Bintang Tertelan
72 Twin Headed Black Striped Snake
"Seekor ular bergaris hitam yang akan menjadi seekor naga, pasti adalah komandan tingkat tinggi dan hampir menjadi tingkat pemimpin kelompok!" ekspresi Gao Feng sangat serius, dan dia berbicara dengan pelan, "Dan sejak dia bermutasi, ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua, racunnya berkali-kali lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan ular bergaris hitam biasa! Dia juga memiliki dua kantong racun, masing-masing kantong racun bernilai dua kali lipat dari ular bergaris hitam yang tidak bermutasi".
"Dengan kata lain???"
"Ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua ini bernilai sama dengan empat ular bergaris hitam dengan tingkat yang sama! Ular bergaris hitam yang akan berubah menjadi seekor naga bernilai 400 juta, jadi ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua ini bernilai 1.6 milyar! Harganya sebanding dengan pemimpin kelompok monster tingkat bawah" setelah Gao Feng menyebut angka itu, detak jantung yang lainnya mulai meningkat...mereka telah membunuh ratusan komandan monster selama beberapa hari terakhir ini.
Tetapi semua itu nilai uangnya bahkan tidak mendekati nilai ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua! Sudah jelas, membunuh monster yang paling kuat menghasilkan uang semakin banyak.
"Tentu saja, ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua sangatlah berbahaya, begitu kamu digigit atau terkena racunnya dengan cara apapun, maka kamu pasti mati!" Gao Feng mengatakan dengan pelan, "Dan dia mempunyai dua otak, jadi kedua kepalanya bisa menyerang musuhnya secara bersamaan".
"Apakah kita akan melakukan ini?" Gao Feng melihat ke arah anggota lainnya dan akhirnya tertuju kepada Luo Feng.
Semuanya diam ketika melihat Luo Feng.
Luo Feng adalah satu-satunya yang membuat keputusan!
Seekor ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua akan membuat mereka mendapatkan banyak sekali uang! Tetapi pada saat yang bersamaan, ini akan sangat berbahaya!
"Aku ikut!"
Luo Feng menggertakan giginya, "Kapten, bagaimana denganmu?". Dengan kekuatan dalamnya, gerakan menghindarnya sulit untuk diprediksi!
"Luo Feng, tolong aku jika terjadi masalah" Gao Feng menggertakan giginya, "Para petarung seharusnya berjalan di antara garis kehidupan dan kematian. Wei Tie, berikan aku perisaimu".
"Ini, kapten".
"Kapten, aku akan menyerang dari jauh dan kamu dari dekat" kata Luo Feng tenang, "Jika terjadi sesuatu, aku akan menggunakan tenaga dalamku pada perisai atau palumu dan kamu akan bisa menggunakan kekuatan itu untuk menghindar".
"Mengerti". Gao Feng mengangguk.
Luo Feng melihat ke arah tiga anggota lainnya dan berkata: " Aku akan pergi dengan kapten, kalian tetap di sini. Oh ya, Kak Chen, bidik dengan senapan jarak jauhmu...dan pastikan tidak ada orang lain yang mencoba mengambil keuntungan dari kita dan mencurinya!".
"Jangan khawatir, aku akan terus membidik ke bawah" Chen Gu sedikit tertawa, "Jika kamu ingin aku menembak, langsung beri tahu aku".
Melalui jam tangan komunikasi taktis, anggota pasukan dapat terus berhubungan kapan saja.
"Kapten, ayo pergi". Luo Feng dan Gao Feng turun tangga dengan cepat. Melawan monster seperti ini Chen Gu dan yang lainnya tidak dapat melakukan apapun untuk membantu.
Luo Feng dan Gao Feng telah sampai di bawah dan, menggunakan ingatan mereka, pergi ke sepanjang runtuhan, jalanan berbatu menuju lokasi ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua.
"HISS~" Suara desisan ular dari jauh terdengar.
Luo Feng dan Gao Feng saling menatap, dan jam tangan komunikasi sedikit bergetar pada waktu yang bersamaan. Luo Feng menundukkan kepalanya, dan melihat deretan kata muncul di jam tangannya???"tiga orang tiba-tiba muncul dan saat ini sedang bertarung sengit dengan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua".
Gao Feng juga menerima berita itu dan berkata pelan: "Tidak disangka ada kelompok lain yang datang lebih dulu. Tetapi, ayo kita lihat dulu".
"Ayo pergi" Luo Feng mengangguk.
Mereka berdua dengan cepat mendekati dan sampai di sudut gedung apartemen. Melewati sudut, Luo Feng melihat sekilas tiga laki-laki yang sedang bertarung melawan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua sekitar beberapa puluh meter jauhnya. Ketiga laki-laki itu terlihat berasal dari Asia Tengah atau Tenggara. Rambut mereka sedikit keriting dan kulit mereka juga sedikit gelap.
Seorang laki-laki botak yang kelihatannya adalah pemimpin dari ketiga orang ini memegang tongkat emas gelap yang panjangnya sekitar tiga meter.
Tongkat di tangan nya seperti naga yang sedang berenang. Setiap kali kepala segitiga dari ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua berdesis ketika terbang ke arahnya, tongkat itu selalu memukul ular dengan cepat. Meskipun tidak bisa memukul kepala ular, tongkat itu akan memukul bagian badan dari ular itu. Terkadang, ujung atas dari tongkat itu saling terhubung, menyebabkan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu mendesis marah!
Sedangkan dua lainnya, mereka memegang perisai segi empat dan pedang raksasa. Keduanya mendekat dan menyerang sebagai satu tim: koordinasi mereka benar-benar menakjubkan.
Mesin olahraga yang sudah berkarat yang memenuhi sektor ini dari dulu semuanya hancur akibat hantaman ekor dari ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua, dan laki-laki botak itu mundur dengan cepat. Tongkat itu berbalik dan membentuk angin puyuh dan menghadang semua besi tua, dan pemilik tongkat itu mundur dengan cepat.
"Teknik tongkat yang hebat" Gao Feng berkata dengan pelan, "Laki-laki botak ini mungkin panglima perang tingkat tinggi. Dan dua yang lainnya mungkin panglima perang menengah".
Luo Feng mengangguk.
Dia berani berhadapan langsung dengan ular bergaris hitam berkepala kembar, sangatlah mudah untuk mengatakan bahwa dia kuat.
"SI SI~~"
Ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua marah, dan mata dari kedua kepala ular besar itu cukup membuat bulu kudukmu merinding. Berulang kali membuka lebar mulutnya untuk menyerang. Di bawah serangan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua, mereka mundur dengan cepat dan mulai berbicara. Setelah mendengar percakapan antara mereka bertiga, Luo Feng dan Gao Feng langsung memastikan???India!
Setelah pertarungan, satu kepala dari ular itu berdarah. Dipukul dengan tongkat oleh laki-laki botak itu! Namun, lukanya tidak fatal.
Ketiga orang India itu dengan cepat menuju ke arah Luo Feng dan Gao Feng.
"Silahkan bertarung jika kamu bisa" laki-laki botak itu terbata-bata mengeluarkan beberapa kalimat dalam Bahasa cina. Pada saat yang bersamaan, ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu mendesis saat menyerang.
Luo Feng dan Gao Feng tertawa dan tidak berkata banyak, dan kemudian menghindar dengan cepat ke samping. Mereka tidak bodoh untuk langsung menyerang ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua. Pemimpin dari tiga orang india itu, laki-laki botak kekar, mau tidak mau mengutuk ular itu dengan suara pelan dan kemudian menembakkan tongkat yang panjangnya 3 meter ke arah ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu.
"Sekarang waktunya".
Luo Feng sudah memegang pisau lemparnya di belakang ketika dia menghindar, dan ini adalah pisau lempar seri ke 9! Dia melempar dengan kekuatan cahaya!
Pisau lemparnya membentuk kilatan cahaya ketika ditembakkan ke arah kepala sebelah kiri dari ular bergaris hitam berkepala kembar. Ketika wujudnya hampir seperti seekor naga, ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu sangatlah pintar. Dia melihat manusia melempar pisau, jadi dia menghindar dengan cepat. Otak ular ini bekerja dengan sangat cepat!
Kepala kiri dari ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu menjadi kabur.
"Kecerdasannya digunakan untuk melawan dirinya sendiri" Luo Feng tertawa dingin, "Berganti!"
Dia sengaja melemparkan pisau lemparnya untuk membuat ular kembar berkepala hitam yang bijaksana itu berpikir dia menggunakan senjata tersembunyi. Menggunakan akal sehat, pisau lempar tidak bisa mengubah arahnya di udara. Sayangnya....Luo Feng bukanlah ahli senjata tersembunyi, tetapi puluhan bahkan ratusan lebih kuat dari ahli senjata tersembunyi.
Ketika tersisa jarak hanya 1 meter di antara pisau terbang dan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua, pisau itu sedikit mengubah arah. Perubahan sedikit ini mengakibatkan pisau menyerang ke salah satu mata di kepala sebelah kiri dari ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua.
"HISS~" ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua mendesis marah, dan pada saat itu, membuat gerakan menghindar dengan kepala kirinya!
Mengetahui bahwa, pisau lempar Luo Feng sudah melesat beberapa kali lebih cepat dari kecepatan suara, bahkan lebih cepat dari peluru senapan jarak jauh!
Jarak satu meter dan kecepatan yang lebih cepat dari kecepatan suara, bahkan tidak seperseribu detik!
Pisau lempar itu bergerak sangat cepat, bahkan Luo Feng tidak bisa memastikan bahwa dia mengubahnya satu meter atau 1.5 meter. Karena pisau lempar itu sangat cepat, menunda sedikit berarti pisau itu sudah bisa bergerak maju sejauh 10 meter. Meskipun reaksinya cepat, pada waktu singkat, Luo Feng hanya bisa sekali mengubah arah pisaunya!
Dan pada waktu yang singkat, tidak hanya ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua saja yang bereaksi, tetapi juga menghindar! Tentu saja, karena waktunya sangat singkat, ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu menghindar di bawah kondisi yang sangat berbahaya.
"PU!" pisau lempar itu menembak ke arah mulut ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua dan menarik celah, dan menyerempet sisik ular itu.
Hanya meninggalkan tanda putih, dan pisau lempar itu langsung terpantul ke tanah.
"Pertahanan yang mengerikan" Luo Feng terkejut. "Kemampuan menghindar yang luar biasa. Dia mengubah arahnya hanya dalam jarak yang pendek, dan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu masih bisa untuk menghindar? Ini akan menjadi masalah!" Luo Feng mengetahui bahwa menyingkirkan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua sendirian akan sangat sulit.
"Hiss~" Kedua kepala ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua menoleh ke arah Luo Feng. Dia membuka mulutnya lebar, dan di dalam, darah berwarna hijau mengalir terus menerus.
Laki-laki kekar berkepala botak yang memegang tongkat tertawa, dan ketika dia mundur, dia berteriak dalam bahasa cina yang aneh, "Bergabung, berpencar setengah?". Pandangannya tertuju ke Luo Feng.
Luo Feng dan Gao Feng saling menatap.??
"Baiklah" kata Luo Feng.
"OK!" Gao Feng bahkan dengan sengaja membuat gerakan.
Tiga orang india, Luo Feng dan Gao Feng, kedua kelompok itu segera membuat keputusan untuk bekerja sama. Kekuatan laki-laki botak kekar itu itu mendapatkan pengakuan dari Luo Feng dan Gao Feng sementara pisau lempar Luo Feng mendapatkan pengakuan dari tiga orang india itu! Hanya dengan kekuatan kamu bisa mendapatkan perhatian dan hormat dari orang lain!
Dan di luar kota mimpi Wan-Ke ada sembilan pasukan petarung yang saat ini perlahan maju. Kesembilan pasukan ini adalah Pasukan Harimau Fang.
"Hm? Itu suara seekor ular, dan salah satu yang terkuat".??Dari kesembilan pasukan, seorang pasukan veteran berambut putih berbicara.
surely a high level commander and nearing the horde leader level!" Gao Feng's expression was extremely serious, and he said in a small voice, "And since it's a mutated twin headed black striped snake, its venom is many times more powerful than a regular black striped snake! It also has two venom sacs, and each of those venom sacs are worth double the amount of a non-mutated black striped snake".
"In other words--"
"This twin headed black striped snake is worth the same amount as four black striped snakes of the same level! A black striped snake that's about to become a dragon is worth around 400 million, so this twin headed black striped snake is worth 1.6 billion! The price is comparable to a regular low level horde leader monster" after Gao Feng said these numbers, the heart rate of the others started increasing rapidly... they have killed hundreds of commander level monsters over the past few days.
But all of that is not even close to the amount of money that the twin headed black striped snake is worth! Obviously, killing stronger monsters earns money at a higher rate.
"Of course, this twin headed black striped snake is extremely dangerous, once you get bit by it or get poisoned by it in any way, it's certain death!" Gao Feng said lowly, "And it has two brains, so both heads can attack the enemy together".
"Are we doing this?" Gao Feng looked towards the other members of the squad and finally laid his eyes on Luo Feng.
Everyone was silent as they looked at Luo Feng.
Luo Feng was the one to make the decision!
A twin headed black striped snake would make them tons of money! But at the same time, it's extremely dangerous!
"I'm in!"
Luo Feng clenched his teeth, "Captain, what about you?". With his spiritual force, his dodging would be unpredictable!
"Luo Feng, help me a bit if there's trouble" Gao Feng clenched his teeth, "Fighters are supposed to walk on the border of life and death. Wei Tie, give me your shield".
"Here, captain".
Wei Tie had no hesitation as he gave his shield to Gao Feng. And Gao Feng put one of his hammers on the ground. He had a shield in his left hand and a hammer in his right. He laughed at himself: "After all this time, I still rarely use a shield in combat. However, this twin headed black striped snake is just too dangerous. If I don't use a shield, I'll actually be quite scared".
"Captain, I'll attack from afar and you attack up close" said Luo Feng quietly, "If something happens, I'll use my spiritual force on your shield or hammer and you can use that force to dodge away".
"Understood" Gao Feng nodded.
Luo Feng looked at the other three and said: "I'll go down with the captain, you guys stay here. Oh yea, brother Chen, aim with your sniper rifle... and make sure nobody tries to take advantage of us and steal the kill!".
"No worries, I'll keep aiming below" laughed Chen Gu slightly, "If you want me to fire, just notify me directly".
Through the tactical communications watch, members of a squad can keep in touch any time.
"Captain, let's go". Luo Feng and Gao Feng speeded down the stairs. Against a monster of this level, Chen Gu and the others could do nothing to help.
Luo Feng and Gao Feng reached the ground and, using their memory, went along a ruined, stony path towards the location of the twin headed black striped snake.
"HISS~" the ear piercing hiss of the snake carried over from far away.
Luo Feng and Gao Feng exchanged glances, and the tactical communications watch slightly vibrated at the same time. Luo Feng lowered his head to look, and a line of words appeared on the tactical communications watch--"three people suddenly appeared and are currently in an intense battle with the twin headed black striped snake".
Gao Feng also received the news and said quietly: "Didn't think that some other group would get to it first. However, let's go take a look".
"Let's go" Luo Feng also nodded.
The two of them rapidly got close and quickly arrived at the corner of a residential apartment. Past the corner, Luo Feng caught a glimpse of the three men currently fighting against the twin headed black striped snake around a few dozen meters away. The three men looked like they were from Western or Southern Asia. Their hair was slightly curly and their skin color was slightly dark.
The bald man who seemed to be the leader of these three men held a dark, golden bo staff around three meters long.
The staff in his hand was like a swimming dragon. Every time the triangular head of the twin headed black striped snake hissed as it flew over to him, the bo staff would always be quick enough to smash the snake. Even if it couldn't smash the head, it would still smash the body of the twin headed black striped snake. Sometimes, the 'point' on the head of the bo staff would connect, causing the twin headed black striped snake to hiss in rage!
As for the other two, they both held a rectangular shield in one hand and a gigantic scimitar in the other. These two were close together and attacked as a team: their coordination was amazing.
The rusty fitness machines that filled the sector from long ago were all smashed open by the swinging tail of the twin headed black striped snake, and the bald brute also retreated rapidly. The bo staff turned and formed a whirlwind that blocked all of the scrap metal, and the master of the staff retreated rapidly.
"Great bo staff technique" Gao Feng couldn't help but to say quietly, "This bald guy is probably an advanced level warlord. The other two are probably medium level warlords".
Luo Feng nodded.
This brute dared to go head to head with the twin headed black striped snake, so it's easy to tell that he's strong.
"SI SI~~"
The twin headed black striped snake was enraged, and the cold eyes of the two gigantic snake heads were enough to send chills down your spine. It repeatedly widely opened its mouth as it attacked. Under the attack of the twin headed black striped snake, the three of them retreated rapidly and started to exchange words. After hearing the conversation between the three, Luo Feng and Gao Feng instantly determined--Indians!
After the battle, one of the heads of the twin headed black striped snake was bleeding. It was smashed by the bo staff of the bald brute! However, this wound was clearly not fatal.
The three Indians swiftly headed towards the direction of Luo Feng and Gao Feng.
"Feel free to fight it if you can" the bald brute squeezed out some chinese. At this time, the twin headed black snake was hissing as it charged over.
Luo Feng and Gao Feng laughed coldly and didn't say much, and then swiftly dodged to the side. They weren't stupid enough to charge directly at a twin headed black striped snake. The leader of the three Indians, the bald brute, couldn't help but to curse under his voice and then shot his three meter long bo staff at the twin headed black striped snake.
"Now is the time"
Luo Feng already grabbed his black throwing knife as he dodged, and this was a 9th series throwing knife! He threw it with lightning speed!
The throwing knife formed a cold light as it shot towards the left head of the twin headed black striped snake. As an existence that is almost a dragon, the twin headed black striped snake is extremely intelligent. It saw that the insignificant human threw a throwing knife, so its left head swiftly waved. The brain of a snake has always worked extremely quickly!
The left head of the twin headed black striped snake instantly became blurred.
"Its intellect was used against itself" laughed Luo Feng coldly, "Change!"
He purposefully threw his throwing knife to make the wiseacre twin headed black striped snake to think he used hidden weapons. Using common sense, throwing knives can't change direction in the air. Sadly..... Luo Feng wasn't some hidden weapons expert, but was tens to hundreds of times stronger than a hidden weapons expert.
When there was just barely a meter left between the throwing knife and the twin headed black striped snake, the knife slightly changed direction. Just this slight change caused the knife to charge towards one of the eyes of the twin headed black striped snake's left head.
"HISS~" the twin headed black striped snake hissed out of rage, and in that short moment, actually made an dodging movement with its left head!
Know that, Luo Feng's throwing knife was already going at a few times faster than the speed of sound, even faster than a sniper bullet!
A distance of one meter and a speed several times the speed of sound, not even a thousandth of a second!
And since the throwing knife was moving so quickly, even Luo Feng couldn't be sure that he changed it at 1 meter or 1.5 meters. Since the throwing knife was so fast, a slight delay means that the knife could've moved forward by 10 meters already. Even if he reacts quickly, in that short moment, Luo Feng can only change the knife's direction once!
And in just that short moment, not only did the twin headed black striped snake react, but it also dodged! Of course, since it was such a short moment, the twin headed black striped snake dodged under extreme circumstances.
"PU!" the throwing knife shot at the mouth of the twin headed black striped snake and drew out a gap, and grazed the twin headed black striped snake's scales.
It only left a white mark, and the throwing knife directly reflected into the ground.
"Such horrifying defense" Luo Feng was startled, "Such amazing dodging capabilities. It changed direction in such a short distance, and this twin headed black striped snake was still able to dodge? This is going to be a problem!" Luo Feng knew that getting rid of this twin headed black striped snake by himself would be extremely difficult.
"Hiss~" the two heads of the twin headed black striped snake both turned towards Luo Feng. Its left head had a huge gap in its mouth, and a deep, green colored blood flowed out continuously.
The bald brute who wielded the long bo staff laughed loudly, and as he retreated, he yelled in his awkward chinese, "Team up, split half?". His gaze was on Luo Feng.
Luo Feng and Gao Feng exchanged glances.
"Alright" said Luo Feng.
"OK!" Gao Feng even purposefully made a gesture.
The three Indians and Luo Feng and Gao Feng, both groups instantly made their decision to cooperate. The bald brute's strength earned Luo Feng and Gao Feng's recognition while Luo Feng's throwing knives earned the three Indian's recognition! Only with strength can you earn others' attention and respect!
And outside of Wan-Ke dream city was a fighter squad of nine that was currently slowly heading forward. In this squad of nine were the members of the tiger fang squad.
"Hm? That's the sound of a snake, and an extremely powerful one at that".
"Dengan kata lain???"
"Ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua ini bernilai sama dengan empat ular bergaris hitam dengan tingkat yang sama! Ular bergaris hitam yang akan berubah menjadi seekor naga bernilai 400 juta, jadi ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua ini bernilai 1.6 milyar! Harganya sebanding dengan pemimpin kelompok monster tingkat bawah" setelah Gao Feng menyebut angka itu, detak jantung yang lainnya mulai meningkat...mereka telah membunuh ratusan komandan monster selama beberapa hari terakhir ini.
Tetapi semua itu nilai uangnya bahkan tidak mendekati nilai ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua! Sudah jelas, membunuh monster yang paling kuat menghasilkan uang semakin banyak.
"Tentu saja, ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua sangatlah berbahaya, begitu kamu digigit atau terkena racunnya dengan cara apapun, maka kamu pasti mati!" Gao Feng mengatakan dengan pelan, "Dan dia mempunyai dua otak, jadi kedua kepalanya bisa menyerang musuhnya secara bersamaan".
"Apakah kita akan melakukan ini?" Gao Feng melihat ke arah anggota lainnya dan akhirnya tertuju kepada Luo Feng.
Semuanya diam ketika melihat Luo Feng.
Luo Feng adalah satu-satunya yang membuat keputusan!
Seekor ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua akan membuat mereka mendapatkan banyak sekali uang! Tetapi pada saat yang bersamaan, ini akan sangat berbahaya!
"Aku ikut!"
Luo Feng menggertakan giginya, "Kapten, bagaimana denganmu?". Dengan kekuatan dalamnya, gerakan menghindarnya sulit untuk diprediksi!
"Luo Feng, tolong aku jika terjadi masalah" Gao Feng menggertakan giginya, "Para petarung seharusnya berjalan di antara garis kehidupan dan kematian. Wei Tie, berikan aku perisaimu".
"Ini, kapten".
"Kapten, aku akan menyerang dari jauh dan kamu dari dekat" kata Luo Feng tenang, "Jika terjadi sesuatu, aku akan menggunakan tenaga dalamku pada perisai atau palumu dan kamu akan bisa menggunakan kekuatan itu untuk menghindar".
"Mengerti". Gao Feng mengangguk.
Luo Feng melihat ke arah tiga anggota lainnya dan berkata: " Aku akan pergi dengan kapten, kalian tetap di sini. Oh ya, Kak Chen, bidik dengan senapan jarak jauhmu...dan pastikan tidak ada orang lain yang mencoba mengambil keuntungan dari kita dan mencurinya!".
"Jangan khawatir, aku akan terus membidik ke bawah" Chen Gu sedikit tertawa, "Jika kamu ingin aku menembak, langsung beri tahu aku".
Melalui jam tangan komunikasi taktis, anggota pasukan dapat terus berhubungan kapan saja.
"Kapten, ayo pergi". Luo Feng dan Gao Feng turun tangga dengan cepat. Melawan monster seperti ini Chen Gu dan yang lainnya tidak dapat melakukan apapun untuk membantu.
Luo Feng dan Gao Feng telah sampai di bawah dan, menggunakan ingatan mereka, pergi ke sepanjang runtuhan, jalanan berbatu menuju lokasi ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua.
"HISS~" Suara desisan ular dari jauh terdengar.
Luo Feng dan Gao Feng saling menatap, dan jam tangan komunikasi sedikit bergetar pada waktu yang bersamaan. Luo Feng menundukkan kepalanya, dan melihat deretan kata muncul di jam tangannya???"tiga orang tiba-tiba muncul dan saat ini sedang bertarung sengit dengan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua".
Gao Feng juga menerima berita itu dan berkata pelan: "Tidak disangka ada kelompok lain yang datang lebih dulu. Tetapi, ayo kita lihat dulu".
"Ayo pergi" Luo Feng mengangguk.
Mereka berdua dengan cepat mendekati dan sampai di sudut gedung apartemen. Melewati sudut, Luo Feng melihat sekilas tiga laki-laki yang sedang bertarung melawan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua sekitar beberapa puluh meter jauhnya. Ketiga laki-laki itu terlihat berasal dari Asia Tengah atau Tenggara. Rambut mereka sedikit keriting dan kulit mereka juga sedikit gelap.
Seorang laki-laki botak yang kelihatannya adalah pemimpin dari ketiga orang ini memegang tongkat emas gelap yang panjangnya sekitar tiga meter.
Tongkat di tangan nya seperti naga yang sedang berenang. Setiap kali kepala segitiga dari ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua berdesis ketika terbang ke arahnya, tongkat itu selalu memukul ular dengan cepat. Meskipun tidak bisa memukul kepala ular, tongkat itu akan memukul bagian badan dari ular itu. Terkadang, ujung atas dari tongkat itu saling terhubung, menyebabkan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu mendesis marah!
Sedangkan dua lainnya, mereka memegang perisai segi empat dan pedang raksasa. Keduanya mendekat dan menyerang sebagai satu tim: koordinasi mereka benar-benar menakjubkan.
Mesin olahraga yang sudah berkarat yang memenuhi sektor ini dari dulu semuanya hancur akibat hantaman ekor dari ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua, dan laki-laki botak itu mundur dengan cepat. Tongkat itu berbalik dan membentuk angin puyuh dan menghadang semua besi tua, dan pemilik tongkat itu mundur dengan cepat.
"Teknik tongkat yang hebat" Gao Feng berkata dengan pelan, "Laki-laki botak ini mungkin panglima perang tingkat tinggi. Dan dua yang lainnya mungkin panglima perang menengah".
Luo Feng mengangguk.
Dia berani berhadapan langsung dengan ular bergaris hitam berkepala kembar, sangatlah mudah untuk mengatakan bahwa dia kuat.
"SI SI~~"
Ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua marah, dan mata dari kedua kepala ular besar itu cukup membuat bulu kudukmu merinding. Berulang kali membuka lebar mulutnya untuk menyerang. Di bawah serangan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua, mereka mundur dengan cepat dan mulai berbicara. Setelah mendengar percakapan antara mereka bertiga, Luo Feng dan Gao Feng langsung memastikan???India!
Setelah pertarungan, satu kepala dari ular itu berdarah. Dipukul dengan tongkat oleh laki-laki botak itu! Namun, lukanya tidak fatal.
Ketiga orang India itu dengan cepat menuju ke arah Luo Feng dan Gao Feng.
"Silahkan bertarung jika kamu bisa" laki-laki botak itu terbata-bata mengeluarkan beberapa kalimat dalam Bahasa cina. Pada saat yang bersamaan, ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu mendesis saat menyerang.
Luo Feng dan Gao Feng tertawa dan tidak berkata banyak, dan kemudian menghindar dengan cepat ke samping. Mereka tidak bodoh untuk langsung menyerang ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua. Pemimpin dari tiga orang india itu, laki-laki botak kekar, mau tidak mau mengutuk ular itu dengan suara pelan dan kemudian menembakkan tongkat yang panjangnya 3 meter ke arah ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu.
"Sekarang waktunya".
Luo Feng sudah memegang pisau lemparnya di belakang ketika dia menghindar, dan ini adalah pisau lempar seri ke 9! Dia melempar dengan kekuatan cahaya!
Pisau lemparnya membentuk kilatan cahaya ketika ditembakkan ke arah kepala sebelah kiri dari ular bergaris hitam berkepala kembar. Ketika wujudnya hampir seperti seekor naga, ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu sangatlah pintar. Dia melihat manusia melempar pisau, jadi dia menghindar dengan cepat. Otak ular ini bekerja dengan sangat cepat!
Kepala kiri dari ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu menjadi kabur.
"Kecerdasannya digunakan untuk melawan dirinya sendiri" Luo Feng tertawa dingin, "Berganti!"
Dia sengaja melemparkan pisau lemparnya untuk membuat ular kembar berkepala hitam yang bijaksana itu berpikir dia menggunakan senjata tersembunyi. Menggunakan akal sehat, pisau lempar tidak bisa mengubah arahnya di udara. Sayangnya....Luo Feng bukanlah ahli senjata tersembunyi, tetapi puluhan bahkan ratusan lebih kuat dari ahli senjata tersembunyi.
Ketika tersisa jarak hanya 1 meter di antara pisau terbang dan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua, pisau itu sedikit mengubah arah. Perubahan sedikit ini mengakibatkan pisau menyerang ke salah satu mata di kepala sebelah kiri dari ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua.
"HISS~" ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua mendesis marah, dan pada saat itu, membuat gerakan menghindar dengan kepala kirinya!
Mengetahui bahwa, pisau lempar Luo Feng sudah melesat beberapa kali lebih cepat dari kecepatan suara, bahkan lebih cepat dari peluru senapan jarak jauh!
Jarak satu meter dan kecepatan yang lebih cepat dari kecepatan suara, bahkan tidak seperseribu detik!
Pisau lempar itu bergerak sangat cepat, bahkan Luo Feng tidak bisa memastikan bahwa dia mengubahnya satu meter atau 1.5 meter. Karena pisau lempar itu sangat cepat, menunda sedikit berarti pisau itu sudah bisa bergerak maju sejauh 10 meter. Meskipun reaksinya cepat, pada waktu singkat, Luo Feng hanya bisa sekali mengubah arah pisaunya!
Dan pada waktu yang singkat, tidak hanya ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua saja yang bereaksi, tetapi juga menghindar! Tentu saja, karena waktunya sangat singkat, ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu menghindar di bawah kondisi yang sangat berbahaya.
"PU!" pisau lempar itu menembak ke arah mulut ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua dan menarik celah, dan menyerempet sisik ular itu.
Hanya meninggalkan tanda putih, dan pisau lempar itu langsung terpantul ke tanah.
"Pertahanan yang mengerikan" Luo Feng terkejut. "Kemampuan menghindar yang luar biasa. Dia mengubah arahnya hanya dalam jarak yang pendek, dan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua itu masih bisa untuk menghindar? Ini akan menjadi masalah!" Luo Feng mengetahui bahwa menyingkirkan ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua sendirian akan sangat sulit.
"Hiss~" Kedua kepala ular bergaris hitam berkepala dua menoleh ke arah Luo Feng. Dia membuka mulutnya lebar, dan di dalam, darah berwarna hijau mengalir terus menerus.
Laki-laki kekar berkepala botak yang memegang tongkat tertawa, dan ketika dia mundur, dia berteriak dalam bahasa cina yang aneh, "Bergabung, berpencar setengah?". Pandangannya tertuju ke Luo Feng.
Luo Feng dan Gao Feng saling menatap.??
"Baiklah" kata Luo Feng.
"OK!" Gao Feng bahkan dengan sengaja membuat gerakan.
Tiga orang india, Luo Feng dan Gao Feng, kedua kelompok itu segera membuat keputusan untuk bekerja sama. Kekuatan laki-laki botak kekar itu itu mendapatkan pengakuan dari Luo Feng dan Gao Feng sementara pisau lempar Luo Feng mendapatkan pengakuan dari tiga orang india itu! Hanya dengan kekuatan kamu bisa mendapatkan perhatian dan hormat dari orang lain!
Dan di luar kota mimpi Wan-Ke ada sembilan pasukan petarung yang saat ini perlahan maju. Kesembilan pasukan ini adalah Pasukan Harimau Fang.
"Hm? Itu suara seekor ular, dan salah satu yang terkuat".??Dari kesembilan pasukan, seorang pasukan veteran berambut putih berbicara.
surely a high level commander and nearing the horde leader level!" Gao Feng's expression was extremely serious, and he said in a small voice, "And since it's a mutated twin headed black striped snake, its venom is many times more powerful than a regular black striped snake! It also has two venom sacs, and each of those venom sacs are worth double the amount of a non-mutated black striped snake".
"In other words--"
"This twin headed black striped snake is worth the same amount as four black striped snakes of the same level! A black striped snake that's about to become a dragon is worth around 400 million, so this twin headed black striped snake is worth 1.6 billion! The price is comparable to a regular low level horde leader monster" after Gao Feng said these numbers, the heart rate of the others started increasing rapidly... they have killed hundreds of commander level monsters over the past few days.
But all of that is not even close to the amount of money that the twin headed black striped snake is worth! Obviously, killing stronger monsters earns money at a higher rate.
"Of course, this twin headed black striped snake is extremely dangerous, once you get bit by it or get poisoned by it in any way, it's certain death!" Gao Feng said lowly, "And it has two brains, so both heads can attack the enemy together".
"Are we doing this?" Gao Feng looked towards the other members of the squad and finally laid his eyes on Luo Feng.
Everyone was silent as they looked at Luo Feng.
Luo Feng was the one to make the decision!
A twin headed black striped snake would make them tons of money! But at the same time, it's extremely dangerous!
"I'm in!"
Luo Feng clenched his teeth, "Captain, what about you?". With his spiritual force, his dodging would be unpredictable!
"Luo Feng, help me a bit if there's trouble" Gao Feng clenched his teeth, "Fighters are supposed to walk on the border of life and death. Wei Tie, give me your shield".
"Here, captain".
Wei Tie had no hesitation as he gave his shield to Gao Feng. And Gao Feng put one of his hammers on the ground. He had a shield in his left hand and a hammer in his right. He laughed at himself: "After all this time, I still rarely use a shield in combat. However, this twin headed black striped snake is just too dangerous. If I don't use a shield, I'll actually be quite scared".
"Captain, I'll attack from afar and you attack up close" said Luo Feng quietly, "If something happens, I'll use my spiritual force on your shield or hammer and you can use that force to dodge away".
"Understood" Gao Feng nodded.
Luo Feng looked at the other three and said: "I'll go down with the captain, you guys stay here. Oh yea, brother Chen, aim with your sniper rifle... and make sure nobody tries to take advantage of us and steal the kill!".
"No worries, I'll keep aiming below" laughed Chen Gu slightly, "If you want me to fire, just notify me directly".
Through the tactical communications watch, members of a squad can keep in touch any time.
"Captain, let's go". Luo Feng and Gao Feng speeded down the stairs. Against a monster of this level, Chen Gu and the others could do nothing to help.
Luo Feng and Gao Feng reached the ground and, using their memory, went along a ruined, stony path towards the location of the twin headed black striped snake.
"HISS~" the ear piercing hiss of the snake carried over from far away.
Luo Feng and Gao Feng exchanged glances, and the tactical communications watch slightly vibrated at the same time. Luo Feng lowered his head to look, and a line of words appeared on the tactical communications watch--"three people suddenly appeared and are currently in an intense battle with the twin headed black striped snake".
Gao Feng also received the news and said quietly: "Didn't think that some other group would get to it first. However, let's go take a look".
"Let's go" Luo Feng also nodded.
The two of them rapidly got close and quickly arrived at the corner of a residential apartment. Past the corner, Luo Feng caught a glimpse of the three men currently fighting against the twin headed black striped snake around a few dozen meters away. The three men looked like they were from Western or Southern Asia. Their hair was slightly curly and their skin color was slightly dark.
The bald man who seemed to be the leader of these three men held a dark, golden bo staff around three meters long.
The staff in his hand was like a swimming dragon. Every time the triangular head of the twin headed black striped snake hissed as it flew over to him, the bo staff would always be quick enough to smash the snake. Even if it couldn't smash the head, it would still smash the body of the twin headed black striped snake. Sometimes, the 'point' on the head of the bo staff would connect, causing the twin headed black striped snake to hiss in rage!
As for the other two, they both held a rectangular shield in one hand and a gigantic scimitar in the other. These two were close together and attacked as a team: their coordination was amazing.
The rusty fitness machines that filled the sector from long ago were all smashed open by the swinging tail of the twin headed black striped snake, and the bald brute also retreated rapidly. The bo staff turned and formed a whirlwind that blocked all of the scrap metal, and the master of the staff retreated rapidly.
"Great bo staff technique" Gao Feng couldn't help but to say quietly, "This bald guy is probably an advanced level warlord. The other two are probably medium level warlords".
Luo Feng nodded.
This brute dared to go head to head with the twin headed black striped snake, so it's easy to tell that he's strong.
"SI SI~~"
The twin headed black striped snake was enraged, and the cold eyes of the two gigantic snake heads were enough to send chills down your spine. It repeatedly widely opened its mouth as it attacked. Under the attack of the twin headed black striped snake, the three of them retreated rapidly and started to exchange words. After hearing the conversation between the three, Luo Feng and Gao Feng instantly determined--Indians!
After the battle, one of the heads of the twin headed black striped snake was bleeding. It was smashed by the bo staff of the bald brute! However, this wound was clearly not fatal.
The three Indians swiftly headed towards the direction of Luo Feng and Gao Feng.
"Feel free to fight it if you can" the bald brute squeezed out some chinese. At this time, the twin headed black snake was hissing as it charged over.
Luo Feng and Gao Feng laughed coldly and didn't say much, and then swiftly dodged to the side. They weren't stupid enough to charge directly at a twin headed black striped snake. The leader of the three Indians, the bald brute, couldn't help but to curse under his voice and then shot his three meter long bo staff at the twin headed black striped snake.
"Now is the time"
Luo Feng already grabbed his black throwing knife as he dodged, and this was a 9th series throwing knife! He threw it with lightning speed!
The throwing knife formed a cold light as it shot towards the left head of the twin headed black striped snake. As an existence that is almost a dragon, the twin headed black striped snake is extremely intelligent. It saw that the insignificant human threw a throwing knife, so its left head swiftly waved. The brain of a snake has always worked extremely quickly!
The left head of the twin headed black striped snake instantly became blurred.
"Its intellect was used against itself" laughed Luo Feng coldly, "Change!"
He purposefully threw his throwing knife to make the wiseacre twin headed black striped snake to think he used hidden weapons. Using common sense, throwing knives can't change direction in the air. Sadly..... Luo Feng wasn't some hidden weapons expert, but was tens to hundreds of times stronger than a hidden weapons expert.
When there was just barely a meter left between the throwing knife and the twin headed black striped snake, the knife slightly changed direction. Just this slight change caused the knife to charge towards one of the eyes of the twin headed black striped snake's left head.
"HISS~" the twin headed black striped snake hissed out of rage, and in that short moment, actually made an dodging movement with its left head!
Know that, Luo Feng's throwing knife was already going at a few times faster than the speed of sound, even faster than a sniper bullet!
A distance of one meter and a speed several times the speed of sound, not even a thousandth of a second!
And since the throwing knife was moving so quickly, even Luo Feng couldn't be sure that he changed it at 1 meter or 1.5 meters. Since the throwing knife was so fast, a slight delay means that the knife could've moved forward by 10 meters already. Even if he reacts quickly, in that short moment, Luo Feng can only change the knife's direction once!
And in just that short moment, not only did the twin headed black striped snake react, but it also dodged! Of course, since it was such a short moment, the twin headed black striped snake dodged under extreme circumstances.
"PU!" the throwing knife shot at the mouth of the twin headed black striped snake and drew out a gap, and grazed the twin headed black striped snake's scales.
It only left a white mark, and the throwing knife directly reflected into the ground.
"Such horrifying defense" Luo Feng was startled, "Such amazing dodging capabilities. It changed direction in such a short distance, and this twin headed black striped snake was still able to dodge? This is going to be a problem!" Luo Feng knew that getting rid of this twin headed black striped snake by himself would be extremely difficult.
"Hiss~" the two heads of the twin headed black striped snake both turned towards Luo Feng. Its left head had a huge gap in its mouth, and a deep, green colored blood flowed out continuously.
The bald brute who wielded the long bo staff laughed loudly, and as he retreated, he yelled in his awkward chinese, "Team up, split half?". His gaze was on Luo Feng.
Luo Feng and Gao Feng exchanged glances.
"Alright" said Luo Feng.
"OK!" Gao Feng even purposefully made a gesture.
The three Indians and Luo Feng and Gao Feng, both groups instantly made their decision to cooperate. The bald brute's strength earned Luo Feng and Gao Feng's recognition while Luo Feng's throwing knives earned the three Indian's recognition! Only with strength can you earn others' attention and respect!
And outside of Wan-Ke dream city was a fighter squad of nine that was currently slowly heading forward. In this squad of nine were the members of the tiger fang squad.
"Hm? That's the sound of a snake, and an extremely powerful one at that".
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