Outer Gods, then it can explain why the existences in the black tomb failed! “In that terrifying black tomb.

There are countless souls.

And these souls.

Take one out at will.

They are hundreds of times stronger than Odin!

Each one is an existence that can easily annihilate all living beings. Can…

If the enemy is really an Outer God.

The ending is really unknown…

“Very good~”

“Thank you for your honest answer~”

Li Mo quickly put away the scattered thoughts in his heart.

Said to Ao Gong.

“Can you let me go now?”

There was only one thought in Odin’s mind right now.

That is to stay away from Li Mo.

Stay away from this smiling face in white.

0.6 A boy who looks like a demon.

“Li Mo!! Underworld!! When my deity wakes up, I will make you pay the price!” He roared frantically in his heart.

But there was no expression on his face.

Just to survive.

You can continue to control Caesar’s body.

So sooner or later it can wait for the opportunity to destroy Li Mo. “Of course~”

Li Mo said casually.

He didn’t even look at Odin again.


The terrifying aura disappeared.

Odin only felt that his power was back in his grasp again. Zizi~ Thunder surged around him.

He just wants to get away from here now.

However, at the moment when his power was about to explode.

A voice sounded faintly in his ear.

like a breeze.

“Daxia people pay attention to etiquette~”

“You answered my question, and I’ll send you back to the city for free~”.

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